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Myfyrwyr yn Mynd ar Brofiad Gwaith i'r Almaen

Yn ddiweddar treuliodd deg myfyriwr Peirianneg o Goleg Menai bythefnos ar brofiad gwaith yn yr Almaen fel rhan o'r rhaglen Erasmus+.

Cwblhaodd y myfyrwyr eu profiad gwaith mewn cwmnïau peirianneg lleol oedd yn arbenigo mewn meysydd oedd yn amrywio o beirianneg chwaraeon moduro i beirianneg awyrennau a pheirianneg fecanyddol.

Coleg addysg a hyfforddiant oedolion, Akademie Klausenhof, sef partner Erasmus+ y Coleg oedd yn cynnal yr ymweliad. Rhaglen sy'n cefnogi addysg, hyfforddiant, ieuenctid a chwaraeon yn Ewrop yw Erasmus+, ac mae'n rhoi arian a chefnogaeth i ddysgwyr i'w galluogi i deithio yn Ewrop i ehangu eu gorwelion ac ennill profiadau.

Ar benwythnosau ac yn ystod eu hamser rhydd yn Hamminkeln, ymwelodd y myfyrwyr hefyd â chofebion, atyniadau a threfi a phentrefi cyfagos.

Cafodd Josh Royale sy'n fyfyriwr ar y cwrs Peirianneg Cerbydau Modur Lefel 3 fynd ar brofiad gwaith i gwmni peirianneg chwaraeon moduro tra oedd yn yr Almaen. Meddai,

"Roedd y trip yn ardderchog! Roedd yn wych cael y cyfle i fynd i wlad dramor i weithio. Dw i wedi dysgu llawer ac mi fydda i'n defnyddio'r hyn a ddysgais dramor mor aml â phosib yn fy astudiaethau."

Esboniodd Leighton Anthony Owen sy'n dilyn y cwrs Peirianneg Drydanol Lefel 3,

"Ar ôl cyrraedd ar y noson gyntaf cawsom groeso cynnes iawn gan staff Akademie Klausenhof! Roedd pawb yno ac yn fy lleoliad gwaith yn gyfeillgar a pharod iawn i helpu.

Roedd y profiadau ges i'n ystod y profiad gwaith yn rhagorol ac mi fyddan nhw'n ddefnyddiol iawn i mi yn fy ngyrfa yn y diwydiant Peirianneg. Mi faswn i'n bendant yn gwneud y cyfan eto."

Meddai Andy Brookes, Swyddog Rhyngwladol yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai,

"Datblygwyd y prosiect Erasmus+ i roi cyfle i'n dysgwyr gael profiad gwaith mewn gwlad dramor yn y maes maen nhw wedi dewis arbenigo ynddo, er mwyn eu hysgogi ac ehangu eu gorwelion.

"Manteisiodd yr holl ddysgwyr ar y cyfle ac maen nhw wedi bod yn glod i'r coleg a'u tiwtoriaid. Rydan ni wedi cael adborth ardderchog gan staff Akademie Klausenhof a'r cyflogwyr yn yr Almaen, a hoffem ddiolch i ddysgwyr a staff yr adran Beirianneg am ymweliad llwyddiannus iawn."

Aeth Arron Peel, Dirprwy Reolwr Maes Rhaglen Peirianneg Coleg Menai gyda'r myfyrwyr i'r Almaen. Meddai,

"Mi wnaeth yr holl fyfyrwyr fwynhau eu hunain yn fawr iawn yn yr Almaen, ac roedd y trip yn ychwanegiad gwych at y profiadau maen nhw wedi eu cael gyda ni yma yng Ngholeg Menai."

Ychwanegodd, "Mae cynllun profiad gwaith Erasmus+ yn ffordd wych o roi blas realistig i'r myfyrwyr ar y byd gwaith go iawn. Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i Akademie Klausenhof am ein croesawu, ac i'r cwmnïau lleol a ddarparodd leoliadau gwaith arbennig iawn i'n myfyrwyr."

