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Myfyriwr o Goleg Menai yn ennill medal arian ym Mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau'r Gymanwlad

Mae myfyriwr o Goleg Menai, Cian Green, wedi llwyddo i ennill medal arian i Gymru ym Mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau'r Gymanwlad yn India.

Mae’r llanc 19 oed, o Nantlle ger Penygroes, bellach yn targedu Gemau’r Gymanwlad 2026 ar ôl sicrhau ei ganlyniad personol gorau yn y gystadleuaeth cipiad ac yna yn y gystadleuaeth plwc dwy law.

Cododd pencampwr Cymru, Cian, 108kg yn y gystadleuaeth cipiad, a 137kg yn y gystadleuaeth plwc dwy law, i orffen yn ail trawiadol y tu ôl i enillydd o Sri Lanka yng nghategori 73kg y dynion iau ddydd Gwener.

Mae’r myfyriwr Weldio a Ffabrigo Lefel 3 yn dweud bod ennill lle ar y podiwm yn gam enfawr ymlaen tuag at gynrychioli Cymru yn 2026.

Dywedodd: "Rydw i'n hapus dros ben, mae'n wallgof. Ro'n i'n gwybod bod gen i siawns o ennill medal, ond roedd yn rhaid i mi weld beth fyddai'n digwydd.

“Dywedodd fy hyfforddwr wrthyf i bod ennill medal yn fwy pwysig mewn cystadleuaeth ryngwladol fel hon na sicrhau canlyniad personol gorau, a dyna rydyn ni wedi'i wneud.

Coleg Menai student Cian Green secured a silver medal for Wales in the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships in India.

The 19-year-old, from Nantlle near Penygroes, is now targeting the 2026 Commonwealth Games after equalling his personal bests in both the snatch and the clean-and-jerk.

Reigning Welsh champion Cian lifted 108kg in the snatch, and 137kg in the clean-and-jerk, to finish an impressive second in the junior men’s 73kg category on Friday, behind the Sri Lankan winner.

The Level 3 Welding and Fabrication student says his podium place is a huge step forward towards representing Wales in 2026.

He said: “I’m more than happy, it’s bonkers. I knew the chance of a medal was there, I just had to see what was going to happen.

“My coach said when you go to an international like this it’s about getting in the medals rather than getting a PB, and we’ve achieved that.

Coleg Menai student Cian Green secured a silver medal for Wales in the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships in India.

The 19-year-old, from Nantlle near Penygroes, is now targeting the 2026 Commonwealth Games after equalling his personal bests in both the snatch and the clean-and-jerk.

Reigning Welsh champion Cian lifted 108kg in the snatch, and 137kg in the clean-and-jerk, to finish an impressive second in the junior men’s 73kg category on Friday, behind the Sri Lankan winner.

The Level 3 Welding and Fabrication student says his podium place is a huge step forward towards representing Wales in 2026.

He said: “I’m more than happy, it’s bonkers. I knew the chance of a medal was there, I just had to see what was going to happen.

“My coach said when you go to an international like this it’s about getting in the medals rather than getting a PB, and we’ve achieved that.

“Mae llwybr clir i mi gael fy newis ar gyfer Gemau’r Gymanwlad. Mae’n seiliedig ar bwy sy'n ennill y mwyaf o bwyntiau, pwy sy'n codi'r pwysau trymaf, pa mor aml ry'ch chi’n ennill medal mewn Pencampwriaeth neu’n cyrraedd safle da yn ystod y blynyddoedd cyn y Gemau.

“Rydw i ar y trywydd iawn ar hyn o bryd, felly mae’n bositif dros ben.”

Tra ei fod yn cadw llygaid ar Gemau’r Gymanwlad, yn y tymor byr mae Cian yn targedu Pencampwriaethau Prydain ym Manceinion ar 5 Awst.

Bydd hefyd yn cynrychioli Cymru yng nghystadleuaeth y Cenhedloedd Celtaidd yn Iwerddon ym mis Hydref.

Ochr yn ochr â’i astudiaethau yng Ngholeg Menai yn Llangefni, mae Cian yn gweithio fel weldiwr i Castle Marine Ltd, busnes trwsio propelorau cychod yng Nghaernarfon.

Dywedodd: “Mae’r coleg a fy ngwaith wedi bod yn wych gyda mi. Mae’r holl diwtoriaid wedi bod yn gofyn sut mae’n mynd, ac mae fy rheolwr wedi bod yn dda iawn yn gadael i mi gael amser i ffwrdd.”

“There’s a pathway to selection for the Commonwealth Games. It’s based on who can make the totals, what your best lifts are, and how you often you medal at Championships or place in good positions over the years leading up to the Games.

“I’m on track for it at the moment, so it’s really positive.”

While he has the Commonwealth Games in his sights, in the shorter term Cian is targeting the British Championships in Manchester on August 5.

He will also represent Wales in the Celtic Nations competition in Ireland in October.

Alongside his studies at Coleg Menai in Llangefni, Cian works as a welder for Castle Marine Ltd, a boat propeller repair business in Caernarfon.

He said: “The college and my work have been great with my weightlifting. All the tutors have been asking how it’s going, and my boss has been really good with letting me have the time off.”

“There’s a pathway to selection for the Commonwealth Games. It’s based on who can make the totals, what your best lifts are, and how you often you medal at Championships or place in good positions over the years leading up to the Games.

“I’m on track for it at the moment, so it’s really positive.”

While he has the Commonwealth Games in his sights, in the shorter term Cian is targeting the British Championships in Manchester on August 5.

He will also represent Wales in the Celtic Nations competition in Ireland in October.

Alongside his studies at Coleg Menai in Llangefni, Cian works as a welder for Castle Marine Ltd, a boat propeller repair business in Caernarfon.

He said: “The college and my work have been great with my weightlifting. All the tutors have been asking how it’s going, and my boss has been really good with letting me have the time off.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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