Penodi Llysgenhad Addysg Uwch newydd i’r Coleg Cymraeg
Mae’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol wedi penodi llysgenhadon newydd ar gyfer 2022 i rannu ‘Sŵn y Stiwdants’ ac annog mwy o ddarpar fyfyrwyr i ymddiddori ym maes addysg uwch cyfrwng Cymraeg.
Meinir Wyn Roberts, sy’n astudio Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar gampws Dolgellau yw’r llysgennad Addysg Uwch cyntaf o GLLM i’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Mae’r 19 wedi’u lleoli mewn prifysgolion ledled Cymru. Eu prif rôl fel llysgenhadon fydd perswadio mwy o ddysgwyr o ysgolion a cholegau addysg bellach i ddilyn eu hastudiaethau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a chyflwyno’r manteision o hynny.
Byddant yn cynrychioli’r Coleg Cymraeg mewn amryw o ffyrdd ar-lein, fydd yn cynnwys gwneud cyflwyniadau, creu a chyfrannu at gynnwys gwefannau cymdeithasol y Coleg, ysgrifennu blogiau a chreu podlediadau ‘Sŵn y Stiwdants’ a mynychu digwyddiadau pan yn saff i wneud hynny.
Blwyddyn gyntaf i GLlM i recriwtio llysgennad Addysg Uwch, sydd yn ychwanegol ir 5 llysgennad Addysg Bellach.
Dywedodd Meinir Wyn Roberts, myfyrwraig Iechyd a Gofal.
“Mae’r ffaith eu bod nhw wedi fy newis wedi rhoi hyder mawr i fi, i mi allu rhoi hwb i bobol eraill o bob oed a dangos nad ydi hi byth rhy hwyr i fynd nôl i addysg ag i astudio yn Gymraeg hefyd. Rwy’n gobeithio gallu dangos i bawb fod hyn yn gyfle mawr iddynt ag iddynt i fynd amdani ac astudio cyrsiau yn Gymraeg. Bydd hyn yn brofiad grêt, rwyf yn edrych ymlaen at y flwyddyn i weithio gyda’r Coleg Cymraeg fel Llysgennad!”
Gellir gwrando ar bodlediadau ‘Sŵn y Stiwdants’ ar Spotify, ble mae dysgwyr a myfyrwyr Cymraeg yn rhannu eu profiadau, boed am fywyd Prifysgol, cyrsiau neu sgyrsiau ysgafn a rhoi’r byd yn ei le! Yn ogystal mae modd dilyn eu hanturiaethau a gweld lluniau’r unigolion ar wefan y Coleg Cymraeg ac ar dudalen Instagram a Twitter ‘Dy Ddyfodol Di’ a Facebook a YouTube ‘Coleg Cymraeg’.
Meinir Wyn Roberts, who studies Health and Social Care at the Dolgellau campus, has been chosen as the first Higher Education ambassador from Grŵp Llandrillo Menai for Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
There are 19 ambassadors based in universities across Wales. The main role of an ambassador is to encourage more learners from schools and Further Education colleges to pursue their studies through the medium of Welsh, whilst explaining the benefits of doing so.
They will represent the Coleg Cymraeg in a variety of ways online, including: making presentations, creating and contributing to the Coleg's social media content, writing blogs and creating 'Sŵn y Stiwdants' podcasts, as well as attending events when it’s safe to do so.
Although Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has five further education ambassadors, this is the first time that the college group has recruited a Higher Education ambassador.
Meinir Wyn Roberts said: "The fact that they have chosen me has given me the confidence to be able to inspire people of all ages, and to show that it's never too late to go back to education and study through the medium of Welsh. I hope to be able to show everyone that this is a great opportunity for them to study courses in Welsh. I am sure it will be a great experience and I am looking forward to working with the Coleg Cymraeg as an ambassador.”
'Sŵn y Stiwdants' podcasts can be heard on Spotify, where Welsh-speaking students share their experiences: be it about university life during a pandemic, their courses, or chatting and putting the world to rights.
You can also follow their adventures and see their pictures on the Coleg Cymraeg website, the 'Dy Ddyfodol Di' Instagram and Twitter pages, and the 'Coleg Cymraeg' Facebook and YouTube pages