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Dathlwyd cyflawniad arbennig Alexander Marshall-Wilson, cyn-fyfyriwr o Goleg Llandrillo, dros y penwythnos pan ddyfarnwyd gwobr efydd fawreddog BTEC Dysgwr Chwaraeon y Flwyddyn iddo.

Cafodd Alex, sy'n 18 oed a bellach yn astudio Seicoleg Chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Loughborough, a sydd hefyd yn defnyddio cadair olwyn, ei gydnabod gan ei athrawon a'i gyfoedion am ei agwedd gadarnhaol a'i ymrwymiad amlwg i'r cwrs o'r cychwyn cyntaf. Mae'n defnyddio ei brofiadau o gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon i bobl anabl er mwyn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar eraill, gan gynnwys trefnu i dîm pêl-fasged cadair olwyn gynnal sesiynau ar gyfer dros 120 o fyfyrwyr y coleg.

Syfrdanwyd y beirniaid gan waith caled ac ymroddiad Alex, a deimlai nad oedd ganddynt unrhyw ddewis ond ei gydnabod â Gwobr Efydd.

Dywedodd Alex, "Rwyf wir wedi mwynhau fy amser yng Ngholeg Llandrillo. Mae wedi fy nghyflwyno i bersbectif newydd, wedi ehangu fy niddordebau, ac wedi fy mharatoi'n berffaith ar gyfer gyrfa ym maes Chwaraeon. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at barhau i archwilio’r byd creadigol a gobeithio y bydd y wobr hon yn ysbrydoli eraill i anelu’n uchel.”

Cydnabuwyd enillwyr gwobrau gan Pearson mewn dros ugain o gategorïau, gan gynnwys Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, Peirianneg, Cerddoriaeth, Chwaraeon Electronig a Chyfryngau Creadigol, gyda phob enillydd yn cael ei ddewis o blith miloedd – ac yn aml o ddegau o filoedd o fyfyrwyr cymwys.

Wrth ymateb i lwyddiant Alex, dywedodd Amy Thompson, Rheolwr y Maes Rhaglen Chwaraeon yng Ngholeg Llandrillo,

"Rydym i gyd yn hynod falch o bopeth mae Alex wedi'i gyflawni yma yn y coleg. Mae Alex yn Llysgennad Chwaraeon naturiol, ac rydym mor falch i weld bod ei holl waith caled wedi talu ar ei ganfed.”

“Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i weld i ble y bydd ei holl ymdrechion yn mynd ag ef mewn bywyd – yn sicr, mae dyfodol addawol ym myd Chwaraeon o'i flaen!”

Meddai Freya Thomas Monk, Uwch Is-lywydd Cymwysterau a Hyfforddiant Galwedigaethol, “Ar ôl treulio dwy flynedd hir yn rhoi neu’n derbyn gwersi y tu ôl i sgrin gyfrifiadur, drwy fasgiau wyneb, neu o bellter cymdeithasol, mae 2022 wedi bod yn gorwynt i bawb yn y byd addysg. O ystyried hyn, mae’n gwneud cyflawniadau ysbrydoledig [nodwch yr enw] yn fwy trawiadol fyth. Mae’r gwaith caled a’r ymrwymiad a ddangosodd ef/hi – a’n holl enillwyr – yn anhygoel.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cyrsiau Chwaraeon sydd ar gael yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Alex, aged 18, who now studies Sports Psychology at Loughborough University, and who is a wheelchair user, was recognised by teachers and peers for his positivity and commitment to the course which was evident from the start. He ensures he can positively influence others with his experience in disability sports, and organised for a local wheelchair basketball team to hold sessions for over 120 college students to participate in.

Alex’s hard work and dedication wowed the judges, who felt they were left with no choice but to recognise him with a Bronze Award.

Alex said, "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Coleg Llandrillo. It has introduced me to a new perspective, expanded my interests, and set me up perfectly for a career in Sports. I am looking forward to continuing to explore the creative world and I hope this award will inspire others to aim high".

Award winners were recognised by Pearson in over twenty categories, including Health and Social Care, Engineering, Music, Esports and Creative Media, with each winner selected from thousands – and often tens of thousands – of eligible students.

Commenting on Alex’s achievement, Amy Thompson, Programme Area Manager for Sports at Coleg Llandrillo, explained,

“We're all hugely proud of everything Alex achieved here at the college. Alex is a natural Sports Ambassador, and we are so pleased to see that all of his hard work has paid off”

“We look forward to seeing where all of his efforts take him in life – we are sure a promising future in Sports awaits!”

Freya Thomas Monk, Senior Vice President for Vocational Qualifications and Training, said, “After two long years spent giving or receiving lessons behind a computer screen, through face masks, or socially distanced, 2022 has been a whirlwind for everyone involved in education. Considering this, it makes the inspiring achievements documented in [insert name]’s submission all the more impressive. The hard work and commitment he/she/they – and all our award winners – demonstrated is extraordinary.”

To find out more about the Sports courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai, please click here.

Alex, aged 18, who now studies Sports Psychology at Loughborough University, and who is a wheelchair user, was recognised by teachers and peers for his positivity and commitment to the course which was evident from the start. He ensures he can positively influence others with his experience in disability sports, and organised for a local wheelchair basketball team to hold sessions for over 120 college students to participate in.

Alex’s hard work and dedication wowed the judges, who felt they were left with no choice but to recognise him with a Bronze Award.

Alex said, "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Coleg Llandrillo. It has introduced me to a new perspective, expanded my interests, and set me up perfectly for a career in Sports. I am looking forward to continuing to explore the creative world and I hope this award will inspire others to aim high".

Award winners were recognised by Pearson in over twenty categories, including Health and Social Care, Engineering, Music, Esports and Creative Media, with each winner selected from thousands – and often tens of thousands – of eligible students.

Commenting on Alex’s achievement, Amy Thompson, Programme Area Manager for Sports at Coleg Llandrillo, explained,

“We're all hugely proud of everything Alex achieved here at the college. Alex is a natural Sports Ambassador, and we are so pleased to see that all of his hard work has paid off”

“We look forward to seeing where all of his efforts take him in life – we are sure a promising future in Sports awaits!”

Freya Thomas Monk, Senior Vice President for Vocational Qualifications and Training, said, “After two long years spent giving or receiving lessons behind a computer screen, through face masks, or socially distanced, 2022 has been a whirlwind for everyone involved in education. Considering this, it makes the inspiring achievements documented in [insert name]’s submission all the more impressive. The hard work and commitment he/she/they – and all our award winners – demonstrated is extraordinary.”

To find out more about the Sports courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai, please click here.

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