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Ymweliad Cwmni Swig yn Hybu Myfyrwyr Adeiladwaith a Pheirianneg i feddwl am Gychwyn Busnes

Yn ddiweddar, daeth Tomos Owen o gwmni 'Smwddi Swig', ar ymweliad arbennig a safle CaMDA yn Nolgellau, er mwyn rhannu ei brofiadau gyda’r myfyrwyr

Mae Swig Smoothies yn gwmni smwddi newydd wedi ei leoli yng Nghaernarfon, Gogledd Cymru. Sydd yn ymfalchïo mewn darparu smwddis iach, blasus, sy'n llawn blasau maethlon. Mae'r smwddis bob amser yn cael eu gwneud yn ffres o fan smwddi symudol.

Yn ystod y sesiwn, cafodd myfyrwyr gyfle i ddarganfod mwy am entrepreneuriaeth a dechrau busnes o’r gwaelod i fyny, yn ogystal â pha gymorth sydd ar gael i fusnesau bach. Cawsant hefyd gyfle i drafod manteision diet iach, a chawsant gyfle i roi cynnig ar y blasau cyffrous sydd ar gael gan Swig Smoothies.

Dywedodd Tomos Owen o 'Swig',

“Ar ôl gweithio am hafau yn olynol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn America, sylwais fod bariau smwddi a siopau yn boblogaidd iawn yno. Dwi wedi breuddwydio’n aml am gael cwmni smwddi fy hun yma yng Ngogledd Cymru.”

“Yn ystod haf 2020 ni allwn fynd yn ôl i weithio yn America oherwydd Covid-19, fodd bynnag, rhoddodd gyfle i mi ddechrau ar fy mreuddwyd o fod yn berchen ar gwmni smwddi. Gyda chymorth y cynllun “Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050” llwyddais i gyflawni hyn a thros yr haf hwnnw datblygais enw, brand a chynnyrch.”

Ychwanegodd Tomos,

“Ar ddiwedd haf 2020, fe wnaethom gynnal rhediad prawf lle gwnes i smwddis o fy nghartref a’u danfon o amgylch ardal Caernarfon. Yn 2021, fe wnes i brynu Fan Smwddi unigryw iawn ac rydym wedi bod yn masnachu ohoni ers hynny, gan fynd i lawer o leoliadau anhygoel ledled Gogledd Cymru. Heddiw, rydym yn parhau i deithio o gwmpas yn ein fan symudol, yn darparu smwddis ffres, blasus ac iach - gan gynnwys cynhyrchion cyffrous eraill.”

Dywedodd Marius Jones, Pennaeth Adeiladwaith a Pheirianneg yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor.

“Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr ar y cyrsiau adeiladwaith a pheirianneg yn mynd ymlaen i gychwyn busnesau lleol ar ôl iddynt adael y coleg, felly mae cael y cyfle i glywed am brofiadau, pobol fel Tomos yn werthfawr iawn. Mae stori Tomos yn ysbrydoliaeth a deud y lleiaf, nid ar chware bach mae cychwyn busnes yng nghanol pandemig byd eang, ond dyna’n union y gwaeth Tomos.”

Yn ystod y sesiwn, cafodd myfyrwyr gyfle i ddarganfod mwy am entrepreneuriaeth a dechrau busnes o’r gwaelod i fyny, yn ogystal â pha gymorth sydd ar gael i fusnesau bach. Cawsant hefyd gyfle i drafod manteision diet iach, a chawsant gyfle i roi cynnig ar y blasau cyffrous sydd ar gael gan Swig Smoothies.

Ychwanegodd Marius Jones,

“Mae’r profiadau yr ydym yn eu cynnig i’n myfyrwyr ar ein cyrsiau adeiladwaith a pheirianneg yn eang iawn. Wrth reswm, mae canran helaeth o’r cwrs yn ‘hands on’ yn y gweithdy, ond mae llawer o’r addysgu’n digwydd hefyd drwy ymweliadau, profiadau amrywiol, a sgyrsiau hynod o ddifyr gan unigolion fel Tomos. Diolch am dy ymweliad Tomos. “

Tomos Owen from 'Swig Smoothies' was a special guest at the college’s CaMDA site, where he shared his experiences with the students. CaMDA (Centre for skills in Renewable Engineering and Construction) is based at the Marian campus in the town centre and offers a wide range of courses in the construction and engineering sectors.

