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Myfyrwyr yn Helpu i Lunio Strategaeth Lles

Yn gynharach yr wythnos yma (Dydd Mawrth, Chwefror 28), daeth dros wyth deg o gynrychiolwyr dosbarth o Goleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor ynghyd, i gymryd rhan yn y gynhadledd Addysg Bellach wyneb yn wyneb gyntaf ers dros dair blynedd.

Roedd y gynhadledd draws-Grŵp ryngweithiol, a gynhaliwyd ar gampws Friars Coleg Menai ym Mangor, yn canolbwyntio ar Les Myfyrwyr a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o elusen y Grŵp, Shelter Cymru. Rhoddodd y sesiwn diwrnod cyfan lwyfan i ddysgwyr rannu eu barn a’u profiadau o fywyd yn y coleg. Cawsant gyfle i siarad ag aelodau uwch o'r staff ynghylch unrhyw syniadau a allai fod ganddynt i wella’r ddarpariaeth lles, y gweithgareddau a’r cyfleusterau sydd ar gael yn y coleg.

Anogwyd myfyrwyr hefyd i ystyried enghreifftiau o weithgareddau lles yr hoffent eu gweld yn digwydd yn eu coleg, gan gynnwys creu cymdeithasau fel ‘clybiau llyfrau’ a ‘chlybiau ffilm’, a chynllunio gwibdeithiau fel go-gertio, nofio, a gweithgareddau corfforol eraill.

Roedd siaradwyr gwadd o elusennau ‘Shelter Cymru’ a ‘RASASC Gogledd Cymru’ - Canolfan Gefnogi Trais a Cham-drin Rhywiol, hefyd yn bresennol, i gynnal gweithgareddau gyda’r myfyrwyr.

Amlinellodd Frankie Mairs, o Shelter Cymru, yr hyn y mae'r Elusen yn ei wneud a sut y gallant ddarparu cymorth i unrhyw un sy'n wynebu digartrefedd. Gwahoddwyd myfyrwyr i rannu eu syniadau ar wahanol fathau o weithgareddau codi arian y maent yn eu cynnal yn eu coleg.

Clywodd y myfyrwyr gan Mared Williams, Cynghorydd Trais Rhywiol Annibynnol o RASASC Gogledd Cymru, hefyd. Cododd ymwybyddiaeth o’r gwahanol fathau o aflonyddu rhywiol a thrais, a beth i’w wneud os byddan nhw, neu eu cyfoedion, yn profi achosion o’r fath byth. Daeth sesiwn Mared i ben gyda chwis.

Cafwyd sgyrsiau i’r myfyrwyr gan aelodau o staff, gan gynnwys Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, a Phennaeth Coleg Menai a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Aled Jones-Griffith.

Meddai Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai,

“Roeddem mor falch o fod wedi gallu cynnal y digwyddiad gwych hwn wyneb yn wyneb eleni, ar ôl tair blynedd o’i gynnal ar-lein oherwydd Covid.

Mae llais y myfyrwyr yn ganolog i lywio cyfeiriad y Grŵp a’i strategaeth les, ac rydym mor ddiolchgar i’r myfyrwyr a gymerodd ran ac a rannodd eu barn a’u syniadau gyda ni.


“Roedd yn wych gweld myfyrwyr o bob un o’n campysau yn dod i adnabod ei gilydd ac yn cydweithio ar y gweithgareddau”.

The interactive cross-Grŵp conference, held at Coleg Menai’s Friars campus in Bangor, focussed on Student Wellbeing and raising awareness of the Grŵp’s charity, Shelter Cymru. The all-day session gave learners a platform to share their views and experiences of life at college, and an opportunity to speak to senior staff members regarding any ideas they may have to enhance the wellbeing support, activities and facilities available at college.

Students were also encouraged to consider ideas of wellbeing activities they would like to see happen at their college, including the creation of societies such as ‘book clubs’ and ‘film clubs’, and the planning of excursions such as go-karting, swimming, and other physical activities.

Guest speakers from partner charities ‘Shelter Cymru’ and ‘RASASC North Wales’ also attended, to host activities with the students.

Frankie Mairs from Shelter Cymru, outlined what the Charity do and how they can provide support to anyone facing homelessness. Students were invited to share their ideas on different types of fundraising activities they host at their college to raise money.

The students also heard from Mared Williams, Independent Sexual Violence Advisor from RASASC North Wales, who raised awareness of the different types of sexual harassment and violence, and what to do if they, or their peers ever experience such instances. Mared’s session ended with a quiz.

Talks were given to the students by staff members, including Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor Principal, Aled Jones-Griffith.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“We were so pleased to have finally been able to hold this fantastic event in person again this year, after three years of holding it online due to Covid.

The student voice is pivotal to shaping the direction of the Grŵp and its wellbeing strategy, and we’re so grateful to the students who got involved and shared their opinions and ideas with us.

He added,

“It was great to see students from all of our campuses getting to know each other and collaborating to work on the activities”.

The interactive cross-Grŵp conference, held at Coleg Menai’s Friars campus in Bangor, focussed on Student Wellbeing and raising awareness of the Grŵp’s charity, Shelter Cymru. The all-day session gave learners a platform to share their views and experiences of life at college, and an opportunity to speak to senior staff members regarding any ideas they may have to enhance the wellbeing support, activities and facilities available at college.

Students were also encouraged to consider ideas of wellbeing activities they would like to see happen at their college, including the creation of societies such as ‘book clubs’ and ‘film clubs’, and the planning of excursions such as go-karting, swimming, and other physical activities.

Guest speakers from partner charities ‘Shelter Cymru’ and ‘RASASC North Wales’ also attended, to host activities with the students.

Frankie Mairs from Shelter Cymru, outlined what the Charity do and how they can provide support to anyone facing homelessness. Students were invited to share their ideas on different types of fundraising activities they host at their college to raise money.

The students also heard from Mared Williams, Independent Sexual Violence Advisor from RASASC North Wales, who raised awareness of the different types of sexual harassment and violence, and what to do if they, or their peers ever experience such instances. Mared’s session ended with a quiz.

Talks were given to the students by staff members, including Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor Principal, Aled Jones-Griffith.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“We were so pleased to have finally been able to hold this fantastic event in person again this year, after three years of holding it online due to Covid.

The student voice is pivotal to shaping the direction of the Grŵp and its wellbeing strategy, and we’re so grateful to the students who got involved and shared their opinions and ideas with us.

He added,

“It was great to see students from all of our campuses getting to know each other and collaborating to work on the activities”.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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