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Myfyrwyr Lefel A Cyfrifiadureg yn ymweld â Bletchley Park ac Amgueddfa Cyfrifiadureg Caergrawnt

Yn ddiweddar aeth myfyrwyr cyfrifiadureg Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ar ymweliad arbennig i ddau safle hanesyddol yn hanes cyfrifiadureg Prydain.

Plasty ac ystâd yn Bletchley, Milton Keynes (Swydd Buckingham) yw Bletchley Park a ddaeth yn brif ganolfan torri codau'r Cynghreiriaid yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd.

Yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd, roedd yr ystâd yn gartref i Ysgol Cod y Llywodraeth ac Ysgol Seiffr (GC&CS), a oedd yn treiddio'n rheolaidd i gyfathrebiadau cyfrinachol, yn bwysicaf oll y seiffrau Enigma a Lorenz o'r Almaen. Roedd tîm torwyr cod GC&CS yn cynnwys Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman, Hugh Alexander, Bill Tutte, a Stuart Milner-Barry. Parhaodd natur y gwaith yn Bletchley yn gyfrinach am flynyddoedd lawer ar ôl y rhyfel.

Dywedodd Hugh Hughes, tiwtor Lefel A Cyfrifiadureg yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor.

“Roedd cael y cyfle i ddefnyddio’r peiriant Enigma yn brofiad bythgofiadwy i’r myfyrwyr. Gan fod ein myfyrwyr yn dysgu am amgryptio seibrddiogelwch fel rhan o’r cwrs Lefel A, roedd cael gweld a dysgu am y ffurf gyntaf o wneud hyn yn brofiad gwych.”

Cafodd y myfyrwyr gyfle hefyd i ymweld ag Amgueddfa Cyfrifiadureg Caergrawnt, sydd yn ganolfan a sefydlwyd i greu arddangosfa gyhoeddus barhaol yn adrodd hanes yr Oes Wybodaeth, a hanes cyfrifiadureg yn fwy cyffredinol.

Cynhaliwyd dau weithdy arbennig i fyfyrwyr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn ystod eu hymweliad a’r amgueddfa.

Ychwanegodd Hugh Hughes.

“Roedd y gweithdy a’r raglennu robotiaid drwy gyfrwng Python yn hollol wych, hoffwn estyn fy niolch i staff yr amgueddfa am eu croeso. Mae cael dysgu am y math yma o waith, gan arbenigwyr gwirioneddol yn agor llawer iawn o ddrysau a phosibiliadau i’n myfyrwyr”

“Cafwyd hefyd weithdy a’r Bensaernïaeth Gyfrifiadurol Von Meumann, sydd yn sail i gadarn i unrhyw ddealltwriaeth o systemau storio gwybodaeth. Dwi’n credu bod gosod y math yma o gyfleoedd i’n myfyrwyr yn rhan ganolog o’n cenhadaeth fel coleg, ac mae croeso i chi ddod draw i’n gweld ni, neu i glicio ar y linc isod, os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dilyn cyrsiau Lefel A gyda ni yn y coleg.”

Bletchley Park is a mansion and estate in Bletchley, near Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, which became the main allied code-breaking centre during the Second World War.

During the War, the estate was home to the Government Code School and Seiffr School, which regularly broke into secret communications, most importantly the German Enigma and Lorenz ciphers. The code-breaking team consisted of Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman, Hugh Alexander, Bill Tutte, and Stuart Milner-Barry. The nature of the work at Bletchley Park remained a secret for many years after the War.

Hugh Hughes, A-level Computer Science tutor at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: "Getting the opportunity to use an Enigma machine was a special experience for the students. As they are learning about cyber security encryption as part of their A-level course, it was a great opportunity to see and learn about this first-hand."

The students also had the opportunity to visit the Cambridge Computer Science Museum. It was established to create a permanent public exhibition pertaining to the information age and the history of computing more generally.

Two special workshops were organised for the Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor students during their visit to the museum.

Hugh Hughes added: "The workshop on robot programming through Python was absolutely fantastic. Learning about this type of work from real experts opens up a lot of doors and possibilities for our students.

"There was also a workshop and the Von Meumann computer architecture, which is a solid basis for any understanding of information storage systems. I believe that providing these kinds of opportunities for our students is a central part of our mission as a college. I would like to extend my thanks to the museum staff for their hospitality.

You are welcome to come and see us, or to click on the link below, if you are interested in following A-level courses with us at college.

Bletchley Park is a mansion and estate in Bletchley, near Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, which became the main allied code-breaking centre during the Second World War.

During the War, the estate was home to the Government Code School and Seiffr School, which regularly broke into secret communications, most importantly the German Enigma and Lorenz ciphers. The code-breaking team consisted of Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman, Hugh Alexander, Bill Tutte, and Stuart Milner-Barry. The nature of the work at Bletchley Park remained a secret for many years after the War.

Hugh Hughes, A-level Computer Science tutor at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: "Getting the opportunity to use an Enigma machine was a special experience for the students. As they are learning about cyber security encryption as part of their A-level course, it was a great opportunity to see and learn about this first-hand."

The students also had the opportunity to visit the Cambridge Computer Science Museum. It was established to create a permanent public exhibition pertaining to the information age and the history of computing more generally.

Two special workshops were organised for the Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor students during their visit to the museum.

Hugh Hughes added: "The workshop on robot programming through Python was absolutely fantastic. Learning about this type of work from real experts opens up a lot of doors and possibilities for our students.

"There was also a workshop and the Von Meumann computer architecture, which is a solid basis for any understanding of information storage systems. I believe that providing these kinds of opportunities for our students is a central part of our mission as a college. I would like to extend my thanks to the museum staff for their hospitality.

You are welcome to come and see us, or to click on the link below, if you are interested in following A-level courses with us at college.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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