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Prentisiaeth Tyrbinau Gwynt cyntaf y DU!

Mae prentis Trwsio Llafnau Tyrbinau Gwynt cyntaf y DU wedi dechrau ar ei hyfforddiant yn unig Ganolfan Hyfforddi Tyrbinau Gwynt Cymru, wedi ei lleoli ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Bydd Niall Mirza, sy'n 27 oed ac o Fae Colwyn (WTG Offshore) yn treulio blwyddyn gyntaf o dair ei brentisiaeth yn hyfforddi ar safle'r coleg, cyn torri ei ddannedd yn gweithio ar dyrbinau gwynt ar y môr - ffynhonnell ynni adnewyddadwy fwyaf Cymru - am y ddwy flynedd sy'n weddill.

Ef yw'r myfyriwr cyntaf i astudio am y brentisiaeth hon y DU... ac efallai'r byd! Dywedodd Niall: "Rwy'n hynod gyffrous i fod y person cyntaf i astudio am y brentisiaeth hon yn y DU. Mae'n wych bod yn rhan o ddiwydiant sydd mor bwysig, yn enwedig ar hyn o bryd."

Ymunodd wyth prentis Tyrbinau Gwynt (gweithredu a chynnal a chadw) o RWE â Niall yn y ganolfan ynni adnewyddadwy arbenigol yr wythnos hon, gan ddod â chyfanswm yr holl brentisiaid i 31. Bydd pedwar o recriwtiaid newydd eleni wedi eu lleoli yng Ngwastadeddau'r Rhyl yn y pen draw, a phedwar arall yn Grimsby.

Yn dilyn menter gydweithredol rhwng Grŵp Llandrillo Menai a WTG Offshore dros y chwe mis diwethaf, mae’r brentisiaeth Trwsio Llafnau wedi dod yn realiti, a bydd nawr yn cael ei chynnal ochr yn ochr â phrentisiaeth Technegydd Tyrbinau Gwynt grŵp y colegau sydd eisoes yn hynod lwyddiannus.

Esboniodd Mike Hodgson, sylfaenydd WTG Offsore a Phrif Weithredwr cangen yr UDA: “Bydd Niall yn brentis am y tair blynedd nesaf. Bydd yn treulio rhan fwyaf o'i flwyddyn gyntaf yn yr ystafell ddosbarth yn dysgu hanfodion allweddol: o drwsio llafnau, i lunio adroddiadau, ac iechyd a diogelwch. Bydd yn symud i weithio yn y maes yn ystod ei ail a’i drydedd flwyddyn, ac yn rhoi'r wybodaeth y mae wedi’i dysgu yn y dosbarth i ddefnydd ymarferol gan gynnal asesiadau atgyweirio ar lafnau amrywiol.”

Meddai hyfforddwr ac aseswr Coleg Llandrillo ym maes Tyrbinau Gwynt, Marc McDonough: “Rydym yn falch iawn o groesawu Niall i’r ganolfan, ac yn dymuno’r gorau iddo ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rydym hefyd yn falch iawn o gael parhau i weithio mewn partneriaeth â RWE Renewables i hyfforddi pobl ifanc ar gyfer y diwydiant ynni adnewyddadwy hwn sy'n prysur dyfu. Mae gennym raglen brentisiaeth lwyddiannus ar gyfer ynni hydro, ynni gwynt ar y môr ac ynni gwynt ar y tir ac edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda'n partneriaid yn y diwydiant am lawer o flynyddoedd eto."

Lansiodd Prif Weinidog Cymru, y Gwir Anrhydeddus Carwyn Jones AC, y rhaglen brentisiaeth gyntaf yn y wlad i dechnegwyr ym maes tyrbinau gwynt ym mis Rhagfyr 2012, ynghyd â chanolfan hyfforddi bwrpasol ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am y prentisiaethau ym maes Tyrbinau Gwynt a gynigir yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, cysylltwch â thîm Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr y Coleg ar 01492 542 338.



27-year-old Niall Mirza from Colwyn Bay (WTG Offshore) will spend the first of the three years of his apprenticeship training at the college site, before cutting his teeth on offshore wind turbines - Wales’ biggest renewable energy source - for the final two years.

He is the first student to study for this apprenticeship in the UK… And possibly the world! Niall said: “I am extremely excited to be the first person to study for this apprenticeship in the UK. It is amazing to be a part of an industry which is so important, especially at this moment in time.”

Niall was joined at the specialist renewable energy centre this week by eight new Wind Turbine (operational & maintenance) apprentices from RWE, bringing the overall total up to 31. Out of the new intake, four will eventually be based at Rhyl Flats, and four in Grimsby,

Following a collaborative initiative between Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and WTG Offshore over the past six months, the Blade Repair apprenticeship has become a reality, and will now run alongside the college group’s already hugely successful Wind Turbine Technician apprenticeship.

Mike Hodgson, founder of WTG Offshore and CEO of the USA branch, explained more: “Niall will spend the next three years as an apprentice. Year 1 will be mainly classroom-based, where he will learn key fundamentals: from blade repair, through reporting, to health and safety. During his second and third years, he will move into the field, where he will put the information he has learnt in the classroom to practical use, carrying out repair assessments on various blades.”

Coleg Llandrillo’s Wind Turbine trainer & assessor Mark McDonough said: “We are delighted to welcome Niall to the centre, and wish him all the best for the future. We are also very pleased to continue working in partnership with RWE Renewables to train young persons for the ever-growing renewable power industry. We have a proven successful apprenticeship programme for hydro, offshore, and onshore wind power and look forward to many more years working with our partners in industry.”

First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, officially launched the country’s first Wind Turbine Technician apprenticeship programme and dedicated training centre in December 2012 at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

For more information on wind turbine apprenticeships at Coleg Llandrillo, please contact the College’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



27-year-old Niall Mirza from Colwyn Bay (WTG Offshore) will spend the first of the three years of his apprenticeship training at the college site, before cutting his teeth on offshore wind turbines - Wales’ biggest renewable energy source - for the final two years.

He is the first student to study for this apprenticeship in the UK… And possibly the world! Niall said: “I am extremely excited to be the first person to study for this apprenticeship in the UK. It is amazing to be a part of an industry which is so important, especially at this moment in time.”

Niall was joined at the specialist renewable energy centre this week by eight new Wind Turbine (operational & maintenance) apprentices from RWE, bringing the overall total up to 31. Out of the new intake, four will eventually be based at Rhyl Flats, and four in Grimsby,

Following a collaborative initiative between Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and WTG Offshore over the past six months, the Blade Repair apprenticeship has become a reality, and will now run alongside the college group’s already hugely successful Wind Turbine Technician apprenticeship.

Mike Hodgson, founder of WTG Offshore and CEO of the USA branch, explained more: “Niall will spend the next three years as an apprentice. Year 1 will be mainly classroom-based, where he will learn key fundamentals: from blade repair, through reporting, to health and safety. During his second and third years, he will move into the field, where he will put the information he has learnt in the classroom to practical use, carrying out repair assessments on various blades.”

Coleg Llandrillo’s Wind Turbine trainer & assessor Mark McDonough said: “We are delighted to welcome Niall to the centre, and wish him all the best for the future. We are also very pleased to continue working in partnership with RWE Renewables to train young persons for the ever-growing renewable power industry. We have a proven successful apprenticeship programme for hydro, offshore, and onshore wind power and look forward to many more years working with our partners in industry.”

First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, officially launched the country’s first Wind Turbine Technician apprenticeship programme and dedicated training centre in December 2012 at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

For more information on wind turbine apprenticeships at Coleg Llandrillo, please contact the College’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



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