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Cyn-fyfyriwr yn derbyn disg aur ar ôl cyrraedd brig y siartiau a chael rhif 1 ar iTunes

Pan ddychwelodd Krystian Koziński cyn-fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn ddiweddar, cyflwynwyd disg aur iddo i ddathlu ei fod wedi cyrraedd y brig ar siartiau iTunes.

Roedd Krystian yn rhan o’r garfan o fyfyrwyr technoleg cerdd a ddaeth i'r brig ar y siart canwr/cyfansoddwr gyda’u halbwm ‘Polar Opposite’, a helpodd i godi arian i’r GIG yn ôl yn 2020.

Mae 16 o ganeuon ar yr albwm – pob un wedi’i chynhyrchu gan fyfyriwr gwahanol – ac fe gyrhaeddodd Krystian y brig yng Ngwlad Pwyl, ei wlad enedigol hefyd gyda’i sengl o’r albwm, ‘23.25’.⁠

Nawr mae llygaid Krystian ar fwy o lwyddiant yn y siartiau wrth iddo gynllunio i ryddhau ei sengl nesaf, ‘Let Me Down’ fis nesaf.⁠

Mae ar fin graddio o’r Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts gyda BA mewn Cerddoriaeth, Cyfansoddi Caneuon a Chynhyrchu, ac mae’n perfformio’n rheolaidd o amgylch y ddinas yn ogystal â chyfansoddi ei gerddoriaeth ei hun.

Ond cymerodd seibiant o’i amserlen brysur i ddychwelyd i gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, lle cyflwynwyd disg aur iddo gan y tiwtoriaid David Ffranc Williams a James Taylor.

Dywedodd Krystian ei fod “mor falch” o lwyddiant ei sengl ei hun a ‘Polar Opposite’ - a grëwyd gan fyfyrwyr y cwrs BTEC Lefel 3 mewn Cerddoriaeth a Thechnoleg Cerddoriaeth o’u cartrefi yn ystod y cyfnod clo.

“Ein haseiniad olaf oedd ysgrifennu, recordio a chynhyrchu ein cân ein hunain, ac yna ei rhyddhau yn rhan o albwm y grŵp cyfan,” meddai Krystian.

“Cyrhaeddodd yr albwm rhif un, a fi oedd yr un lwcus a gyrhaeddodd rif un yng Ngwlad Pwyl.

“Cefais fy synnu – fe wnaethon ni berfformiad byw ar Facebook, oherwydd doedden ni ddim yn gallu cwrdd â’n gilydd ar y pryd, ac fe ffoniodd fy ffrind bum munud cyn oedden ni i fod i berfformio a dweud, ‘Ydych chi wedi gweld iTunes?’.

“Roedd fy nghân i yn rhif un ar iTunes Pwyleg – roeddwn i ar ben y rhestr o'r holl enwau mawr yma o Wlad Pwyl, ac roeddwn i mor falch o hynny, ac mor falch ohonon ni i gyd.”

Symudodd Krystian o Wlad Pwyl i Landudno yn 2017, a dywedodd: "Mi wnes i fwynhau fy nwy flynedd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn fawr iawn Roedd yr holl staff a phawb yn y coleg yn cŵl.

“Ar y dechrau roeddwn i’n bryderus am fy Saesneg, ond fe wnes i ffrindiau yn gyflym iawn ac erbyn i mi raddio roeddwn i’n hyderus i fynd ymlaen i’r brifysgol. Rhoddodd y coleg lwyfan enfawr i mi adeiladu ar y sgiliau roeddwn i wedi’u dysgu.”

Mae Krystian yn perfformio o amgylch Lerpwl, yn chwarae gitâr i'r lleisydd Shona Lanigan. Mae’n bwriadu rhyddhau ‘Let Me Down’ erbyn diwedd Gorffennaf, ac mae “tair neu bedair arall” o senglau hefyd ar y gweill.

Mae'n disgrifio ei gerddoriaeth fel pop acwstig gyda harmonïau a chorau ond hefyd yn cynnwys agweddau pop electronig.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Celfyddydau Perfformio, Cerddoriaeth a Thechnoleg Cerddoriaeth, cliciwch yma.

