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Adran Peirianneg Forol Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ym Mhwllheli yn edrych ymlaen at bennod newydd, gyffrous

Rhagfynegir y bydd y twf yn y diwydiannau morol a gwasanaethau morwrol yn tyfu i fod yn werth £25 biliwn y flwyddyn yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf, ac mae Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi datblygiadau newydd a chyffrous yn ei gyfleusterau o'r radd flaenaf yn safle Hafan ym Mhwllheli.

Bydd cymhwyster newydd City & Guilds mewn 'Peirianneg Forol a Systemau Gyriant' ar gael i fyfyrwyr Lefel 2 a Lefel 3 o fis Medi 2022 ymlaen i ateb y galw cynyddol - yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol - am weithlu sgiliedig yn y sector hwn.

Prynwyd cwch Pilot a arferai fod yn gwch peilot, 40 troedfedd o hyd - a oedd yn eiddo i'r cyn-ddarlithydd yn y Coleg, Richard Bufton, cyn iddo farw - a'r bwriad yw ei adfer a'i ddefnyddio eto ar ôl sawl blwyddyn yn segur.

Bydd yr ychwanegiad newydd yma at y badau yn cynorthwyo dysgwyr i weld yr hyn sydd gan gwch masnachol ac i ddefnyddio a phrofi offer amrywiol mewn sefyllfaoedd go iawn, yn cynnwys treialon ar y môr wedi'u hategu gan brofion efelychu, a gynhelir yng ngweithdy Hafan.

Dywedodd Marius Jones, Rheolwr y Rhaglen Adeiladu a Pheirianneg yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor: “Gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn rhagfynegi twf yn y sector morol yn y ddegawd nesaf, mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n adlewyrchu hyn yn y cyrsiau a'r profiadau rydym ni'n eu cynnig. Mae cael cwch newydd fel rhan o'n fflyd cychod yn deyrnged briodol i Richard ac yn newyddion gwych i'n myfyrwyr ni.”

Yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf bydd cwch RIB 'newydd' (cwch pwmpiadwy anhyblyg) yn cael ei gwblhau, a fydd yn mynd a dysgwyr ar y môr i gynyddu eu profiad ar gyfer y cwrs Lefel 2 'Cychod Pŵer', a fydd yn cael ei gynnig iddynt ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael cyfle i arbrofi hefyd ag injan bwrdd allanol Torqeedo trydan 12 awr cyntaf Prydain, i weld sut mae'n perfformio ar gwch Dell Quay Dory 13 troedfedd o hyd.

Ychwanegodd Marius: “Rydym ni'n edrych ymlaen at yr holl ddatblygiadau newydd a chyffrous hyn yn yr adran Peirianneg Forol ym Mhwllheli. Mae'n adeg wych i fod yn meddwl am ddyfodol yn y sector hwn sy'n tyfu'n gyflym, yn enwedig yma yng ngogledd orllewin Cymru, lle mae gennym ni gannoedd o filltiroedd o arfordir a diwydiant morol sy'n ffynnu.”

Mae gan y Coleg ychydig o lefydd yn dal ar gael ar ei gyrsiau Peirianneg Forol. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, edrychwch ar

A new City and Guilds qualification in 'Marine Engineering and Propulsion Systems' will be available for Level 2 and 3 students from September 2022 onwards, addressing the increasing demand - both locally and nationally - for a skilled workforce within this burgeoning sector.

A 40 feet long ex-Pilot boat - that belonged to former college lecturer Richard Bufton before he sadly passed away - has been bought, with the plan of being restored and used again after a number of years of sitting idle.

This new addition to the fleet will help learners to see how a commercial boat is fitted out and to test and run various equipment in real-life situations, including on-the-water sea trials, complemented by simulated tests, performed in the Hafan workshop.

Marius Jones, Programme Area Manager for Construction and Engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said: “With growth predicted in the marine sector in the next decade by both the UK and Welsh Governments, it’s important that we reflect this within the courses and experiences we have to offer. Having a new boat as part of our fleet is both a fitting tribute to Richard, and great news for our students."

During the forthcoming academic year, a 'new' college-built RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) will be completed, which will take learners out on the sea to help them gain experience for the 'Powerboat' Level 2 course, which will be offered to them at the end of the year. Students will also be experimenting with the UK's first Torqeedo 12rs electric outboard engine, to see how it performs on a 13-feet Dell Quay Dory.

Marius added: "We are looking forward to all these new and exciting developments at the Marine Engineering department in Pwllheli. It truly is a great time to be thinking of a future in this growing sector, especially here in North West Wales, where we have hundreds of miles of coastline and a thriving marine industry.”

The college still has limited spaces left on its Marine Engineering courses. If you are interested, visit

A new City and Guilds qualification in 'Marine Engineering and Propulsion Systems' will be available for Level 2 and 3 students from September 2022 onwards, addressing the increasing demand - both locally and nationally - for a skilled workforce within this burgeoning sector.

A 40 feet long ex-Pilot boat - that belonged to former college lecturer Richard Bufton before he sadly passed away - has been bought, with the plan of being restored and used again after a number of years of sitting idle.

This new addition to the fleet will help learners to see how a commercial boat is fitted out and to test and run various equipment in real-life situations, including on-the-water sea trials, complemented by simulated tests, performed in the Hafan workshop.

Marius Jones, Programme Area Manager for Construction and Engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said: “With growth predicted in the marine sector in the next decade by both the UK and Welsh Governments, it’s important that we reflect this within the courses and experiences we have to offer. Having a new boat as part of our fleet is both a fitting tribute to Richard, and great news for our students."

During the forthcoming academic year, a 'new' college-built RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) will be completed, which will take learners out on the sea to help them gain experience for the 'Powerboat' Level 2 course, which will be offered to them at the end of the year. Students will also be experimenting with the UK's first Torqeedo 12rs electric outboard engine, to see how it performs on a 13-feet Dell Quay Dory.

Marius added: "We are looking forward to all these new and exciting developments at the Marine Engineering department in Pwllheli. It truly is a great time to be thinking of a future in this growing sector, especially here in North West Wales, where we have hundreds of miles of coastline and a thriving marine industry.”

The college still has limited spaces left on its Marine Engineering courses. If you are interested, visit

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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