Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Myfyrwyr ar brofiad gwaith yn helpu gyda'r gwaith o drawsnewid Tŷ Menai

Cafodd dau o fyfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai gyfle i gyfrannu at y gwaith o drawsnewid adeilad Coleg Menai yn Nhŷ Menai tra oedden nhw ar leoliad profiad gwaith gyda Read Construction.

Mae Brody White a Ben Hughes yn dilyn y cwrs Lefel 3 ym maes Adeiladu a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig, a thra oedden nhw ar leoliad gwaith gyda'r cwmni cafodd y ddau gyfle i weithio ar gampws newydd Coleg Menai ym Mangor sy'n brosiect gwerth £20 miliwn. ⁠

Cafodd y ddau gyfle i fynychu cyfarfodydd rheoli, i adolygu cynlluniau ac i gynnal sganiau CAT, arolygon, gwiriadau diogelwch ac ati gan osod eu gyrfaoedd yn y diwydiant adeiladu ar sylfeini cadarn.

Gwnaeth eu gwaith argraff ar Read, ac meddai rheolwr y prosiect, Eilir Jones: "Cafodd y myfyrwyr dasgau amrywiol oedd yn cynnwys sganio CAT, marcio, cynnal arolygon a mynychu cyfarfodydd cynnydd.

"Yn ystod yr wythnos roedd Brody a Ben yn gwrtais, yn awyddus i gymryd rhan ym mhob tasg ac yn frwd iawn i ddysgu. Mae wedi bod yn bleser eu cael nhw gyda ni ar y safle, a rhoi cyfle iddynt gael profiad llawn o waith ar safle adeiladu i ategu'r hyn maen nhw'n ei ddysgu yn yr ystafell ddosbarth."

Roedd y myfyrwyr yn teimlo bod y profiad wedi bod yn un hynod werthfawr. Meddai Brody: "Dw i'n teimlo bod cymryd rhan mewn profiad gwaith yn hanfodol gan ei fod yn rhoi cyfle i unigolion benderfynu a ydyn nhw'n addas ar gyfer swydd.

"Gall gweithio dros dro i gwmni helpu i agor drysau a rhoi digonedd o gyfleoedd i chi. Hoffwn ddiolch i Read Construction am roi'r profiad yma i mi."

Meddai Ben: "Mi wnes i fwynhau fy wythnos gyda Read Construction yn arw. Roedd yn brofiad dysgu cadarnhaol iawn. Roedd amrywiaeth o dasgau i'w gwneud, felly mi ges i brofiad o sut beth fyddai gweithio iddyn nhw o ddydd i ddydd."

Meddai Claire Taylor, arweinydd y rhaglen Adeiladu a’r Amgylchedd Adeiledig Lefel 3: "Llongyfarchiadau i Brody a Ben am roi'r hyn maen nhw wedi'i ddysgu ar y cwrs Adeiladu a’r Amgylchedd Adeiledig ar waith ac am ddangos eu hymroddiad a'u blaengaredd i weithwyr proffesiynol yn y diwydiant. O ganlyniad, fe gawson nhw wythnos lwyddiannus iawn ar leoliad gwaith.

"Hoffai Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ddiolch i Read Construction am eu cefnogaeth barod."

Gall cwrs Lefel 3 BTEC ym maes Adeiladu a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig (Diploma Sylfaen a Diploma Estynedig) arwain at ystod eang o yrfaoedd. Mae'r cyfweliadau ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf yn cael eu cynnal ar 27 a 28 Mehefin. Gallwch gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cwrs a gwneud cais yma.

Ychwanegodd Mrs Taylor: "Rydym yn gweithio gyda chyflogwyr lleol i helpu i ddarparu cyfleoedd profiad gwaith perthnasol i'n dysgwyr, ac mae hyn yn ei dro yn eu helpu i ddewis llwybr gyrfa.

"Mae cwrs Lefel 3 BTEC ym maes Adeiladu a’r Amgylchedd Adeiledig yn sylfaen ragorol ar gyfer gyrfaoedd amrywiol fel syrfewyr meintiau, penseiri, peirianwyr sifil, rheolwyr safle, swyddogion iechyd a diogelwch, prynwyr, syrfewyr adeiladu, peirianwyr gwasanaethau adeiladu, swyddogion rheoli adeiladu, cynllunwyr, technegwyr CAD, rheolwyr prosiect ac ati, i enwi dim ond ychydig.

"Mae ein dysgwyr yn cael cefnogaeth i symud ymlaen ar hyd y llwybr gyrfa maen nhw'n ei ddewis, pa un ai yw hynny'n golygu addysg uwch, prentisiaeth uwch neu gyflogaeth."

Penododd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai gwmni Read i wneud y gwaith ar gampws newydd Coleg Menai ym Mharc Menai ac anelir at ei gael yn barod i fyfyrwyr erbyn mis Medi 2024.

Mae'r campws newydd wedi cael £14 miliwn gan raglen Cymunedau Dysgu Cynaliadwy Llywodraeth Cymru i symud darpariaeth bresennol Coleg Menai ym Mangor o Ffordd Ffriddoedd a safle Friars.

Cewch ragor o wybodaeth am y gwaith trawsnewid yma.

