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Gwobrau Arian ac Efydd yng Nghwpan y Byd ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Coleg

Mae Tîm Cogyddion Iau Cymru yn dathlu wedi ennill gwobrau arian ac efydd yn y Cwpan Byd Coginio yn Luxembourg! Yn hynod iawn, mae dau draean o'r sgwad yn cynnwys myfyrwyr cyfredol neu gyn-fyfyrwyr Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo o Grwp Llandrillo Menai.

Hedfanodd y cogyddion ifanc dawnus y faner Gymreig gyda balchder, gan ychwanegu'r fedel arian yng nghegin boeth Bwyty'r Cenhedloedd at y fedal efydd ddyfarnwyd yn yr elfen Bwrdd o Dân, a ddigwyddodd yn gynharach yn y gystadleuaeth fyd-eang.

Coginiodd y tîm, yn cynnwys cogyddion ifanc o bob rhan o Gymru a'r gororau, bob math o ddanteithion gan gystadlu yn erbyn 15 tîm arall o bob rhan o'r byd yn y digwyddiad coginio proffil uchel.

Yn yr adran 'Bwrdd Tân' gwelwyd y tîm yn paratoi pedwar math gwahanol o fwyd bys a bawd poeth ac oer a phlât o bysgod neu fwyd môr Nadoligaidd oer, a phrif gyrsiau a phwdin poeth i 12 o bobl. Mi wnaethant gwblhau eu cystadleuaeth yn 'Nhŷ Bwyta'r Cenhedloedd' lle cawsant y dasg o baratoi a choginio pryd tri chwrs ar gyfer 70 o bobl.

Mae'r Tîm Iau yn cael ei reoli gan Michael Kirkham-Evans, darlithydd ar gampws Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos a'i hyfforddi gan Danny Burke, cyd-berchennog Olive Tree Catering, Runcorn a chyn gapten Tîm Coginio Uwch Cymru.

Mae'r tîm yn cynnwys y capten Calum Smith, cogydd crwst yn y Shrewsbury School, y cyn fyfyrwyr o Grwp Llandrillo Menai Harry Paynter-Roberts, sy'n sous chef yn y Carden Park Hotel and Spa, ger Caer a Harry Osborne, prif gogydd yn y Quay Hotel and Spa, Deganwy, ynghyd â Sion Hughes, prif gogydd yn y Spa yn Carden Park Hotel, Stephanie Belcher, chef de partie yn Coast, Saundersfoot, a Jay Rees, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn astudio ar gyfer gradd ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos Grwp Llandrillo Menai.

Yr aelodau sgwad oedd yn cefnogi'r tîm yn Luxembourg oedd: Amira Milner o Fwyty Signatures, Conwy; Heather Spencer, commis chef yn y Links Hotel, Llandudno a Pippa Taylor - sydd i gyd yn fyfyrwyr cyfredol yng Ngrwp Llandrillo Menai.

Dywedodd Michael Evans: "Roedd y fedel y tu hwnt i'n breuddwydion. Roedd y garfan yn dangos cyfuniad da o sgiliau, gwybodaeth ac ieuenctid. Bu eu datblygiad dros y 12 mis diwethaf yn rhyfeddol, ac maent yn parhau i godi’r safon o ran eu moeseg gwaith ac ansawdd y prydau a baratowyd.

Dywedodd yr hyfforddwr Danny Burke: "Roeddem i gyd wrth ein bodd gyda'r medalau. Pan yr ystyriwch y diffyg profiad yn y tîm - roedd rhai cogyddion yn cystadlu ar y lefel hon am y tro cyntaf - a'r ffaith eu bod yn cystadlu yn erbyn y gorau yn y byd, dwi'n meddwl iddynt fynd y tu hwnt i ddisgwyliadau."

Canmolodd y Capten Calum Smith y gwaith caled gan bawb oedd yn gysylltiedig gyda'r tîm. "Yn gyffredinol, rydym wrth ein boddau o fod wedi ennill y medalau arian ac efydd. Mae hwn yn gyflawniad anferth ar gyfer ein tîm dibrofiad ac ar gyfer Cymru," meddai.

"Dyma fy ail gystadleuaeth fel capten ac mae'r wybodaeth a enillais wedi rhoi tân yn fy mol i gael yr hyn rydym i gyd ei eisiau - medal aur yn y Gystadleuaeth Coginio Olympaidd yn 2024."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo, ffoniwch dîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.


The talented young chefs flew the Welsh flag with pride, adding the silver medal in the Restaurant of Nations hot kitchen to the bronze medal awarded in the Table of Fire element, which took place earlier in the global competition.

