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Tiwtor Saesneg Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn ennill gwobr genedlaethol.

Mae Wendy Hinchey, sydd yn diwtor Lefel-A Saesneg yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, Pwllheli a Dolgellau wedi ennill gwobr genedlaethol gan Brifysgol De Cymru. Enillodd Wendy yn y categori ‘Cefnogi Dilyniant i Addysg Uwch’ mewn seremoni mawreddog ar gampws Treforest y brifysgol.

Derbyniodd Wendy wobr o £500 tuag at DPP a/neu fentrau lles staff yn eu hysgol neu goleg.

Dywedodd Sera Evans, Pennaeth Recriwtio Myfyrwyr y DU PDC: "Cawsom ymateb gwych i'r gwobrau, gyda 93 o enwebiadau yn y pedwar categori, gan 13 o wahanol sefydliadau. Mae'r cyflwyniadau a wnaed wrth eu henwebu yn dangos bod gennym bobl wirioneddol ysbrydoledig ledled Cymru yn gweithio'n ddiflino i helpu'r genhedlaeth nesaf i gyflawni eu llawn botensial.

"Roedd yn anodd dewis enillwyr yn y categorïau, heb fawr ddim i'w ddewis rhwng yr enwebeion.

"Er mai dim ond un enillydd oedd ym mhob categori, roedd pawb a enwebwyd yn enillwyr mewn gwirionedd, ac mae'r disgyblion a'r myfyrwyr y maen nhw’n eu cefnogi yn elwa bob dydd o'u hymrwymiad at ragoriaeth. Rydyn ni’n talu teyrnged i’w gwaith caled a'u hymroddiad."

Dywedodd myfyrwyr Lefel-A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, oedd wedi enwebu Wendy ar gyfer y wobr.

"Cefnogodd Wendy bob un ohonom yn aruthrol gyda'n ceisiadau UCAS.”

"Mae Wendy yn dysgu ar ddau safle, felly mae ganddi nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr dan ei gofal. Mae pob un ohonom wedi cael cefnogaeth gyda'n datganiadau personol, llenwi ffurflenni, ffug gyfweliadau ac ati. Roedd Wendy yn teimlo ei bod yn bwysig i ni gael syniad o realiti bywyd Prifysgol, ac felly gwahoddodd gyn-fyfyriwr i siarad â ni am eu profiadau yn y Brifysgol ynghyd ag awgrymiadau ar sut i lwyddo yn ein gwaith cwrs."

Rydym fel coleg yn estyn ein llongyfarchiadau gwresog at Wendy, ac yn dymuno’n dda iddi yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd sydd o’n blaenau.

Wendy Hinchley, English A-level tutor at the college’s Pwllheli and Dolgellau campuses, was awarded the prize from the University of South Wales (USW). Wendy won the ‘Supporting Progression to Higher Education’ category at an event held at the university’s Treforest campus.

Wendy received £500 towards continuing professional development and/or staff well-being initiatives.

Sera Evans, USW’s head of UK student recruitment, said: “We had a fantastic response to the awards: 93 nominations across the four categories, from 13 different institutions. The submissions for the awards show that we have some truly inspiring people across Wales who are working tirelessly to help the next generation to achieve their full potential. It was difficult to pick winners in the categories, with little to choose between the nominees.

“Despite there being only one winner in each category, all the entrants were winners, and so are the pupils and students they support benefit every day from their commitment to excellence. We salute their hard work and dedication.”

Feedback from students from the Pwllheli and Dolgellau campuses who nominated Wendy for the award included: “Wendy supported each of us massively with our UCAS applications… We have all been given excellent support with our personal statements, filling out forms, mock interviews etc… Wendy felt it was important for us to gain an idea of the realities of university, and so brought a past student in to talk about their experiences at university, as well as providing us with tips on how to succeed with our coursework.”

The college wishes to congratulate Wendy on here stunning success, and wish her well in the coming academic year.

Wendy Hinchley, English A-level tutor at the college’s Pwllheli and Dolgellau campuses, was awarded the prize from the University of South Wales (USW). Wendy won the ‘Supporting Progression to Higher Education’ category at an event held at the university’s Treforest campus.

Wendy received £500 towards continuing professional development and/or staff well-being initiatives.

Sera Evans, USW’s head of UK student recruitment, said: “We had a fantastic response to the awards: 93 nominations across the four categories, from 13 different institutions. The submissions for the awards show that we have some truly inspiring people across Wales who are working tirelessly to help the next generation to achieve their full potential. It was difficult to pick winners in the categories, with little to choose between the nominees.

“Despite there being only one winner in each category, all the entrants were winners, and so are the pupils and students they support benefit every day from their commitment to excellence. We salute their hard work and dedication.”

Feedback from students from the Pwllheli and Dolgellau campuses who nominated Wendy for the award included: “Wendy supported each of us massively with our UCAS applications… We have all been given excellent support with our personal statements, filling out forms, mock interviews etc… Wendy felt it was important for us to gain an idea of the realities of university, and so brought a past student in to talk about their experiences at university, as well as providing us with tips on how to succeed with our coursework.”

The college wishes to congratulate Wendy on here stunning success, and wish her well in the coming academic year.

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