Mae Read yn cynnig cyfleoedd profiad gwaith eraill, a gall y sawl sydd â diddordeb gysylltu trwy

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am yr amrywiaeth o gyrsiau adeiladu sydd ar gael yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Brody White and Ben Hughes, who are both studying the Level 3 course in Construction and the Built Environment, worked on Coleg Menai’s new £20million Bangor campus as part of their placements.

The students attended management meetings, reviewed plans and carried out CAT scans, surveys, safety checks and more as they set strong foundations for future careers in construction.

Read were impressed with their work, with project manager Eilir Jones saying: “The students were given a range of tasks including CAT scanning, marking out, surveys and attending progress meetings.

“During the week, both Brody and Ben were courteous, keen and willing with all tasks and showed great enthusiasm to learn. It has been a pleasure to have them on site with us, ensuring they have a well-rounded onsite experience to complement their classroom studies.”

The students found the experience hugely rewarding. Brody said: “I believe participating in work experience is vital as it enables individuals like myself to determine if the job role is well suited for you.

“Engaging in such activities with your chosen company can help open many doors and offer an abundance of opportunities. I would like to show my gratitude to Read Construction for providing me with this experience.”

Ben said: “I really enjoyed the week I spent on site with Read Construction. The week was a positive learning experience. There were a variety of tasks to be done to provide experience of what the day-to-day work would entail.”

Claire Taylor, programme leader for Level 3 Construction & the Built Environment, said: "Well done to Brody and Ben who have been able to implement their knowledge from the Level 3 BTEC Construction and the Built Environment course and show their dedication and proactiveness to industry professionals, resulting in a very successful work experience placement.

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai would like to thank Read Construction for their continued support.”

The Level 3 BTEC Construction and the Built Environment course (Foundation Diploma and Extended Diploma) can lead to a huge range of careers. Interviews for places for the next academic year are taking place on June 27 and 28. You can find out more information about the course and apply here.

Mrs Taylor added: “We work with local employers to help provide relevant work experience opportunities for our learners, which in turn helps them to secure their chosen career paths.

“The Level 3 BTEC Construction and the Built Environment course provides an excellent basis for a range of career options such as quantity surveyors, architects, civil engineers, site managers, health and safety officers, buyers, building surveyors, building services engineers, building control officers, planners, CAD technicians, project managers etc, to name a few.

“Our learners are supported to progress with their chosen career paths, whether this means that the next step after level 3 is higher education, employment or onto higher apprenticeships.”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai appointed Read to carry out the works on the new Parc Menai campus, where teaching is due to take place from September 2024.

The new campus, backed with £14 million from the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, will relocate Coleg Menai’s current provision from the Ffriddoedd Road and Friars sites in Bangor. You can find more information about the ongoing transformation here.

Read welcome other work placements, and anyone interested can get in touch via

For information on the range of construction courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Brody White and Ben Hughes, who are both studying the Level 3 course in Construction and the Built Environment, worked on Coleg Menai’s new £20million Bangor campus as part of their placements.

The students attended management meetings, reviewed plans and carried out CAT scans, surveys, safety checks and more as they set strong foundations for future careers in construction.

Read were impressed with their work, with project manager Eilir Jones saying: “The students were given a range of tasks including CAT scanning, marking out, surveys and attending progress meetings.

“During the week, both Brody and Ben were courteous, keen and willing with all tasks and showed great enthusiasm to learn. It has been a pleasure to have them on site with us, ensuring they have a well-rounded onsite experience to complement their classroom studies.”

The students found the experience hugely rewarding. Brody said: “I believe participating in work experience is vital as it enables individuals like myself to determine if the job role is well suited for you.

“Engaging in such activities with your chosen company can help open many doors and offer an abundance of opportunities. I would like to show my gratitude to Read Construction for providing me with this experience.”

Ben said: “I really enjoyed the week I spent on site with Read Construction. The week was a positive learning experience. There were a variety of tasks to be done to provide experience of what the day-to-day work would entail.”

Claire Taylor, programme leader for Level 3 Construction & the Built Environment, said: "Well done to Brody and Ben who have been able to implement their knowledge from the Level 3 BTEC Construction and the Built Environment course and show their dedication and proactiveness to industry professionals, resulting in a very successful work experience placement.

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai would like to thank Read Construction for their continued support.”

The Level 3 BTEC Construction and the Built Environment course (Foundation Diploma and Extended Diploma) can lead to a huge range of careers. Interviews for places for the next academic year are taking place on June 27 and 28. You can find out more information about the course and apply here.

Mrs Taylor added: “We work with local employers to help provide relevant work experience opportunities for our learners, which in turn helps them to secure their chosen career paths.

“The Level 3 BTEC Construction and the Built Environment course provides an excellent basis for a range of career options such as quantity surveyors, architects, civil engineers, site managers, health and safety officers, buyers, building surveyors, building services engineers, building control officers, planners, CAD technicians, project managers etc, to name a few.

“Our learners are supported to progress with their chosen career paths, whether this means that the next step after level 3 is higher education, employment or onto higher apprenticeships.”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai appointed Read to carry out the works on the new Parc Menai campus, where teaching is due to take place from September 2024.

The new campus, backed with £14 million from the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, will relocate Coleg Menai’s current provision from the Ffriddoedd Road and Friars sites in Bangor. You can find more information about the ongoing transformation here.

Read welcome other work placements, and anyone interested can get in touch via

For information on the range of construction courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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