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Dau fyfyriwr yn derbyn ysgoloriaeth y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol

Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod Erin Pennant Jones o Rydymain, Dolgellau a Cynwal ap Myrddin o Lwyndyrys, Pwllheli wedi derbyn ysgoloriaeth y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yn ddiweddar.

Mae Erin, sydd newydd dderbyn ei lefel A mewn Hanes, Cymraeg, a’r Gyfraith o Goleg Meirion Dwyfor, Dolgellau, wedi ennill yr ysgoloriaeth i astudio’r Gyfraith ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth.

Sefydlwyd Ysgoloriaeth Gwilym Prys Davies gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yn 2018 yn enw'r cyfreithiwr nodedig, yr Arglwydd Gwilym Prys Davies o Lanegryn, Meirionnydd. Mae’r ysgoloriaeth werth £1,000 y flwyddyn (neu £3,000 dros dair blynedd).

Meddai Erin, sy’n 18 oed, “Mae’n anrhydedd derbyn ysgoloriaeth gan y Coleg Cymraeg yn enw'r Arglwydd Gwilym Prys Davies. Roedd yn ffigwr hynod o ddylanwadol ym maes y Gyfraith a’r Gymraeg yn fy ardal i ym Meirionnydd, a dros Gymru gyfan. Bydd yn fraint astudio rhan o’r cwrs drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, yn yr un man ag astudiodd Gwilym Prys Davies.”

“Dwi hefyd mor ddiolchgar i’r Coleg Cymraeg am y cymorth ariannol a fydd yn hwyluso fy nghyfnod yn y brifysgol dros y dair mlynedd nesaf.”

Fel menyw ifanc o gefn gwlad Cymru sy’n angerddol dros y Gymraeg, ac yn aelod brwd o Glwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Dolgellau, mae Erin yn gobeithio dilyn gyrfa gyda’r heddlu yn y dyfodol,

Meddai, “Bydd astudio’r Gyfraith yn rhannol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn fy ngalluogi i gael y sgiliau proffesiynol i weithio yn fy mamiaith yn y dyfodol. Gobeithio bydd hyn yn cael effaith bositif ar y gymuned i annog mwy o bobl i wneud yr un peth er mwyn cyrraedd targed y Llywodraeth i gyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050.”

Mae Cynwal ap Myrddin, sydd newydd dderbyn ei lefel A mewn Hanes, Cymraeg ac Astudiaethau Busnes o Goleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, wedi ennill yr ysgoloriaeth i astudio’r Gymraeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Sefydlwyd Ysgoloriaeth Cyngor Gwynedd y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol gan Gyngor Gwynedd. Mae’n cael ei dyfarnu’n flynyddol i unigolyn sydd wedi ymgeisio am un o brif ysgoloriaethau’r Coleg Cymraeg. Mae’r ysgoloriaeth werth £1,000 y flwyddyn (neu £3,000 dros dair blynedd).

Meddai Cynwal, sy’n 18 oed, ac yn gyn-lysgennad Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor y Coleg Cymraeg, “Roeddwn yn falch iawn i glywed fy mod wedi ennill Ysgoloriaeth Cyngor Sir Gwynedd. Dwi’n edrych ymlaen at symud i Gaerdydd i astudio’r Gymraeg yn y brifysgol ac ymwneud â’r gymdeithas Gymraeg yno. Bydd yr arian yn gymorth mawr, felly dwi mor ddiolchgar i Gyngor Gwynedd a’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol am yr ysgoloriaeth.”

Meddai’r Cynghorydd Beca Brown, aelod cabinet sy’n gyfrifol am Addysg ar Gyngor Gwynedd:“Llongyfarchiadau gwresog i Cynwal ap Myrddin ar sicrhau Ysgoloriaeth Cyngor Gwynedd y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a phob dymuniad da iddo ar ei astudiaethau yng Nghaerdydd. Fel Cyngor, rydym yn falch o gefnogi myfyrwyr o Wynedd sydd am astudio a datblygu eu gyrfaoedd drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ac yn falch o fedru cydweithio gyda’r Coleg Cymraeg ar y gwaith pwysig o hyrwyddo’r ddarpariaeth addysg uwch cyfrwng Cymraeg.”

Fel aelod blaenllaw o’r gymuned ym Mhen Llŷn mae Cynwal yn gweithio’n rhan amser yng Nghanolfan Iaith a Threftadaeth Nant Gwrtheyrn, yn golofnydd ar bapur bro Eifionydd, Y Ffynnon, yn chwarae rygbi i dîm Pwllheli, ac yn aelod brwd o Glwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Llangybi. Mae ennill yr ysgoloriaeth ar ran ei sir enedigol yn bwysig iawn iddo felly. Meddai:

“Mae cael fy magu mewn ardal Gymraeg fel Llŷn sydd a chymaint o fwrlwm diwylliannol wedi bod yn gymaint o ysbrydoliaeth i mi feithrin fy niddordeb yn y Gymraeg a hanes fy ngwlad. Rwy’n frwdfrydig iawn i ehangu fy niddordeb a fy arbenigedd ar y cwrs ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, gyda’r bwriad i ddychwelyd i fy ardal i weithio yn y dyfodol.”

Erin Pennant Jones from Rymmain, Dolgellau, and Cynwal ap Myrddin from Lwyndyrys, Pwllheli, have both won scholarships from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol was founded in 2011, and its aim is to work with educational providers to ensure and develop more Welsh-medium study opportunities for learners, students and apprentices in Wales.

Erin, who has just gained her A-levels in History, Welsh and Law at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Dolgellau, has won the scholarship to study Law at Aberystwyth University.