Lluniau o Krystian Kozinski yn perfformio gyda diolch i Dylancoxmedia.

Krystian was part of the cohort of music technology students who scored top spot on the singer/songwriter chart with their album ‘Polar Opposite’, which helped raise money for the NHS back in 2020.

The album featured 16 songs - each produced by a different student - and Krystian also notched a number one of his own in his native Poland with his single from the album, ‘23.25’.

Now Krystian is eyeing more chart success as he plans to release his next single, ‘Let Me Down’ next month.

He is about to graduate from the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts with a BA in music, songwriting and production, and regularly performs around the city as well as creating his own music.

But he took a break from his busy schedule to return to Llandrillo’s Rhos campus, where he was presented with a gold disc by tutors David Ffranc Williams and James Taylor.

Krystian said he was “so proud” of the success of his own single and of ‘Polar Opposite’ - which he and fellow students on the BTEC Level 3 in Music and Music Technology created from their own homes during lockdown.

“Our last assignment was to write, record and produce our own song, and then release it as an album as a whole group,” said Krystian.

“The album got to number one, and I was the lucky one who got to number one in Poland.

“I was surprised - we did a live performance on Facebook, because we couldn’t meet each other at the time, and my friend called me five minutes before we were due to perform and said, ‘Have you seen iTunes?’.

“My song was number one on Polish iTunes - I was on top of all these big names from Poland, and I was so proud of it, and so proud of all of us.”

Krystian moved to Llandudno from Poland in 2017, and said: “I enjoyed my two years at Coleg Llandrillo very much. All the staff and everyone at college were very cool.

“At the beginning I was anxious about my English, but I quickly made friends and by the time I graduated I was confident to go on to uni. College gave me a huge platform to build on the skills I’d learned.”

Krystian performs around Liverpool, playing guitar with vocalist Shona Lanigan. He plans to release ‘Let Me Down' by the end of July, with “three or four more” singles also in the pipeline.

He describes his music as acoustic pop with harmonies and choirs but also including electronic pop aspects.

For more information about courses in Performing Arts, Music and Music Technology, click here.

Krystian was part of the cohort of music technology students who scored top spot on the singer/songwriter chart with their album ‘Polar Opposite’, which helped raise money for the NHS back in 2020.

The album featured 16 songs - each produced by a different student - and Krystian also notched a number one of his own in his native Poland with his single from the album, ‘23.25’.

Now Krystian is eyeing more chart success as he plans to release his next single, ‘Let Me Down’ next month.

He is about to graduate from the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts with a BA in music, songwriting and production, and regularly performs around the city as well as creating his own music.

But he took a break from his busy schedule to return to Llandrillo’s Rhos campus, where he was presented with a gold disc by tutors David Ffranc Williams and James Taylor.

Krystian said he was “so proud” of the success of his own single and of ‘Polar Opposite’ - which he and fellow students on the BTEC Level 3 in Music and Music Technology created from their own homes during lockdown.

“Our last assignment was to write, record and produce our own song, and then release it as an album as a whole group,” said Krystian.

“The album got to number one, and I was the lucky one who got to number one in Poland.

“I was surprised - we did a live performance on Facebook, because we couldn’t meet each other at the time, and my friend called me five minutes before we were due to perform and said, ‘Have you seen iTunes?’.

“My song was number one on Polish iTunes - I was on top of all these big names from Poland, and I was so proud of it, and so proud of all of us.”

Krystian moved to Llandudno from Poland in 2017, and said: “I enjoyed my two years at Coleg Llandrillo very much. All the staff and everyone at college were very cool.

“At the beginning I was anxious about my English, but I quickly made friends and by the time I graduated I was confident to go on to uni. College gave me a huge platform to build on the skills I’d learned.”

Krystian performs around Liverpool, playing guitar with vocalist Shona Lanigan. He plans to release ‘Let Me Down' by the end of July, with “three or four more” singles also in the pipeline.

He describes his music as acoustic pop with harmonies and choirs but also including electronic pop aspects.

For more information about courses in Performing Arts, Music and Music Technology, click here.

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