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Staff adran gelf Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Dolgellau, yn mynd y filltir ychwanegol

Mae staff adran Celf a Dylunio CMD Dolgellau, wedi eu canmol yn ddiweddar, am eu hymroddiad i'r myfyrwyr hynny sy'n astudio gyda nhw. Yn fuan wedi'r ail gyfnod clo, mi ddaeth hi'n amlwg bod y myfyrwyr hynny ar y cwrs Celf Sylfaen, yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael gafael ar offer ac adnoddau ar gyfer cyflawni eu gwaith ar y cwrs.

Dywedodd Euros Wyn Hughes, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen, Y Celfyddydau, Cyfryngau, Iechyd a Gofal yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor.

"Mae dilyn cwrs celf, yn arbennig ein cwrs sylfaen, yn golygu bod disgwyl i'n myfyrwyr greu gwaith o safon ac o ansawdd. Mewn cyfnod normal, byddai gan y myfyrwyr fynediad i adnoddau ac offer yma yn y coleg er mwyn iddynt ymwneud a'i gwaith, gyda'r math o gefnogaeth a ddisgwylir gan sefydliad addysg bellach."

"Daeth hi'n amlwg yn ystod y cyfnod clo, bod rhaid i ni fel staff yr adran Gelf a Dylunio darganfod ffordd newydd o weithio a chefnogi ein myfyrwyr, o gofio bod llawer adref, yn methu gadael, ac yn methu mynd allan i brynu offer ar gyfer eu cwrs."

"Daethpwyd i benderfyniad yn fuan, bod rhaid i ni fel adran i wneud yr hyn oll oedd yn ein gallu i gefnogi'r myfyrwyr hyn, ac o hynny o beth, cafwyd cytundeb yn yr adran bod rhaid i ni ymateb yn rhagweithiol i hyn. Trefnwyd bod staff yr adran yn ymateb drwy fynd a'r offer oedd ei angen, ar unrhyw bryd yn ystod yr wythnos i gartrefi ein myfyrwyr".

"Golygai hyn bod ein myfyrwyr wedi gallu parhau i weithio drwy'r cyfnod clo, ac wedi parhau i greu gwaith celf o safon uchel iawn, a hynny o dan amodau anodd a heriol"

"Yn ychwanegol, daethpwyd i benderfyniad, y byddai staff yr adran yn mynd i nol y gwaith gan ein myfyrwyr, er mwyn gwneud unrhyw waith marcio ac asesu."

Ychwanegodd Bryn Hughes Parry, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol CMD.

"Dyma ddangos gwir werth yr addysg sydd gennym i'w gynnig yma yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor. Mae'r cyfnod clo wedi bod yn heriol ac yn anodd i lawer, ond mae'r math hwn o ymroddiad gan staff yn adran Celf a Dylunio Dolgellau wirioneddol i'w ganmol. Diolch i chi am osod eich myfyrwyr uwchlaw popeth arall, rydym yn hynod o ddiolchgar am eich gwaith a'ch ymroddiad i ddyfodol ein myfyrwyr".

Shortly after the second lockdown it became apparent that those students on the Foundation Art course were finding it difficult to access equipment and resources to carry out their work for the course.

Euros Wyn Hughes, programme area manager for Arts, Media, Health and Care at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said:

"Following an Art course, especially our Foundation course, means that our students are expected to create work of a high standard. In normal times, students would have access to industry standard resources and equipment here at the college for them to partake fully in the course.

"It became clear during the lockdown period that we as staff in the Art and Design department had to find a new way of working and supporting our students, given that many were at home and couldn't leave home to buy art equipment for their course."

He added:

"A decision was made immediately that we as a department had to do all that we could to support these students. There was total agreement within the department that we had to respond proactively to this. We arranged for staff to respond by taking the necessary equipment, at any time during the week, to our students' homes.

"This meant that our students were able to continue to work through the lockdown period, and have continued to create art of a very high standard under difficult and challenging conditions."

"In addition, a decision was made that departmental staff would collect any finished work from our students, to carry out any marking and assessment work that was needed to meet deadlines."

Bryn Hughes Parry, assistant principal of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor added.

"This shows the true value of the education we have to offer here at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. The lockdown period has been challenging and difficult for many, but this kind of dedication shown by staff in Dolgellau's Art and Design department is to be commended. Thank you for putting your students above all else; we are extremely grateful for your work and commitment to the future of our students."

Shortly after the second lockdown it became apparent that those students on the Foundation Art course were finding it difficult to access equipment and resources to carry out their work for the course.

Euros Wyn Hughes, programme area manager for Arts, Media, Health and Care at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said:

"Following an Art course, especially our Foundation course, means that our students are expected to create work of a high standard. In normal times, students would have access to industry standard resources and equipment here at the college for them to partake fully in the course.

"It became clear during the lockdown period that we as staff in the Art and Design department had to find a new way of working and supporting our students, given that many were at home and couldn't leave home to buy art equipment for their course."

He added:

"A decision was made immediately that we as a department had to do all that we could to support these students. There was total agreement within the department that we had to respond proactively to this. We arranged for staff to respond by taking the necessary equipment, at any time during the week, to our students' homes.

"This meant that our students were able to continue to work through the lockdown period, and have continued to create art of a very high standard under difficult and challenging conditions."

"In addition, a decision was made that departmental staff would collect any finished work from our students, to carry out any marking and assessment work that was needed to meet deadlines."

Bryn Hughes Parry, assistant principal of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor added.

"This shows the true value of the education we have to offer here at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. The lockdown period has been challenging and difficult for many, but this kind of dedication shown by staff in Dolgellau's Art and Design department is to be commended. Thank you for putting your students above all else; we are extremely grateful for your work and commitment to the future of our students."

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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