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Myfyrwyr Celf CMD yn y ras am wobr genedlaethol

Mewn cydweithrediad â Chyngor Tref Cricieth, mae myfyrwyr celf ar ein campws ym Mhwllheli wedi cyrraedd rhestr fer Gwobr genedlaethol Bywydau Creadigol.

Mae cyfanswm o 31 o grwpiau creadigol wedi cyrraedd rhestr fer Gwobrau Bywydau Creadigol 2021, gan gynnwys Cricieth Creadigol. Dewisir enillydd o Loegr, Iwerddon / Gogledd Iwerddon, yr Alban a Chymru.

Ffion Gwyn, tiwtor celf CMD ym Mhwllheli fu’n gyfrifol am gynorthwyo grŵp o ddeg myfyriwr celf o Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor i beintio’r feinciau.

Dywedodd Ffion Gwyn.

“Ymgynghorwyd â'r gymuned mewn digwyddiad ar-lein ac mae'r dyluniadau cymhleth sy'n deillio o hyn yn seiliedig ar straeon hynod ddiddorol, enwau lleoedd a hanes a thraddodiadau lleol. Gellir dod o hyd i ragor o wybodaeth am y straeon trwy sganio codau QR ar y ddwy fainc. Mae'r rhain wedi'u cysylltu â gwefan Casgliad y Werin gan Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, sy'n dangos mwy o luniau, paentiadau a gwybodaeth am brosiect y Cyngor Tref yr enwau, chwedlau, caneuon, sydd wedi eu casglu gan yr hanesydd lleol Robert Cadwalader”


“Mae'r meinciau'n lliwgar a bywiog, ac yn adlewyrchu gwefr a balchder y myfyrwyr a'u paentiodd nhw. Mae’r meinciau wedi profi’n ysbrydoliaeth, wedi sbarduno sgyrsiau a dod â straeon a lleoedd unigryw Cricieth yn fyw i bawb.”

Dywedodd Mirain Llwyd Roberts, Cydlynydd Prosiect Pontio’r Cenedlaethau

“Rwyf wedi fy rhyfeddu gan yr ymatebion i’r meinciau. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio, yn dilyn blwyddyn o gyfyngiadau a bod ar wahân, y bydd y meinciau hyn yn dod â phobl ynghyd ac yn helpu i frwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd.”

Mae modd i chi bleidleisio YMA

A total of 31 creative groups have been shortlisted for the 2021 Creative Lives Awards, including Cricieth Creadigol Creative Criccieth. A winner will be chosen from England, Ireland/N.Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Criccieth Town Council was invited to refurbish benches under the Friendship Benches scheme by Gwynedd Council as part of its Intergenerational Bridging the Generations Project. Two benches which needed renovating were chosen, one on the seafront and the other on the town green (Y Maes).

Ffion Gwyn, a-level art tutor at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor oversaw the painting of the benches by a group of ten students from college.

Ffion Gwyn, Art tutor ar Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli said

“The community was consulted in an online event and the resulting intricate designs are based on fascinating stories, place names and local history and traditions. More information can be found about the stories by scanning QR codes on both benches. These are linked to the People's Collection Wales website which is maintained by the National Library of Wales, showing more pictures, paintings and information on the Town Council’s project on Criccieth Stories, Legends and Songs, being collected by local historian Robert Cadwalader.”

“The benches are colourful and lively, and capture the buzz and pride of the students who painted them and the community as a whole. The benches have proved inspiring, sparking conversations and bringing Cricieth’s unique stories and places to life for everyone.”

Mirain Llwyd Roberts, Bridging the Generations Co-ordinator said

“I am overwhelmed by the responses to the benches. We’re hoping that following a year of restrictions and being apart that these benches will bring people together and help combat loneliness and isolation.”

Please vote for the project HERE

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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