Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Y cynllun Cymraeg Gwaith yn mynd o nerth i nerth yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai

Yn ystod Wythnos Dathlu Dysgu Cymraeg, rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi llwyddiant y cynllun Cymraeg Gwaith AB ymysg staff Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Bwriad y prosiect yw datblygu sgiliau Cymraeg staff mewn colegau Addysg Bellach. Y nod yw gweithio gydag isafswm o 210 o ddarlithwyr addysg bellach ar hyd a lled Cymru gyda phob un yn cwblhau 120 awr o wersi Gymraeg. Ariennir y prosiect gan Lywodraeth Cymru gyda chymorth ColegauCymru.

Mae 56 aelod o staff wedi cofrestru ar y cynllun eleni gan gynnwys staff gweinyddol, staff cefnogi busnes, darlithwyr, aseswyr, rheolwyr ac uwch reolwyr, yn amrywio o ddechreuwyr llwyr hyd at ddysgwyr hyderus.

Mae hyn yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol y cynllun y llynedd pan wnaeth 11 aelod o staff gwblhau eu harholiadau CBAC yn llwyddiannus.

Dywedodd Siân Pritchard, Tiwtor Cymraeg Proffesiynol.

"Rydw i'n falch iawn o'n cyfranogwyr Cymraeg Gwaith. Maen nhw wedi gweithio'n andros o galed i wella a datblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg. Mae'n bleser eu cefnogi a'u gweld yn datblygu hyder wrth siarad Cymraeg – daliwch ati bawb!'”

Yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd bydd y cynllun yn cynnig gwersi am ddwy awr bob wythnos, yn ogystal â digwyddiadau cymdeithasol a sesiynau anffurfiol.

Dyma ddywedodd Salah Berdouk, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol Diwydiannau Cyfrifiadura a Chreadigol, Adeiladu a Pheirianneg, Coleg Llandrillo, sydd wrthi’n dilyn y cwrs Cymraeg Gwaith:

“Rwyf wedi dechrau dysgu Cymraeg nid yn unig i fy helpu gyda fy ngwaith, ond hefyd oherwydd bod gen i ddiddordeb mawr mewn dysgu iaith y wlad sydd wedi bod yn gartref i mi ers rhai blynyddoedd bellach. Mae gallu dechrau sgwrsio yn Gymraeg yn y gwaith wedi fy helpu i ffitio i mewn yn well ac wedi fy herio yn ddeallusol.”

Dywedodd Valerie Johnson o adran Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

“Rwyf wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg gyda’r coleg ers symud i Gymru yn 2017. Fel dechreuwr llwyr mae hyn wedi bod yn heriol ond hefyd yn bleserus iawn. Mae gennym grŵp hyfryd ac athro rhagorol, amyneddgar a gwybodus. Mae hyn wedi fy helpu’n fawr yn fy ngwaith ac ar ôl pasio arholiad yn gynharach eleni mae hefyd wedi bod yn werth chweil.”

The programme aims to develop the Welsh language skills of staff in Further Education colleges. The aim is to work with a minimum of 210 further education lecturers across Wales with each completing 120 hours of Welsh lessons. The programme is funded by the Welsh Government with the support of ColegauCymru.

56 members of staff have enrolled on the programme this year, including administrative staff, business support staff, lecturers, assessors, managers and senior managers, varying from complete beginners to confident learners.

This follows the huge success of the programme last year when 11 members of staff successfully completed their WJEC examinations.

Siân Pritchard, Work Welsh Professional Welsh Language Tutor said:

"I am very proud of our Work Welsh participants. They have worked extremely hard to improve and develop their Welsh language skills. It's a pleasure to support them and see them develop confidence in speaking Welsh – keep it up everybody!"

During the academic year the programme will offer lessons for two hours each week as well as social events and informal sessions.

Salah Berdouk, Assistant Principal of Computing & Creative Industries, Construction and Engineering at Coleg Llandrillo, who is currently following the Work Welsh course, said:

"I have started to learn Welsh not only to help me with my work but also because I am very interested in learning the language of the country that has been my home for some years now. Being able to start chatting in Welsh at work has helped me to fit in and has also challenged me intellectually."

Valerie Johnson from Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's Learner Services department said:

"I have been learning Welsh with the college since moving to Wales in 2017. As a complete beginner this has been very challenging but also very enjoyable. We have a lovely group and an excellent, patient and knowledgeable teacher. This has really helped me in my work and having passed an exam earlier this year it's also been worth it."

The programme aims to develop the Welsh language skills of staff in Further Education colleges. The aim is to work with a minimum of 210 further education lecturers across Wales with each completing 120 hours of Welsh lessons. The programme is funded by the Welsh Government with the support of ColegauCymru.

56 members of staff have enrolled on the programme this year, including administrative staff, business support staff, lecturers, assessors, managers and senior managers, varying from complete beginners to confident learners.

This follows the huge success of the programme last year when 11 members of staff successfully completed their WJEC examinations.

Siân Pritchard, Work Welsh Professional Welsh Language Tutor said:

"I am very proud of our Work Welsh participants. They have worked extremely hard to improve and develop their Welsh language skills. It's a pleasure to support them and see them develop confidence in speaking Welsh – keep it up everybody!"

During the academic year the programme will offer lessons for two hours each week as well as social events and informal sessions.

Salah Berdouk, Assistant Principal of Computing & Creative Industries, Construction and Engineering at Coleg Llandrillo, who is currently following the Work Welsh course, said:

"I have started to learn Welsh not only to help me with my work but also because I am very interested in learning the language of the country that has been my home for some years now. Being able to start chatting in Welsh at work has helped me to fit in and has also challenged me intellectually."

Valerie Johnson from Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's Learner Services department said:

"I have been learning Welsh with the college since moving to Wales in 2017. As a complete beginner this has been very challenging but also very enjoyable. We have a lovely group and an excellent, patient and knowledgeable teacher. This has really helped me in my work and having passed an exam earlier this year it's also been worth it."

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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