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Canlyniadau Rhagorol i Ddysgwyr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Unwaith eto eleni mae dysgwyr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn dathlu wedi iddynt dderbyn canlyniadau Lefel A rhagorol.

Mae cyfradd lwyddo gyffredinol 2022 yn ardderchog, gyda 87% o'r dysgwyr yn cael graddau A* i C a 41% yn llwyddo i gael graddau A* ac A!

Ar gampws Pwllheli, cafodd y myfyrwyr a oedd yn astudio pynciau gwyddonol ganlyniadau eithriadol o dda. Cafodd 77.8% raddau A* neu A mewn Cemeg, cafodd 69.2% yr un graddau mewn Bioleg, ac roedd y ddau ffigur yn llawer uwch na'r cymharydd cenedlaethol.

Ar gampws Dolgellau, cafodd 83.3% o'r dysgwyr oedd yn astudio Mathemateg raddau A* neu A a chafodd 87.5% yr un graddau mewn Ffiseg. Mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn dangos llwyddiant academaidd a chyflawniad personol rhagorol a byddant yn galluogi ein dysgwyr i symud ymlaen i brifysgol, cwrs prentisiaeth neu gyflogaeth.

Roedd Alaw Jones o Chwilog oedd yn astudio ei phynciau Lefel A ar gampws Pwllheli ar ben ei digon gyda'i phedair A* mewn Bioleg, Cemeg, Mathemateg a Hanes. Dywedodd Alaw ei bod wedi gwirioneddol fwynhau ei hamser yn y coleg ac y buasai'n annog eraill i fynd i Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor i ddilyn eu cyrsiau Lefel A.

Cafodd Ffion Wood o Abersoch A* mewn Bioleg, Cemeg a Mathemateg a bydd yn awr yn mynd i astudio Meddygaeth ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen, tra cafodd Rhys Jones o Benrhyndeudraeth A* mewn Bioleg, Ffiseg a Mathemateg.

Cafodd y darpar astroffisegwr, Daniel Rowe o Fachynlleth A* mewn Mathemateg, Mathemateg Bellach a Ffiseg. Dywedodd Daniel: "Rydw i wrth fy modd gyda'r canlyniadau ac mi fydda i'n mynd ymlaen rŵan i astudio Astroffiseg ym Mhrifysgol Lancaster."

Mae dwy ganolfan Chweched Dosbarth Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor – Chweched Meirionnydd a Chweched Dwyfor – yn gam nesaf delfrydol i chi os ydych yn gobeithio mynd ymlaen i brifysgol neu i waith ar ôl dilyn eich cyrsiau Lefel A. Yn y ddwy ganolfan ceir cyfarpar modern ac amgylcheddau gweithio sy'n adlewyrchu'r byd go iawn.

Yn yr adrannau Gwyddoniaeth, agorwyd labordai newydd ar gampysau Dolgellau a Phwllheli. Mae hyn yn rhan o brosiect £1.9 miliwn i wella ymhellach y cyfleusterau ym maes Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg, Peirianneg a Mathemateg i fyfyrwyr y coleg. Ar ben hyn, ar gampws Dolgellau yn y Marian, bydd labordy arall yn cael ei agor ar gyfer darparu cyfleusterau ym maes roboteg a pheirianneg drydanol.

Mae Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn cynnig dros 20 o bynciau Lefel A a gyflwynir gan diwtoriaid profiadol a chymwys dros ben. Yn ogystal, mae'r coleg yn rhan o gynllun Rhwydwaith Seren Llywodraeth Cymru, a gynlluniwyd i gefnogi'r rhai mwyaf galluog i wireddu eu potensial academaidd yn llawn ac i gael lle yn y prifysgolion gorau.

Mae Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor hefyd yn cynnig rhaglen sy'n cefnogi'r dysgwyr sydd am wneud cais am gyrsiau meddygaeth, deintyddiaeth a milfeddygaeth, yn ogystal â'r rhai sydd am wneud cais i Brifysgolion Rhydychen a Chaergrawnt. Canmolodd Sam Bower, a gafodd A* mewn Bioleg a Chemeg, y gefnogaeth a gafodd gan ddarlithwyr y coleg i wneud cais llwyddiannus i astudio meddygaeth ym Mhrifysgol Lerpwl. Yn ogystal, canmolodd y labordai newydd a'r cyfleoedd a gafodd i ddefnyddio'r offer gorau yn y sector i feithrin profiad ychwanegol wrth gynnal arbrofion ymarferol.