Swig Smoothies is a new company based in Caernarfon, which prides itself on providing freshly-made healthy, nutritious smoothies, full of a variety flavours.

During the session, students had the opportunity to find out more about entrepreneurship and starting a business from the ground up, as well as what support is available to small businesses in Wales. They also got to discuss the benefits of a healthy diet, and had the opportunity to try the exciting flavours on offer from Swig Smoothies.

Tomos Owen said: “I've often dreamed of running my own smoothie company here in North Wales. Having worked consecutive summers in America over the last few years, I noticed that smoothie bars and shops were becoming very popular"

"During the summer of 2020 I couldn't go back to work in America because of Covid-19 restrictions. However, it gave me the opportunity to realise my dream of owning a smoothie company. With the help of the 'Llwyddo'n Lleol 2050' scheme, I managed to achieve this, and over that summer I developed a name, brand and product"

"At the end of summer 2020, we carried out a test run, where I made smoothies from my home and delivered them around the Caernarfon area. In 2021, I bought a specialist smoothie van and we have been trading from it ever since, travelling to many amazing locations throughout North Wales. Today, we continue to travel around in our mobile van, providing fresh, tasty and healthy smoothies – alongside other exciting products."

Marius Jones, Programme Manager of Construction and Engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: “Many students on the Construction and Engineering courses go on to start local businesses after they leave college, so having the opportunity to hear about the experiences of people like Tomos is invaluable. Tomos' story is an inspiration to say the least: starting a business in the middle of a global pandemic is no small feat."

Marius added: “The experiences we offer our students on our courses are extremely wide-ranging. Naturally, a large percentage of the course is 'hands-on' in the workshop, but much of the learning comes from external visits and various other experiences, like highly-informative sessions with individuals like Tomos."

Tomos Owen from 'Swig Smoothies' was a special guest at the college’s CaMDA site, where he shared his experiences with the students. CaMDA (Centre for skills in Renewable Engineering and Construction) is based at the Marian campus in the town centre and offers a wide range of courses in the construction and engineering sectors.

Swig Smoothies is a new company based in Caernarfon, which prides itself on providing freshly-made healthy, nutritious smoothies, full of a variety flavours.

During the session, students had the opportunity to find out more about entrepreneurship and starting a business from the ground up, as well as what support is available to small businesses in Wales. They also got to discuss the benefits of a healthy diet, and had the opportunity to try the exciting flavours on offer from Swig Smoothies.

Tomos Owen said: “I've often dreamed of running my own smoothie company here in North Wales. Having worked consecutive summers in America over the last few years, I noticed that smoothie bars and shops were becoming very popular"

"During the summer of 2020 I couldn't go back to work in America because of Covid-19 restrictions. However, it gave me the opportunity to realise my dream of owning a smoothie company. With the help of the 'Llwyddo'n Lleol 2050' scheme, I managed to achieve this, and over that summer I developed a name, brand and product"

"At the end of summer 2020, we carried out a test run, where I made smoothies from my home and delivered them around the Caernarfon area. In 2021, I bought a specialist smoothie van and we have been trading from it ever since, travelling to many amazing locations throughout North Wales. Today, we continue to travel around in our mobile van, providing fresh, tasty and healthy smoothies – alongside other exciting products."

Marius Jones, Programme Manager of Construction and Engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: “Many students on the Construction and Engineering courses go on to start local businesses after they leave college, so having the opportunity to hear about the experiences of people like Tomos is invaluable. Tomos' story is an inspiration to say the least: starting a business in the middle of a global pandemic is no small feat."

Marius added: “The experiences we offer our students on our courses are extremely wide-ranging. Naturally, a large percentage of the course is 'hands-on' in the workshop, but much of the learning comes from external visits and various other experiences, like highly-informative sessions with individuals like Tomos."