Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Llywydd dewr Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn eillio ei wallt dros elusen

Eilliodd llywydd dewr Undeb y Myfyrwyr yng Ngholeg Llandrillo ei wallt i gyd er mwyn ei roi i elusen sy'n darparu wigiau am ddim i blant sydd wedi colli eu gwallt eu hunain o ganlyniad i driniaethau canser a salwch eraill. Cododd cannoedd o bunnoedd dros ymchwil canser ar yr un pryd.

Cododd Luke Preston, 19 oed o Fae Colwyn £250 dros elusen y grŵp eleni, sef Ymchwil Canser Cymru, ac fe gyfrannodd ei wallt i Ymddiriedolaeth Y Dywysoges Fach.

Y bwriad gwreiddiol oedd cynnal y digwyddiad yn salon trin gwallt Coleg Llandrillo yn ystod wythnos elusennol Undeb y Myfyrwyr, fis Rhagfyr y llynedd. Aildrefnwyd y digwydd ar gyfer mis Ionawr ond cafodd ei ohirio eto. Penderfynodd Luke eillio ei wallt ei hun gartref oherwydd roedd yn awyddus i gyfrannu ei wallt a chodi arian angenrheidiol dros ymchwil canser.

Dywedodd Luke wedi iddo eillio ei ben: "Roedd penderfynu eillio ar ôl tyfu fy ngwallt dros gyfnod o ddwy flynedd yn benderfyniad mawr ond dw i'n teimlo'n wych rŵan. "Mae'n wych fy mod yn gallu cefnogi dwy elusen drwy dorri fy ngwallt. Rydw i'n falch iawn fy mod i wedi codi tua £250 dros elusen Ymchwil Canser Cymru, elusen swyddogol y myfyrwyr am y flwyddyn 2020/2021. Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn i bawb am eu cyfraniadau."

Mae Undeb Myfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn holi myfyrwyr bob blwyddyn i ganfod pa elusennau sy'n bwysig iddyn nhw. MAe'r undeb yn llunio rhestr fer ac mae'r myfyrwyr yn pleidleisio i ddewis elusen y flwyddyn honno. Dewisodd myfyrwyr yr elusen 'Ymchwil Canser Cymru' i fod yn elusen swyddogol ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2020/2021.

Mae Ymddiriedolaeth y Dywysoges Fach yn elusen sy'n darparu wigiau am ddim i blant ledled y Deyrnas Unedig ac Iwerddon sydd wedi colli eu gwallt yn sgil clefydau megis canser ac alopesia. Gall wigiau gostio cannoedd o bunnoedd yr un i'r elusen, felly bydd croeso mawr i rodd Luke. Mae'r ymddiriedolaeth hefyd yn ariannu ymchwil i ganser mewn plant.

Dolen i'r gyfrannu:

19-year-old Luke Preston from Colwyn Bay raised £250 for Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s official charity of the year, Cancer Research Wales, before donating his hair to the Little Princess Trust.

Originally, the event was arranged to take place at Coleg Llandrillo's commercial hairdressing salon during the student union's charity week last December. The event was then rescheduled for January, before being postponed again. Luke decided to shave his head himself at home as he was eager to donate his hair and raise much-needed funds for cancer research.

Newly-shorn Luke said: “This was a big decision for me after growing my hair out for just over two years, but I'm feeling great now. The greatest thing is, by cutting off my hair, two charities benefit at the same time. I'm glad to have raised about £250 for Cancer Research Wales, our official charity of the year for 2020/2021 as voted for by our students. I'm very thankful to everyone who donated.”

Each year, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s student union speaks to the students about the charities that matter to them. The student union then compiles a shortlist of charities and students vote for their charity of the year. For the 2020/2021 academic year, the students chose 'Cancer Research Wales' as the official charity of the year.

The Little Princess Trust is a charity that has provided thousands of free wigs to children throughout the UK and Ireland who have sadly lost their hair from treatments due to diseases such as cancer and alopecia. However wigs can cost hundreds of pounds each to produce for the charity, so Luke’s offering will be gratefully received. The trust also funds research into childhood cancers.

Link to donate:

19-year-old Luke Preston from Colwyn Bay raised £250 for Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s official charity of the year, Cancer Research Wales, before donating his hair to the Little Princess Trust.

Originally, the event was arranged to take place at Coleg Llandrillo's commercial hairdressing salon during the student union's charity week last December. The event was then rescheduled for January, before being postponed again. Luke decided to shave his head himself at home as he was eager to donate his hair and raise much-needed funds for cancer research.

Newly-shorn Luke said: “This was a big decision for me after growing my hair out for just over two years, but I'm feeling great now. The greatest thing is, by cutting off my hair, two charities benefit at the same time. I'm glad to have raised about £250 for Cancer Research Wales, our official charity of the year for 2020/2021 as voted for by our students. I'm very thankful to everyone who donated.”

Each year, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s student union speaks to the students about the charities that matter to them. The student union then compiles a shortlist of charities and students vote for their charity of the year. For the 2020/2021 academic year, the students chose 'Cancer Research Wales' as the official charity of the year.

The Little Princess Trust is a charity that has provided thousands of free wigs to children throughout the UK and Ireland who have sadly lost their hair from treatments due to diseases such as cancer and alopecia. However wigs can cost hundreds of pounds each to produce for the charity, so Luke’s offering will be gratefully received. The trust also funds research into childhood cancers.

Link to donate:

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