Students completed their work placement in local engineering companies, specialising in a range of areas; from motorsport engineering, to aeronautical engineering and mechanical engineering.

The visit was hosted by the College’s Erasmus+ partner, Akademie Klausenhof, an adult-education and training college. Erasmus+ is a programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe, which funds and supports learners to travel across Europe to gain experiences and insight.

During their time in Hamminkeln, the students also visited local monuments, attractions and other nearby towns and villages on the weekends and in their free time.

Level 3 Automotive Engineering student, Josh Royale, completed his placement at a motorsport engineering company whilst in Germany. He said,

“The trip was excellent! The opportunity to go to a foreign country to work was great, I’ve learnt a lot and will use the knowledge I gained abroad as often as possible in my studies”

Leighton Anthony Owen, who studies Level 3 Electrical Engineering, explained,

“On the first night we arrived we were welcomed really warmly by the staff at Akademie Klausenhof! Everyone there, and at my work placement was friendly and helpful.

“The experiences I gained during the placement were fantastic and will be very useful in my career in the Engineering industry. I would 100% do it all over again.”

Andy Brookes, International Officer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“This Erasmus+ project was developed to give our learners the opportunity to gain work experience in their chosen specialised area in another country, in a bid to inspire them and to expand their knowledge”

“All of the learners made the most of this opportunity and have been a credit to the college and their tutors. We have received fantastic feedback from Akademie Klausenhof staff and the employers in Germany, and would like to thank the participating learners and staff from the Engineering department for making this visit a huge success.”

Arron Peel, Deputy Programme Area Manager for Engineering at Coleg Menai, accompanied the students to Germany. He said,

“All of the students thoroughly enjoyed their time in Germany, and the trip has been a great addition to their bank of experiences during their studies here with us at Coleg Menai”.

He added, “The Erasmus+ work placement scheme is a fantastic way to give students a realistic insight into the real world of work. We are extremely grateful to Akademie Klausenhof for kindly hosting us, and to the local companies which provided our students with really great work placements”.

Students completed their work placement in local engineering companies, specialising in a range of areas; from motorsport engineering, to aeronautical engineering and mechanical engineering.

The visit was hosted by the College’s Erasmus+ partner, Akademie Klausenhof, an adult-education and training college. Erasmus+ is a programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe, which funds and supports learners to travel across Europe to gain experiences and insight.

During their time in Hamminkeln, the students also visited local monuments, attractions and other nearby towns and villages on the weekends and in their free time.

Level 3 Automotive Engineering student, Josh Royale, completed his placement at a motorsport engineering company whilst in Germany. He said,

“The trip was excellent! The opportunity to go to a foreign country to work was great, I’ve learnt a lot and will use the knowledge I gained abroad as often as possible in my studies”

Leighton Anthony Owen, who studies Level 3 Electrical Engineering, explained,

“On the first night we arrived we were welcomed really warmly by the staff at Akademie Klausenhof! Everyone there, and at my work placement was friendly and helpful.

“The experiences I gained during the placement were fantastic and will be very useful in my career in the Engineering industry. I would 100% do it all over again.”

Andy Brookes, International Officer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“This Erasmus+ project was developed to give our learners the opportunity to gain work experience in their chosen specialised area in another country, in a bid to inspire them and to expand their knowledge”

“All of the learners made the most of this opportunity and have been a credit to the college and their tutors. We have received fantastic feedback from Akademie Klausenhof staff and the employers in Germany, and would like to thank the participating learners and staff from the Engineering department for making this visit a huge success.”

Arron Peel, Deputy Programme Area Manager for Engineering at Coleg Menai, accompanied the students to Germany. He said,

“All of the students thoroughly enjoyed their time in Germany, and the trip has been a great addition to their bank of experiences during their studies here with us at Coleg Menai”.

He added, “The Erasmus+ work placement scheme is a fantastic way to give students a realistic insight into the real world of work. We are extremely grateful to Akademie Klausenhof for kindly hosting us, and to the local companies which provided our students with really great work placements”.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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