Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

'Myfyrwyr Coleg Glynllifon - perfformiad nodedig'

Mae’n bleser gan staff a myfyrwyr Coleg Glynllifon rannu bod dysgwyr eleni, oedd wedi sefyll arholiadau wedi eu dyfranu’n allanol wedi cyflawni graddau sy’n uwch na’r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol.

Yn wir, derbyniodd 56% o’r holl fyfyrwyr a astudiodd gyrsiau Amaethyddol a Diwydiannau’r Tir yng Ngholeg Glynllifon radd rhagoriaeth, tra bod 57% o’r myfyrwyr a astudiodd Reolaeth Cefn Gwlad a Choedwigaeth yn derbyn gradd rhagoriaeth, ffigurau a oedd ymhell uwchlaw’r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol. sydd fel arfer yn 10-20%.

Wrth fyfyrio ar y canlyniadau eleni, dywedodd Martin Jardine, Cyfarwyddwr Bwyd-Amaeth Grŵp Llandrillo Menai: “Llongyfarchiadau i’n holl ddysgwyr. Maent wedi dangos gwydnwch a phenderfyniad mawr wrth gyflawni canlyniadau eithriadol yn ystod y gyfres gyntaf o arholiadau haf ac asesiadau ffurfiol mewn tair blynedd. Rydym yn hynod falch o’r canlyniadau a gyflawnwyd gan ein dysgwyr ac yn dymuno llwyddiant parhaus iddynt i gyd ar gyfer y dyfodol.”

Parhaodd: “Mae’r canlyniadau hyn yn dangos llwyddiant academaidd eithriadol a chyflawniad personol a fydd yn galluogi ein dysgwyr i gymryd eu camau nesaf i brifysgol, prentisiaethau neu gyflogaeth”.

Mae'r canlyniadau rhagorol hyn yn adeiladu ar lwyddiannau diweddar eraill yng Ngholeg Glynllifon. Eglurodd Gerwyn Williams, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen Diwydiannau’r Tir, ‘Yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd ddiwethaf, mae Coleg Glynllifon wedi agor cyfleuster gofal anifeiliaid newydd sbon gwerth £1.6 m, ac mae ein myfyrwyr wedi rhagori mewn nifer o gystadlaethau cenedlaethol, gyda’r enillwyr yn cael eu cadarnhau gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol a Lantra. Cydnabuwyd tîm y fferm hefyd am fod â’r fuches groesi Pro canolig orau yn y DU.”

Meddai Morgan Clwyd, cyn-fyfyriwr Coleg Glynllifon: “Roedd fy amser fel myfyriwr yn astudio Amaethyddiaeth yng Ngholeg Glynllifon yn wych. Roedd y cyfleoedd a lefel y gefnogaeth a gynigiwyd i ni yn wirioneddol ryfeddol. Roeddwn yn ddigon ffodus i ennill gwobr Lantra yn ystod fy amser yn y coleg, diolch yn bennaf i ymroddiad y staff.

“Rydw i nawr yn dilyn prentisiaeth ar stad Cefn Amlwch yn Nhudweiliog ym Mhen Llyn, yn gweithio ar sawl prosiect arloesol sydd ganddyn nhw ar y stad. Rwy’n 100% yn sicr y bydd yr addysg a gefais tra’n astudio yng Nglynllifon yn fy helpu i adeiladu fy ngyrfa yn y dyfodol.”

Eleni rhagorwyd ar dargedau recriwtio myfyrwyr yng Ngholeg Glynllifon, sy'n newyddion gwych i'r sector diwydiannau'r tir yng Nghymru.

Ceir rhagor o fanylion am y cyrsiau Tir sydd ar gael yng Ngholeg Glynllifon yn

In fact, 56% of all the students who studied Agricultural and Land Based courses at the Coleg Glynllifon received a distinction grade, whilst 57% of students who studied Country Side Management and Forestry received a distinction grade, figures that were well above the national average which is typically 10-20%.

Reflecting on this year’s results, Martin Jardine, Director of Agri Food at Grwp Llandrillo Menai, enthused: “Congratulations to all of our learners. They have shown great resilience and determination in achieving exceptional results during the return of the first series of summer exams and formal assessments in three years. We are extremely proud of the results achieved by our learners and wish them all continued success for the future.”

He continued: “These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement that will enable our learners to take their next steps to university, apprenticeships or employment".

These excellent results build upon other recent successes at Coleg Glynllifon. Gerwyn Williams the Land based Programme Area Manager explained that 'During the last academic year, Coleg Glynllifon has opened a brand new £3m animal care facility, and our students have excelled in many national competitions, with winners being confirmed by the Royal Forestry Society and Lantra. The farm team were also recognized for having the best medium sized Pro cross herd in the UK”

Former Coleg Glynllifon student Morgan Clwyd said: “My time as a student studying Agriculture at Coleg Glynllifon was fantastic. The opportunities and level of support offered to us was truly remarkable. I was lucky enough to win a Lantra award during my time at the college, thanks mainly to the dedication of the staff.

“I am now following an apprenticeship at the Cefn Amlwch estate in Tudweiliog on the Llyn Peninsula, working on several innovative projects they have ongoing on the estate. I’m 100% certain that the education that I received whilst studying at Glynllifon will help me build my future career.”

This years student recruitment targets at Coleg Glynllifon have been exceeded, which is excellent news for the Land based sector in Wales.

Further details of the Land based courses on offer at Coleg Glynllifon can be found at

In fact, 56% of all the students who studied Agricultural and Land Based courses at the Coleg Glynllifon received a distinction grade, whilst 57% of students who studied Country Side Management and Forestry received a distinction grade, figures that were well above the national average which is typically 10-20%.

Reflecting on this year’s results, Martin Jardine, Director of Agri Food at Grwp Llandrillo Menai, enthused: “Congratulations to all of our learners. They have shown great resilience and determination in achieving exceptional results during the return of the first series of summer exams and formal assessments in three years. We are extremely proud of the results achieved by our learners and wish them all continued success for the future.”

He continued: “These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement that will enable our learners to take their next steps to university, apprenticeships or employment".

These excellent results build upon other recent successes at Coleg Glynllifon. Gerwyn Williams the Land based Programme Area Manager explained that 'During the last academic year, Coleg Glynllifon has opened a brand new £3m animal care facility, and our students have excelled in many national competitions, with winners being confirmed by the Royal Forestry Society and Lantra. The farm team were also recognized for having the best medium sized Pro cross herd in the UK”

Former Coleg Glynllifon student Morgan Clwyd said: “My time as a student studying Agriculture at Coleg Glynllifon was fantastic. The opportunities and level of support offered to us was truly remarkable. I was lucky enough to win a Lantra award during my time at the college, thanks mainly to the dedication of the staff.

“I am now following an apprenticeship at the Cefn Amlwch estate in Tudweiliog on the Llyn Peninsula, working on several innovative projects they have ongoing on the estate. I’m 100% certain that the education that I received whilst studying at Glynllifon will help me build my future career.”

This years student recruitment targets at Coleg Glynllifon have been exceeded, which is excellent news for the Land based sector in Wales.

Further details of the Land based courses on offer at Coleg Glynllifon can be found at

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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