Roedd Fflur Rees Jones, Pennaeth Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor a Choleg Menai, wrth ei bodd â'r canlyniadau rhagorol. Ar ôl blwyddyn heriol arall, roeddent yn dysteb i waith caled ac ymroddiad y myfyrwyr a'r staff. Bydd y labordai a'r offer newydd yn rhoi cyfleoedd newydd a chyffrous i ddysgwyr a fydd yn mynd â nhw y tu hwnt i'r cwricwlwm ac yn eu hymestyn a'u herio ymhellach.

Yn y coleg, cewch gyfleoedd gwych i wneud ffrindiau newydd, i roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd ac i gael ychydig o annibyniaeth. Gallwch hefyd fod yn dawel eich meddwl y cewch bob gofal tra byddwch chi gyda ni.

Dydi hi ddim yn rhy hwyr i wneud cais i ddechrau yn y coleg y mis Medi hwn. Anfonwch neges e-bost i neu ffoniwch 01758 701 385 i siarad ag un o gynghorwyr cyfeillgar y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr.

Our overall A-level pass rate is excellent, with 87% of learners achieving A* to C grades and 41% of our learners achieving the coveted A* and A grades in 2022.

At the Pwllheli campus, learners following STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects particularly excelled: 77.8 % achieved an A* or A grade for Chemistry and 69.2% gained the same grades for Biology, both figures far exceeding the national comparator.

Not to be outdone, over at the college’s Dolgellau campus, 83.3% of learners studying Maths achieved an A* or A grade. These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement and will enable our learners to take their next step to university, apprenticeships or employment.

Ffion Wood from Abersoch gained straight A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and is now going on to study Medicine at Oxford University, whilst Kit Moore-Lambe from Pontllyfni, gained straight A*s in Biology, English Language, English Literature, Geography and History!

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s two sixth form centres - the Meirionydd Sixth & Dwyfor Sixth - are the perfect next-step if you are hoping to progress on to university or employment after studying your A-levels. They are both equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment and real-life working environments.

Over in the college’s Science departments, new laboratories have been unveiled at the Dolgellau and Pwllheli campuses as part of a £1.9m project to improve Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) facilities for college students. A further laboratory will also be created on the Marian campus in Dolgellau to accommodate robotics and electrical engineering facilities.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor offers a choice of more than 20 A-level subjects, delivered by highly-qualified and experienced tutors. The college is also involved in the Welsh Government's Seren Network initiative, which is designed to support high achievers to reach their full academic potential and gain access to leading universities. College is a great opportunity to make new friends, try something new, and gain a little independence, and you can rest assured that you will be fully supported throughout your time with us.

It’s not too late to apply for this September. Email or call 01758 701 385 to speak to one of our friendly Learner Services advisors.

Our overall A-level pass rate is excellent, with 87% of learners achieving A* to C grades and 41% of our learners achieving the coveted A* and A grades in 2022.

At the Pwllheli campus, learners following STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects particularly excelled: 77.8 % achieved an A* or A grade for Chemistry and 69.2% gained the same grades for Biology, both figures far exceeding the national comparator.

Not to be outdone, over at the college’s Dolgellau campus, 83.3% of learners studying Maths achieved an A* or A grade. These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement and will enable our learners to take their next step to university, apprenticeships or employment.

Ffion Wood from Abersoch gained straight A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and is now going on to study Medicine at Oxford University, whilst Kit Moore-Lambe from Pontllyfni, gained straight A*s in Biology, English Language, English Literature, Geography and History!

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s two sixth form centres - the Meirionydd Sixth & Dwyfor Sixth - are the perfect next-step if you are hoping to progress on to university or employment after studying your A-levels. They are both equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment and real-life working environments.

Over in the college’s Science departments, new laboratories have been unveiled at the Dolgellau and Pwllheli campuses as part of a £1.9m project to improve Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) facilities for college students. A further laboratory will also be created on the Marian campus in Dolgellau to accommodate robotics and electrical engineering facilities.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor offers a choice of more than 20 A-level subjects, delivered by highly-qualified and experienced tutors. The college is also involved in the Welsh Government's Seren Network initiative, which is designed to support high achievers to reach their full academic potential and gain access to leading universities. College is a great opportunity to make new friends, try something new, and gain a little independence, and you can rest assured that you will be fully supported throughout your time with us.

It’s not too late to apply for this September. Email or call 01758 701 385 to speak to one of our friendly Learner Services advisors.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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