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Myfyrwyr Adeiladwaith yn Ymweld â Phrosiect Amddiffyn yr Arfordir

Rhoddwyd gwahoddiad arbennig i fyfyrwyr Adeiladu Coleg Llandrillo i ymweld â phrosiect amddiffyn yr arfordir mawr y sôn amdano yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Trefnwyd yr ymweliad a'r safle ar bromenâd Gorllewinol y dref arfordirol drwy CITB (Bwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu) Cymru fel rhan o'r fenter "Gweld Eich Safle". Dechreuodd Griffiths Civil Engineering waith ar y prosiect yn yr haf, ac mae i'w orffen yng ngwanwyn 2023.

Wedi cyrraedd, darparwyd yr holl wybodaeth ynglŷn â'r prosiect i'r myfyrwyr, wedi ei ddilyn gan ymweliad safle a sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb.

Dywedodd tiwtor Coleg Llandrillo Jeff Price: "Llawer o ddiolch i'r CITB a Griffiths Civil Engineering am ddarparu cyfle amhrisiadwy i'n myfyrwyr Gwaith brics a gradd i ymweld â'r safle adeiladu hwn o bwys. Roedd y sgwrs yn addysgiadol iawn a chafodd y myfyrwyr y cyfle i ofyn cyfres o gwestiynau ynglŷn â'r prosiect a'r diwydiant adeiladu yn gyffredinol."

Nod y prosiect yw gwella amddiffynfeydd yr arfordir drwy fewnforio tua 1 miliwn tunnell o dywod i'w roi o flaen y morglawdd presennol. Bydd hyn yn amddiffyn y morglawdd a'r nodweddion a'r isadeiledd y tu ôl iddo o fygythiad parhaus y môr a'r lefelau newid hinsawdd derbyniol.

Mae'r cynllun hefyd yn cynnwys newidiadau i'r traeth isaf a gwelliannau i'r promenâd, gan ei ledaenu i ddarparu mwy o wagle i gerddwyr a seiclwyr. Bydd dodrefn a goleuo stryd hefyd yn cael ei uwchraddio. Mae'r cwmni hefyd yn ychwanegu gwagleoedd chwarae a hamdden, cysgodfannau, cynwysyddion planhigion, celf gyhoeddus a gwagleoedd ar gyfer digwyddiadau.

Am fwy o wybodaeth ar y cyrsiau Adeiladu yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, cysylltwch gyda thîm Gwasanaethau Dysgwyr y coleg ar 01492 542 338.



The visit to the site on the coastal town’s West promenade was organised through CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) Wales as part of the ‘See Your Site’ initiative. Griffiths Civil Engineering began work on the project in the summer, and it is due for completion in spring 2023.

On arrival, the group of students were provided with all the information regarding the project, followed by a site visit and a question-and-answer session.

Coleg Llandrillo tutor Jeff Price said: “Many thanks to the CITB and Griffiths Civil Engineering for providing our brickwork and degree students with the invaluable opportunity to visit this major construction site. The talk was illuminating and the students got the opportunity to ask a series of questions concerning both the project and the construction industry as a whole.”

The project’s aim is to improve the coastal defences by importing approximately 1 million tonnes of sand to place in front of the existing seawall. This will protect the seawall and the properties and infrastructure behind it from the continued threat of the sea and accepted climate change levels.

The scheme also includes modifications to the lower beach and improvements to the promenade, widening it to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists. Street furniture and lighting will also be upgraded. The company is also adding play and recreation spaces, shelters, planters, public art and event spaces.

For more information on Construction courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



The visit to the site on the coastal town’s West promenade was organised through CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) Wales as part of the ‘See Your Site’ initiative. Griffiths Civil Engineering began work on the project in the summer, and it is due for completion in spring 2023.

On arrival, the group of students were provided with all the information regarding the project, followed by a site visit and a question-and-answer session.

Coleg Llandrillo tutor Jeff Price said: “Many thanks to the CITB and Griffiths Civil Engineering for providing our brickwork and degree students with the invaluable opportunity to visit this major construction site. The talk was illuminating and the students got the opportunity to ask a series of questions concerning both the project and the construction industry as a whole.”

The project’s aim is to improve the coastal defences by importing approximately 1 million tonnes of sand to place in front of the existing seawall. This will protect the seawall and the properties and infrastructure behind it from the continued threat of the sea and accepted climate change levels.

The scheme also includes modifications to the lower beach and improvements to the promenade, widening it to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists. Street furniture and lighting will also be upgraded. The company is also adding play and recreation spaces, shelters, planters, public art and event spaces.

For more information on Construction courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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