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Yr angen cynyddol am nyrsys yn sbarduno dwy yn ôl i fyd addysg.

Yn ystod 2021 penderfynodd Sioned Roberts o Borthmadog a Lois Thomas o Finffordd ddilyn cwrs Mynediad i Addysg Uwch gan fod galw cynyddol am nyrsys yng Nghymru.

Gyda ffigyrau diweddaraf Llywodraeth Cymru’n dangos bod bron i 2000 o lefydd gweigion ar gyfer nyrsys yn y wlad, penderfynodd y ddwy ddod yn ôl i fyd addysg, am flwyddyn, er mwyn ehangu eu gorwelion a cheisio cael mynediad i gwrs gradd mewn nyrsio a bydwreigiaeth.

Dywedodd Lois Thomas.

“Er bod y cwrs wedi bod yn anodd ar adegau, a bod gweithio a chwblhau’r aseiniadau wedi bod yn heriol, dwi’n teimlo bod y cyfan werth yr ymdrech. Dwi wedi ennill hyder, ac wedi profi i fi fy hun fy mod i’n gallu gwneud yn dda mewn gwaith academaidd”

Wrth ddilyn y cwrs mynediad, bu Sioned yn gweithio fel Gofalwr Iechyd mewn cartref gofal a Lois yn gweithio fel cynorthwyydd optegol mewn optegydd lleol.

Yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf mi fydd y ddwy yn cychwyn ar gwrs gradd Prifysgol mewn nyrsio.

Dywedodd Sioned Roberts

“Dwi’n falch fy mod i wedi gneud y cwrs ac yn wirioneddol edrych ymlaen at fynd i Brifysgol. Heb ddilyn y cwrs yma, fasa hyn heb ddigwydd”

Os hoffet ti ddilyn llwybr Sioned a Lois yn ôl i fyd addysg mae gennym le o hyd ar ein cwrs Mynediad i Addysg Uwch (Gofal Iechyd) ym Mhwllheli.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cliciwch YMA

With the latest figures from the Welsh Government showing that there are almost 2,000 vacant positions for nurses in the country, the two decided re-enter the world of education for one year, and join the Access to HE course at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus. The course provides a ‘passport to university-level study’, and more specifically for the duo, places on a degree course in nursing and midwifery.

Lois Thomas said: “Although the course has been testing at times, and completing the assignments has been sometimes challenging, I feel that it has all been worth the effort. I've gained confidence and proved to myself that I can do well in academic work."

While following the entry course, Sioned worked as a health carer in a care home and Lois worked as an optical assistant in a local optician’s. In the coming weeks they will both start a university degree course in nursing and midwifery.

Sioned Roberts said: “I'm glad I did the course and I'm really looking forward to going to university. Without following the Access to HE course, all this would never have happened."

If you would like to follow the path of Sioned and Lois back into education, there are still limited places available on the Access to Higher Education (Health Care) course at the college’s Pwllheli campus.

For more information, click HERE

With the latest figures from the Welsh Government showing that there are almost 2,000 vacant positions for nurses in the country, the two decided re-enter the world of education for one year, and join the Access to HE course at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus. The course provides a ‘passport to university-level study’, and more specifically for the duo, places on a degree course in nursing and midwifery.

Lois Thomas said: “Although the course has been testing at times, and completing the assignments has been sometimes challenging, I feel that it has all been worth the effort. I've gained confidence and proved to myself that I can do well in academic work."

While following the entry course, Sioned worked as a health carer in a care home and Lois worked as an optical assistant in a local optician’s. In the coming weeks they will both start a university degree course in nursing and midwifery.

Sioned Roberts said: “I'm glad I did the course and I'm really looking forward to going to university. Without following the Access to HE course, all this would never have happened."

If you would like to follow the path of Sioned and Lois back into education, there are still limited places available on the Access to Higher Education (Health Care) course at the college’s Pwllheli campus.

For more information, click HERE

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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