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Cynhadledd yn trafod gwerth y Gymraeg yn y byd digidol.

Yn ddiweddar daeth rhai o arbenigwyr y diwydiant digidol ynghyd i drafod gwerth y Gymraeg fel sgil yn y diwydiant digidol. Trefnwyd y gynhadledd gan Sgiliaith a Swyddogion y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yng Nghrŵp Llandrillo Menai ar y cyd gyda Hunaniaith (Menter Iaith Gwynedd).

Dywedodd Gwennan Rhichards, Pennaeth Sgiliaith.

“Mae’r math o gyfleodd sydd ar gael am swyddi yn y diwydiant digidol yn aruthrol. Yma yng Ngogledd Cymru a thu hwnt, mae llawer o’r swyddi hynny’n gofyn am sgiliau Cymraeg. Ein gobaith felly drwy drefnu’r gynhadledd yma, oedd i gyflwyno ein myfyrwyr i’r posibiliadau hyn, gan wahodd rhai o arbenigwyr yn y maes hwn i rannu eu profiadau.”

Cafwyd cyflwyniadau gwerthfawr iawn gan Garffild Lloyd Lewis o Gogledd Creadigol, Llywela Owain o Hunaniaith, Pryderi ap Rhisiart o M-Sparc, Orig Jones o Tinint, Owain Saunders-Jones o Atebol, Siwan Owen o Codemasters, Guto Rhun o Hansh a Bedwyr Rees o Rondo.

Braf iawn oedd cael croesawu Orig Jones o gwmni Tinit yn ôl i’r Coleg. Fe astudiodd Orig ar gyfer ei Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, campws Pwllheli. Byth ers hynny, mae Orig wedi cael gyrfa llwyddiannus iawn yn y diwydiant digidol yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.

Ychwanegodd Gwennan Richards, Pennaeth Sgiliaith.

“Mae sefyll o flaen dosbarth o fyfyrwyr fel tiwtor yn bwysig ac yn agor llawer o ddrysau i’n myfyrwyr, ond mae cael pobol iawn, o’r byd go iawn yn sefyll o flaen ei’n myfyrwyr yn rhannu eu profiadau wirioneddol yn un o’r pethau mwyaf gwerthfawr y gallwn eu cynnig i’n myfyrwyr. Rydym yn gobeithio trefnu digwyddiadau fel hyn eto yn y dyfodol er mwyn ehangu gorwelion ein myfyrwyr i werth y Gymraeg fel sgil hanfodol yn y byd gwaith”

Gwennan Rhichard, Head of Sgiliaith said.

"The type of job opportunities available in the digital industry are tremendous. Here in North Wales and beyond, many of those jobs require Welsh language skills. Our hope, therefore, by organizing this conference, was to introduce our students to these possibilities, inviting some experts in this field to share their experiences. ”

There were very valuable presentations from.

Garffild Lloyd Lewis from Gogledd Greadigol, Llywela Owain from Hunaniaith, Pryderi ap Rhisiart from M-Sparc, Owain Saunders-Jones from Atebol, Siwan Owen from Codemasters, Guto Rhun from Hansh amd Bedwyr Rees from Rond

It was great to welcome Orig Jones from Tinit back to the College. Orig studied for his A levels at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Pwllheli campus. Ever since, Orig has had a very successful career in the digital industry in Wales and beyond.

Gwennan Richards, Head of Sgiliaith added.

"Standing in front of a class of students as a tutor is important and opens many doors for our students, but having real-world people standing in front of our students sharing their true experiences is one of the most valuable things we can offer our students. We hope to organize events like this again in the future in order to broaden our students' horizons to the value of Welsh as an essential skill in the workplace”

Gwennan Rhichard, Head of Sgiliaith said.

"The type of job opportunities available in the digital industry are tremendous. Here in North Wales and beyond, many of those jobs require Welsh language skills. Our hope, therefore, by organizing this conference, was to introduce our students to these possibilities, inviting some experts in this field to share their experiences. ”

There were very valuable presentations from.

Garffild Lloyd Lewis from Gogledd Greadigol, Llywela Owain from Hunaniaith, Pryderi ap Rhisiart from M-Sparc, Owain Saunders-Jones from Atebol, Siwan Owen from Codemasters, Guto Rhun from Hansh amd Bedwyr Rees from Rond

It was great to welcome Orig Jones from Tinit back to the College. Orig studied for his A levels at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Pwllheli campus. Ever since, Orig has had a very successful career in the digital industry in Wales and beyond.

Gwennan Richards, Head of Sgiliaith added.

"Standing in front of a class of students as a tutor is important and opens many doors for our students, but having real-world people standing in front of our students sharing their true experiences is one of the most valuable things we can offer our students. We hope to organize events like this again in the future in order to broaden our students' horizons to the value of Welsh as an essential skill in the workplace”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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