Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Gwobrau Cymraeg Gwaith i staff Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Mae dau aelod o staff Grŵp Llandrillo sydd wedi rhoi eu sgiliau Cymraeg ar waith yn y gweithle, wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth yn seremoni flynyddol Gwobrau Cymraeg Gwaith 2021.

Anfonwyd enwebiadau o bob cwr o Gymru at Swyddogion Cymraeg Gwaith oedd yn aelodau o'r panel dewis, ac ar ôl trafodaeth hir dewiswyd enillwyr ar gyfer y chwe chategori. Mae Cymraeg Gwaith yn rhaglen a ddyluniwyd i gryfhau sgiliau Cymraeg yn y gweithle. Cyllidir y cynllun gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac fe'i datblygwyd gan y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

Enillydd y categori 'Dysgwr Cymraeg Gwaith sydd yn gwneud y defnydd gorau o'r Gymraeg at bwrpas gwaith (Lefel Mynediad)' oedd Matt Nash, Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Ariannol Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai. Daeth Thomas du Prez, darlithydd yn yr adran Chwaraeon yn ail yn y categori 'Dysgwr Cymraeg Gwaith sydd yn gwneud y cynnydd gorau (Lefel Mynediad)'. Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’n cynnwys Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

Mae Matt Nash yn awyddus iawn i ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg yn ei fywyd bob dydd, yn ogystal ag yn y gwaith. Gwnaeth cynnydd arbennig o dda ac erbyn hyn gall gynnal sgwrs heriol a sylweddol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Chwaraeodd ran bwysig mewn noson gymdeithasol - 'Hwyl yr Wŷl - a chanu carol heriol yn y Gymraeg; ac roedd nifer o'r farn mai dyma oedd uchafbwynt y noson. Roedd y ffaith bod Matt mor barod i berfformio i gynulleidfa eang ar Zoom yn ysbrydoliaeth i'w gydweithwyr, mae'n llawn haeddu pob canmoliaeth am fachu ar bob cyfle i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn ei fywyd proffesiynol.

Dechreuodd Thomas du Prez ddysgu Cymraeg fis Medi 2020, fel dechreuwr pur. Mae Thomas sy'n hanu’n wreiddiol o Dde Affrica hefyd wedi manteisio'n llawn ar y cyfle i ddysgu Cymraeg, ac mae ei gynnydd a'i hyder i ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg wedi cael ei gydnabod ar lefel genedlaethol. Dydy o byth yn colli Gwers Gymraeg, mae ganddo ddiddordeb iach mewn gramadeg ac mae'n ychwanegu at ei sgiliau drwy ddarllen.

Y pedwar categori arall oedd: 'Tiwtor Cymraeg Gwaith y Flwyddyn', 'Cyflogwr Iaith Gwaith y Flwyddyn', 'Dysgwr Iaith Gwaith sydd wedi gwneud y cynnydd gorau (Lefel Sylfaen +)', a 'Dysgwr Cymraeg Gwaith sydd wedi gwneud y defnydd gorau o'r Gymraeg (Lefelau Sylfaen +)'.

Mae Cymraeg Gwaith yn cynnig cyfleoedd i ddysgu, i loywi, ac i ddefnyddio sgiliau Cymraeg yn y gwaith, ynghyd â chymorth i gyflogwyr yn ogystal â gweithwyr.

This year’s panel of Work Welsh officers received nominations from the length and breadth of Wales, and after much deliberation, selected the winners for all six categories. Work Welsh is a programme designed to strengthen Welsh language skills in the workplace. The scheme is funded by Welsh Government and has been developed by the National Centre for Learning Welsh.

Winner of the ‘Work Welsh Learner who makes the best use of Welsh for work purposes (Entry level)’ category was Matt Nash, Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai’s director of financial services. Thomas du Prez, lecturer within the Sports department, was awarded second place in the ‘Work Welsh Learner who has made the best progress (Entry level)’ category. Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai comprises Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

Matt Nash is very keen to use Welsh in his everyday life as well as for work purposes. He has made great progress and can now have a substantial and challenging conversation in Welsh.

He took a prominent role in a social evening - ‘Hwyl yr Ŵyl’ ‘(Season’s Fun’) - by singing a challenging carol in Welsh; everyone agreed that this was the highlight of the night. Matt’s readiness to perform in Welsh to a large audience on Zoom is an inspiration to colleagues, and he thoroughly deserves the accolades for embracing opportunities to use Welsh in his professional life.

Thomas du Prez started learning Welsh in September 2020 as a complete beginner. Thomas, who is originally from South Africa, has fully embraced the opportunity to learn Welsh, and his progress and confidence to use the language has now been recognised at a national level. He never misses a Welsh lesson, has a healthy interest in grammar, and expands his skills by reading.

The other four categories were: ‘Work Welsh Tutor of the Year’, ‘Work Welsh Employer of the Year’, ‘Work Welsh Learner who has made the best progress (Foundation+ levels)’ and ‘Work Welsh Learner who makes the best use of Welsh for work purposes (Foundation+ levels)’.

Work Welsh offers options for learning, improving, and using Welsh skills for work purposes, and offers support for employers as well as employees.

This year’s panel of Work Welsh officers received nominations from the length and breadth of Wales, and after much deliberation, selected the winners for all six categories. Work Welsh is a programme designed to strengthen Welsh language skills in the workplace. The scheme is funded by Welsh Government and has been developed by the National Centre for Learning Welsh.

Winner of the ‘Work Welsh Learner who makes the best use of Welsh for work purposes (Entry level)’ category was Matt Nash, Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai’s director of financial services. Thomas du Prez, lecturer within the Sports department, was awarded second place in the ‘Work Welsh Learner who has made the best progress (Entry level)’ category. Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai comprises Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

Matt Nash is very keen to use Welsh in his everyday life as well as for work purposes. He has made great progress and can now have a substantial and challenging conversation in Welsh.

He took a prominent role in a social evening - ‘Hwyl yr Ŵyl’ ‘(Season’s Fun’) - by singing a challenging carol in Welsh; everyone agreed that this was the highlight of the night. Matt’s readiness to perform in Welsh to a large audience on Zoom is an inspiration to colleagues, and he thoroughly deserves the accolades for embracing opportunities to use Welsh in his professional life.

Thomas du Prez started learning Welsh in September 2020 as a complete beginner. Thomas, who is originally from South Africa, has fully embraced the opportunity to learn Welsh, and his progress and confidence to use the language has now been recognised at a national level. He never misses a Welsh lesson, has a healthy interest in grammar, and expands his skills by reading.

The other four categories were: ‘Work Welsh Tutor of the Year’, ‘Work Welsh Employer of the Year’, ‘Work Welsh Learner who has made the best progress (Foundation+ levels)’ and ‘Work Welsh Learner who makes the best use of Welsh for work purposes (Foundation+ levels)’.

Work Welsh offers options for learning, improving, and using Welsh skills for work purposes, and offers support for employers as well as employees.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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