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Myfyrwyr yn Ennill Medalau Mewn Gemau Terfynol Wordskills UK!

Mae tri myfyriwr o Goleg Menai wedi dod adre o Rowndiau Terfynol Worldskills UK gyda medalau arian ac efydd.

Mae Worldskills UK yn cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr a hyfforddeion i gystadlu mewn ymgais i fod yn enillydd coronog eu maes neu grefft arbenigol.

Yn dilyn y Rowndiau Cymhwysol Rhanbarthol, a gynhaliwyd mewn gwahanol golegau ar draws y DU yn gynharach eleni, cynhaliwyd y Rowndiau Terfynol Cenedlaethol ar draws y DU, rhwng Tachwedd 14 a 18.

Teithiodd Thomas Devine, Josh Woosnam a Cody Cooper i gyd i'w cystadlaethau neilltuol gydag un o'u darlithwyr yn y coleg.

Cynhaliwyd y gystadleuaeth blastro yng Ngholeg Caeredin, lle'r enillodd Josh y fedal Efydd, a chipiodd Thomas yr Arian.

Teithiodd Cody i Goleg Caerdydd a'r Fro i gymryd rhan yn y Sgiliau Sylfaen: Cystadleuaeth Iechyd a Gofal cymdeithasol, ac enillodd y wobr arian.

Esboniodd Mark Allen, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol Coleg Menai,

"Rydym i gyd yn hynod falch o Cody, Josh a Thomas. Mae eu cyflawniad i gyrraedd y rowndiau terfynol ar lefel genedlaethol yn un arbennig ac yn brawf o'u gwaith caled. Rydym mor falch i weld fod eu hymdrechion a'u hymrwymiad wedi talu ar ei ganfed.”

Dywedodd Ben Blackledge, Dirprwy Brif Weithredwr, Worldskills UK,

"Llongyfarchiadau i Josh, Thomas a Cody ar eu llwyddiant o ran medalau yn rownd derfynol Worldskills eleni. Gobeithiwn y bydd eu cyflawniad yn ysbrydoli mwy o bobl i ystyried prentisiaeth a hyfforddiant technegol fel llwybr i fwy o lwyddiant gyrfaol".


"Gan ddefnyddio'r mewnwelediad a enillir o'n rhaglenni seiliedig ar gystadleuaeth, gweithiwn gydag ein partneriaid i godi safonau mewn hyfforddiant, gan helpu i yrru twf economaidd ar draws y DU."

The WorldSkills UK offers a chance for students and trainees to compete in a bid to be crowned winner of their chosen specialist area or trade.

Following the Regional Qualifiers, which were held at various colleges across the UK earlier this year, the National Finals took place across the UK, between the 14th and 18th of November.

Thomas Devinine, Josh Woosnam and Cody Cooper all travelled to their respective competitions accompanied by one of their college lecturers.

The Plastering competition took place at Edinburgh College, where Josh won the Bronze medal, and Thomas scooped the Silver.

Cody travelled to Cardiff & Vale College to take part in the Foundation Skills: Health and Social Care competition, and won the silver medal.

Mark Allen, Assistant Principal at Coleg Menai, said,

“We're all hugely proud of Cody, Josh and Thomas. To be awarded medals at the national-level finals is an outstanding achievement, and is testament to their hard work. We are so pleased to see that their efforts and dedication paid off”

Ben Blackledge, Deputy Chief Executive, WorldSkills UK said,

“Congratulations to Josh, Thomas and Cody on their medal success in this year’s WorldSkils’ finals. We hope that their achievement will inspire more people to consider an apprenticeship and technical training as a route to great career success”.

He added,

“Using insights gained from our competition-based programmes, we work with our partners to raise standards in training, helping to drive economic growth across the UK.”

The WorldSkills UK offers a chance for students and trainees to compete in a bid to be crowned winner of their chosen specialist area or trade.

Following the Regional Qualifiers, which were held at various colleges across the UK earlier this year, the National Finals took place across the UK, between the 14th and 18th of November.

Thomas Devinine, Josh Woosnam and Cody Cooper all travelled to their respective competitions accompanied by one of their college lecturers.

The Plastering competition took place at Edinburgh College, where Josh won the Bronze medal, and Thomas scooped the Silver.

Cody travelled to Cardiff & Vale College to take part in the Foundation Skills: Health and Social Care competition, and won the silver medal.

Mark Allen, Assistant Principal at Coleg Menai, said,

“We're all hugely proud of Cody, Josh and Thomas. To be awarded medals at the national-level finals is an outstanding achievement, and is testament to their hard work. We are so pleased to see that their efforts and dedication paid off”

Ben Blackledge, Deputy Chief Executive, WorldSkills UK said,

“Congratulations to Josh, Thomas and Cody on their medal success in this year’s WorldSkils’ finals. We hope that their achievement will inspire more people to consider an apprenticeship and technical training as a route to great career success”.

He added,

“Using insights gained from our competition-based programmes, we work with our partners to raise standards in training, helping to drive economic growth across the UK.”

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