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Buddugoliaeth i fyfyriwr mewn rownd derfynol am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol!

Llwyddodd myfyriwr o'r adran cerbyd modur, sy'n astudio yng Nghanolfan Technoleg Cerbydau Modur (CAT) Coleg Llandrillo yn Y Rhyl, i ennill medal yn rownd derfynol genedlaethol Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru... am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol.

Gofynnwyd i wyth unigolyn fynd i'r afael ag amrywiaeth o heriau gwahanol o fewn amser penodol yn ystod y rownd derfynol llawn tensiwn a gynhaliwyd eleni yng ngholegau 'r ymgeiswyr dan amodau prawf, a hynny oherwydd y pandemig.

Dangosodd Robat Owen, prentis 20 oed o Amlwch, ei sgiliau yn erbyn saith o'r myfyrwyr gorau o Gymru ym maes ail-orffennu ceir, ac enillodd fedal efydd.

Dyma'r ail flwyddyn yn olynol i Robat ennill medal yn y cystadlaethau cenedlaethol, enillodd fedal arian y llynedd. Mae Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru'n gyfres o ddigwyddiadau a gefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru er mwyn dathlu sgiliau galwedigaethol ac yn rhan o'r gystadleuaeth fyd-eang WorldSkills.

Mae Robat yn gweithio i Williams Classics, Tywyn, Abergele ac yn cyfuno ei ymrwymiadau gwaith â'i hyfforddiant ar gampws y Rhyl. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n astudio ar y cwrs dysgu seiliedig ar waith Lefel 3 mewn Ailorffennu (IMI).

Meddai Robat: "Rwyf wir yn falch i fod wedi ennill medal arall yn y rownd derfynol. Er fy mod i'n gweithio yn y diwydiant cerbydau modur ar hyn o bryd, hoffwn fynd ymlaen i'r diwydiant awyrennau yn y dyfodol. Rydw i'n ffodus bod y sgiliau rydw i wedi'u dysgu yn y coleg yn rhai trosglwyddadwy."

Dywedodd ei diwtor Ben King: "Rydym yn falch iawn â chanlyniad Robat eto eleni. Mae yn fyfyriwr ymroddedig gyda llawer o dalent ac rwyf yn rhagweld bod dyfodol disglair o'i flaen. Mae dwy fedal mewn dwy flynedd yn y rownd derfynol yn gyflawniad arbennig. Mae hyn yn dilyn llwyddiant dau o'n cyn-fyfyrwyr yn ddiweddar yn ennill medalau aur ac arian yn rownd derfynol Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau'r DU..

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Cerbydau Modur ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl, ffoniwch 01745 354 797.



The eight finalists in the vehicle body repair category had to tackle a range of different challenges within a set time period during tense finals, which were this year held at the finalists’ individual colleges, under strict test conditions, due to the pandemic.

20-year-old work-based apprentice, Robat Owen from Amlwch, pitted his skills against seven of the best young vehicle refinishing students from across the length and breadth of Wales, coming away with the bronze medal.

This is the second year running that Robat has won a medal at the national championships after scooping a silver last year. Skills Competition Wales is a Welsh Government-backed series of events designed to celebrate vocational skills and is part of the global WorldSkills competition.

Robat is employed by Williams Classics in Towyn, Abergele and combines his work commitments with his training at the Rhyl campus. He is currently studying on the work-based learning Level 3 Vehicle Refinishing (IMI) course.

Robat said: “I am really happy to have been awarded another medal at the finals. Although I am working in the motor vehicle industry at the moment, in the future I would like to move into the airline industry. I am lucky that the skills I have learnt at college are transferable.”

Tutor Ben King said: “We are all delighted yet again with Robat’s result. He is a dedicated student with lots of talent and I predict a great future for him. Two medals in two years at the national finals is an exceptional achievement. This comes on the back of two of our previous students recently winning gold and silver medals at the UK Skills Competition finals.”

For more information on Motor Vehicle courses starting at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus in September, telephone 01745 354 797.



The eight finalists in the vehicle body repair category had to tackle a range of different challenges within a set time period during tense finals, which were this year held at the finalists’ individual colleges, under strict test conditions, due to the pandemic.

20-year-old work-based apprentice, Robat Owen from Amlwch, pitted his skills against seven of the best young vehicle refinishing students from across the length and breadth of Wales, coming away with the bronze medal.

This is the second year running that Robat has won a medal at the national championships after scooping a silver last year. Skills Competition Wales is a Welsh Government-backed series of events designed to celebrate vocational skills and is part of the global WorldSkills competition.

Robat is employed by Williams Classics in Towyn, Abergele and combines his work commitments with his training at the Rhyl campus. He is currently studying on the work-based learning Level 3 Vehicle Refinishing (IMI) course.

Robat said: “I am really happy to have been awarded another medal at the finals. Although I am working in the motor vehicle industry at the moment, in the future I would like to move into the airline industry. I am lucky that the skills I have learnt at college are transferable.”

Tutor Ben King said: “We are all delighted yet again with Robat’s result. He is a dedicated student with lots of talent and I predict a great future for him. Two medals in two years at the national finals is an exceptional achievement. This comes on the back of two of our previous students recently winning gold and silver medals at the UK Skills Competition finals.”

For more information on Motor Vehicle courses starting at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus in September, telephone 01745 354 797.



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