The team, comprising young chefs from across Wales and the border, cooked up a storm, competing against 15 other teams from around the world at the high-profile culinary event.

The Table of Fire section saw the team prepare four different kinds of cold and hot finger food, a cold, festive fish or seafood platter, and hot main courses and dessert for 12 people. They completed their competition in the Restaurant of Nations where they were tasked with preparing and cooking a three-course menu for 70 people.

The Junior Culinary Team Wales is managed by Michael Kirkham-Evans, a lecturer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, and coached by Danny Burke, co-owner of Olive Tree Catering, Runcorn and former Senior Culinary Team Wales captain.

The team comprises captain Calum Smith, pastry chef at Shrewsbury School, ex- Grŵp Llandrillo Menai students Harry Paynter-Roberts, sous chef at Carden Park Hotel and Spa, near Chester and Harry Osborne, head chef at the Quay Hotel and Spa, Deganwy, along with Sion Hughes, head chef the Spa at Carden Park

Hotel, Stephanie Belcher, chef de partie at Coast, Saundersfoot, and Jay Rees, who is currently studying for a degree at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

Squad members supporting the team in Luxembourg were: Amira Milner from Signatures Restaurant, Conwy; Heather Spencer, commis chef at Links Hotel, Llandudno, and Pippa Taylor - who are all current Grŵp Llandrillo Menai students.

Michael Evans said: “The medal haul was beyond our dreams. The squad showed a good blend of skills, knowledge and youth. Their development over the last 12 months has been remarkable, and they are raising the bar in terms of their work ethic and quality of dishes produced.”

Coach Danny Burke said: “We were all thrilled with the medals. When you consider the inexperience in the team - some chefs were competing at this level for the first time – and the fact that they were competing against the best in the world, I think they have exceeded expectations.”

Captain Calum Smith praised the hard work by everybody involved with the team. “Overall, we are delighted to win silver and bronze medals. This is a massive achievement for our inexperienced team and for Wales,” he said.

“It was my second competition as captain and the knowledge I have gained has put the fire in my belly to get what we all want - a gold medal at the Culinary Olympics in 2024.”

For more information on our courses in Hospitality & Catering, please call the college’s Learner Services

team on 01492 542 338.


The talented young chefs flew the Welsh flag with pride, adding the silver medal in the Restaurant of Nations hot kitchen to the bronze medal awarded in the Table of Fire element, which took place earlier in the global competition.

The team, comprising young chefs from across Wales and the border, cooked up a storm, competing against 15 other teams from around the world at the high-profile culinary event.

The Table of Fire section saw the team prepare four different kinds of cold and hot finger food, a cold, festive fish or seafood platter, and hot main courses and dessert for 12 people. They completed their competition in the Restaurant of Nations where they were tasked with preparing and cooking a three-course menu for 70 people.

The Junior Culinary Team Wales is managed by Michael Kirkham-Evans, a lecturer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, and coached by Danny Burke, co-owner of Olive Tree Catering, Runcorn and former Senior Culinary Team Wales captain.

The team comprises captain Calum Smith, pastry chef at Shrewsbury School, ex- Grŵp Llandrillo Menai students Harry Paynter-Roberts, sous chef at Carden Park Hotel and Spa, near Chester and Harry Osborne, head chef at the Quay Hotel and Spa, Deganwy, along with Sion Hughes, head chef the Spa at Carden Park

Hotel, Stephanie Belcher, chef de partie at Coast, Saundersfoot, and Jay Rees, who is currently studying for a degree at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

Squad members supporting the team in Luxembourg were: Amira Milner from Signatures Restaurant, Conwy; Heather Spencer, commis chef at Links Hotel, Llandudno, and Pippa Taylor - who are all current Grŵp Llandrillo Menai students.

Michael Evans said: “The medal haul was beyond our dreams. The squad showed a good blend of skills, knowledge and youth. Their development over the last 12 months has been remarkable, and they are raising the bar in terms of their work ethic and quality of dishes produced.”

Coach Danny Burke said: “We were all thrilled with the medals. When you consider the inexperience in the team - some chefs were competing at this level for the first time – and the fact that they were competing against the best in the world, I think they have exceeded expectations.”

Captain Calum Smith praised the hard work by everybody involved with the team. “Overall, we are delighted to win silver and bronze medals. This is a massive achievement for our inexperienced team and for Wales,” he said.

“It was my second competition as captain and the knowledge I have gained has put the fire in my belly to get what we all want - a gold medal at the Culinary Olympics in 2024.”

For more information on our courses in Hospitality & Catering, please call the college’s Learner Services

team on 01492 542 338.


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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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