The Gwilym Prys Davies Scholarship was established by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in 2018 in the name of the distinguished lawyer, Lord Gwilym Prys Davies of Lanegryn, Meirionnydd. The scholarship is worth £1,000 per year (or £3,000 over three years).

Erin, who is 18-years-old, said: "It is an honour to be awarded a scholarship from the Coleg Cymraeg in the name of Lord Gwilym Prys Davies. He was an extremely influential figure in the areas of law and the Welsh language, in my area of Meirionnydd, and across the whole of Wales. It will be a privilege to study part of the course through the medium of Welsh at Aberystwyth University, the same place where Gwilym Prys Davies studied.

"I am also so grateful to the Coleg Cymraeg for the financial support that will help alleviate some of my worries whilst studying at university over the next three years."

A young woman from the Welsh countryside who is passionate about the Welsh language - and an enthusiastic member of the Dolgellau Young Farmers’ Club - Erin hopes to pursue a career within the police force in the future,

She added: "Studying law partly through the medium of Welsh will enable me to have the professional skills to work in my mother tongue in the future. Hopefully this will have a positive effect on the community, encouraging more people to do the same in order to reach the government's target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050."

Cynwal ap Myrddin, who has just successfully completed his A-levels in History, Welsh and Business Studies at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli, has won the scholarship to study Welsh at Cardiff University.

The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Gwynedd Council Scholarship was established by the Council, and is awarded annually to an individual who has applied for one of the main scholarships of the Coleg Cymraeg. The scholarship is also worth £1,000 per year (or again, £3,000 over three years).

Cynwal, who is also 18, and is a former Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ambassador of the Coleg Cymraeg, said: "I was very proud to hear that I had won the Gwynedd County Council Scholarship. I'm looking forward to moving to Cardiff to study the Welsh language at university and get involved in the Welsh community there. The money will be a great help, so I am so grateful to Gwynedd Council and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for the scholarship."

Councillor Beca Brown, cabinet member responsible for Education on Gwynedd Council said: "Warm congratulations to Cynwal ap Myrddin on securing the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Gwynedd Council Scholarship and all the best to him on his studies in Cardiff. As a Council, we are proud to support students from Gwynedd who want to study and develop their careers through the medium of Welsh and are proud to be able to collaborate with the Coleg Cymraeg on the important work of promoting Welsh-medium higher education provision."

As a leading member of the community in Pen Llŷn, Cynwal works part-time at Nant Gwrtheyrn Language and Heritage Centre, is a columnist for the Eifionydd local paper, Y Ffynnon, plays rugby for the Pwllheli team, and is an enthusiastic member of the Young Farmers' Club Llangybi. Winning the scholarship on behalf of his home county is therefore very important to him.

Erin Pennant Jones from Rymmain, Dolgellau, and Cynwal ap Myrddin from Lwyndyrys, Pwllheli, have both won scholarships from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol was founded in 2011, and its aim is to work with educational providers to ensure and develop more Welsh-medium study opportunities for learners, students and apprentices in Wales.

Erin, who has just gained her A-levels in History, Welsh and Law at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Dolgellau, has won the scholarship to study Law at Aberystwyth University.

The Gwilym Prys Davies Scholarship was established by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in 2018 in the name of the distinguished lawyer, Lord Gwilym Prys Davies of Lanegryn, Meirionnydd. The scholarship is worth £1,000 per year (or £3,000 over three years).

Erin, who is 18-years-old, said: "It is an honour to be awarded a scholarship from the Coleg Cymraeg in the name of Lord Gwilym Prys Davies. He was an extremely influential figure in the areas of law and the Welsh language, in my area of Meirionnydd, and across the whole of Wales. It will be a privilege to study part of the course through the medium of Welsh at Aberystwyth University, the same place where Gwilym Prys Davies studied.

"I am also so grateful to the Coleg Cymraeg for the financial support that will help alleviate some of my worries whilst studying at university over the next three years."

A young woman from the Welsh countryside who is passionate about the Welsh language - and an enthusiastic member of the Dolgellau Young Farmers’ Club - Erin hopes to pursue a career within the police force in the future,

She added: "Studying law partly through the medium of Welsh will enable me to have the professional skills to work in my mother tongue in the future. Hopefully this will have a positive effect on the community, encouraging more people to do the same in order to reach the government's target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050."

Cynwal ap Myrddin, who has just successfully completed his A-levels in History, Welsh and Business Studies at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli, has won the scholarship to study Welsh at Cardiff University.

The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Gwynedd Council Scholarship was established by the Council, and is awarded annually to an individual who has applied for one of the main scholarships of the Coleg Cymraeg. The scholarship is also worth £1,000 per year (or again, £3,000 over three years).

Cynwal, who is also 18, and is a former Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ambassador of the Coleg Cymraeg, said: "I was very proud to hear that I had won the Gwynedd County Council Scholarship. I'm looking forward to moving to Cardiff to study the Welsh language at university and get involved in the Welsh community there. The money will be a great help, so I am so grateful to Gwynedd Council and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for the scholarship."

Councillor Beca Brown, cabinet member responsible for Education on Gwynedd Council said: "Warm congratulations to Cynwal ap Myrddin on securing the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Gwynedd Council Scholarship and all the best to him on his studies in Cardiff. As a Council, we are proud to support students from Gwynedd who want to study and develop their careers through the medium of Welsh and are proud to be able to collaborate with the Coleg Cymraeg on the important work of promoting Welsh-medium higher education provision."

As a leading member of the community in Pen Llŷn, Cynwal works part-time at Nant Gwrtheyrn Language and Heritage Centre, is a columnist for the Eifionydd local paper, Y Ffynnon, plays rugby for the Pwllheli team, and is an enthusiastic member of the Young Farmers' Club Llangybi. Winning the scholarship on behalf of his home county is therefore very important to him.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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