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Myfyriwr Teithio a Thwristiaeth yn Dod i'r Brig mewn Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol!

Mae Jenna O'Brien, sy'n astudio ar y Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Teithio a Thwristiaeth yng Ngholeg Menai, wedi ei choroni yn enillydd yn y Gwobrwyon 'Next Generation Tourism Cenedlaethol'.

Enillodd Jenna y wobr gyntaf yn ei chategori; Cyhoeddwyd Offer Digidol a Thechnoleg ar gyfer Twristiaeth Gynaliadwy yna fel enillydd cyffredinol yr holl Wobrau.

Nod y Gwobrau Next Generation Tourism yw helpu hybu a llywio dyfodol twristiaeth a sgiliau cynaliadwy o fewn y diwydiant twristiaeth a lletygarwch yng Nghymru.

Cyflwynwyd y Symposiwm a'r Seremoni Wobrwyo a gynhaliwyd yn rhithwir ar Ddydd Mercher, Mehefin 16, gyda 57 o bobl yn bresennol, gan Huw Stephens y BBC.

Dywedodd Jenna, "Dw i wedi gwirioni o fod wedi ennill! Mae fy nhiwtoriaid yn y coleg wedi bod yn wych, a fedrai ddim diolch digon iddynt am eu hanogaeth a'u cefnogaeth".

Dywedodd Sharon Jones, Arweinydd Rhaglen Teithio a Thwristiaeth, Lefel 3. "Rydym i gyd mor falch o Jenna. Mi wnaeth hi hyd yn oed ennill gwobr y flwyddyn ddiwethaf Cystadleuaeth y Next Tourism Generation hefyd!

Eleni gwnaeth ymdrech hyd yn oed yn fwy o ymdrech wrth baratoi i gystadlu, a oedd wrth gwrs yn fwy anodd oherwydd y cyfnod clo. Fodd bynnag, gweithiodd yn ddiflino ac roedd yn bleser mawr i fedru ei chefnogi drwy gydol y gystadleuaeth hon."

Jenna won first place in her category; Digital Tools and Technology for Sustainable Tourism, and was then announced as the overall winner of the entire Awards.

The aim of the Next Generation Tourism Awards is to help promote and inform the future of sustainable tourism and skills within the tourism & hospitality industry in Wales.

The Symposium and Awards Ceremony was held virtually on Wednesday, June 16th, where 57 people were in attendance, which was hosted by BBC's Huw Stephens.

Jenna said, “I am over the moon to have won! My tutors at college have been fantastic, and I can’t thank them enough for their encouragement and support”.

Sharon Jones, Programme Leader for Level 3 Travel and Tourism, said, “We are all so proud of Jenna. She even won last year's Next Tourism Generation competition on Sustainable Tourism, too!

This year she made an even bigger effort to prepare a fantastic entry, which was of course more difficult due to the lockdown. However, she worked tirelessly and it was a great pleasure to be able to support her throughout this competition.”

Jenna won first place in her category; Digital Tools and Technology for Sustainable Tourism, and was then announced as the overall winner of the entire Awards.

The aim of the Next Generation Tourism Awards is to help promote and inform the future of sustainable tourism and skills within the tourism & hospitality industry in Wales.

The Symposium and Awards Ceremony was held virtually on Wednesday, June 16th, where 57 people were in attendance, which was hosted by BBC's Huw Stephens.

Jenna said, “I am over the moon to have won! My tutors at college have been fantastic, and I can’t thank them enough for their encouragement and support”.

Sharon Jones, Programme Leader for Level 3 Travel and Tourism, said, “We are all so proud of Jenna. She even won last year's Next Tourism Generation competition on Sustainable Tourism, too!

This year she made an even bigger effort to prepare a fantastic entry, which was of course more difficult due to the lockdown. However, she worked tirelessly and it was a great pleasure to be able to support her throughout this competition.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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