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Y galw am sgiliau digidol yn parhau i dyfu yng Ngogledd Cymru

Mae'r galw am sgiliau digidol yn parhau i dyfu yng Ngogledd Cymru, wrth i'r economi a'r gweithlu rhanbarthol addasu i gwrdd â'r heriau a ddaeth yn sgil pandemig y coronafeirws.

Mae'r sector digidol yn un o'r meysydd twf allweddol a adnabuwyd gan Bartneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru, lle mae'r galw gan gyflogwyr yn fwy na'r sgiliau sy'n bodoli.

Awgryma ffigyrau a gyhoeddwyd gan y Bartneriaeth yn 2019 y bydd angen 14.7% yn fwy o bobl gyda'r cymwysterau perthnasol er mwyn llenwi swyddi proffesiynol yn y sector digidol hyd at 2024, ynghyd â chynnydd o 12.9% mewn sgiliau ar gyfer swyddi lled-broffesiynol a thechnegol.

Noda adroddiad Covid-19 diweddaraf y Bartneriaeth, 'Taro golwg ar y farchnad lafur yng Ngogledd Cymru' (Gorff-Awst 2020), y bydd galw'r sector digidol am sgiliau yn parhau i dyfu'n sylweddol er gwaethaf y pandemig.

Mae Partneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru yn bartneriaeth wirfoddol ac yn un o ffrydiau gwaith Bwrdd Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru. Mae ei rôl yn cynnwys ymgysylltu gyda sectorau twf a diwydiannau yn y rhanbarth i adnabod anghenion sgiliau Gogledd Cymru yn awr ac i'r dyfodol.

Meddai David Roberts, Cadeirydd y Bartneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol:

Mae'n hymchwil ni'n dangos fod y galw am sgiliau digidol wedi cynyddu yn ystod y pandemig - nid yn unig ymhlith diwydiannau digidol, ond ar draws pob sector.

Mae busnesau a chyflogwyr ym mhob maes wedi gorfod addasu eu dulliau gwaith a'r modd y maen nhw'n mynd â'u cynnyrch neu wasanaethau i'r farchnad. O'r herwydd rydyn ni wedi gweld cynnydd yn y defnydd o dechnolegau arlein, gyda phobl yn gweithio o bell trwy blatfformau digidol. Felly mae galw aruthrol am sgiliau fel datblygu meddalwedd, marchnata cymdeithasol ac e-fasnach, fwy nag o'r blaen hyd yn oed.

Allwn ni ddim pwysleisio digon, er gwaethaf heriau'r 'normal newydd', bod yna opsiynau cyffrous i bobl ifanc a bod cyflogwyr yn dal i fod ag angen am weithwyr gyda'r sgiliau a chymwysterau angenrheidiol. Mae yna hefyd gyfleoedd gwych i fusnesau sy'n gallu darparu gwasanaethau digidol.

Mae Neil Thomas yn rhedeg Brandified, asiantaeth ddigidol gyda'i swyddfa yn M-Sparc, Ynys Môn. Mae hefyd yn rhan o bartneriaeth greadigol, Het Greadigol, sy'n cynnwys tîm aml-ddisgyblaeth o ddylunwyr, datblygwyr gwefannau a chynhyrchwyr cynnwys - a dulliau digidol wrth graidd eu gwaith.

Graddiodd Neil o Goleg Menai gyda Diploma Genedlaethol BTec fwy na deng mlynedd yn ôl. Dywed y gall cymwysterau a sgiliau mewn pynciau digidol agor llawer o ddrysau - yn arbennig ar ôl Covid-19.


Mae busnesau digidol fel ni mewn sefyllfa berffaith i addasu i'r amgylchiadau presennol gan y gallwn wneud llawer o'r gwaith o bell yn unol â chyfyngiadau coronafeirws.

Rydyn ni'n sicr wedi gweld cynnydd mawr yn y galw am ein gwasanaethau wrth i fusnesau orfod symud llawer o'u masnachu, marchnata a gweithrediadau dydd-i-ddydd ar-lein. Mae medru cynnig y sgiliau digidol i'w helpu i wneud hynny'n rhoi mantais gystadleuol fawr i ni.

Mae'r sector digidol yn cynnig cyfleoedd gwych i fyw a gweithio mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Gyda chyfleusterau a chyrsiau o safon fyd ar gael gan ddarparwyr fel Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ynghyd â chanolfannau creadigol ardderchol fel M-SParc, mae gennym ni bopeth yma sydd ei angen i lwyddo.

Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn un o nifer o gyrff sy'n eistedd ar y Bartneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol. Meddai Dafydd Evans, y Prif Weithredwr:

Ein nod yw cefnogi economi Gogledd Cymru trwy roi'r sgiliau a'r cymwysterau sydd eu hangen ar bobl leol, a gweithio gydag eraill i sicrhau fod y rhanbarth yn parhau i ffynnu.

Mae hyn yn bwysicach nawr nag erioed wrth i ni wynebu'r heriau economaidd sy'n deillio o'r argyfwng Covid-19. Bydd yr heriau hyn yn cael effaith sylweddol ar y gweithlu lleol, a phobl ifanc yn arbennig.

Ychwanegodd Dafydd:

Rydyn ni mewn cyswllt rheolaidd gyda chyflogwyr lleol i gael eu hadborth a monitro'r hyn y mae cwmnïau'n chwilio amdano. Y neges yn glir ganddyn nhw yw fod angen mawr am sgiliau mewn sawl un o'r sectorau twf, yn arbennig sgiliau digidol.

Mae gennym ni rôl o ran ymateb yn bositif i'r cyfle hwn trwy ddenu cymaint o ddysgwyr â phosibl ar gyfer ein cyrsiau galwedigaethol. Byddwn hefyd yn parhau i fuddsoddi yn ein hadnoddau dysgu i gefnogi datblygiad sgiliau. Yn ystod 2020 byddwn wedi gwario tua £2m ar ein hisadeiledd TG, yn cynnwys adnoddau Realiti Rhithwir.

The digital sector is one of the key growth areas identified by the North Wales Regional Skills Partnership, where employer demand exceeds supply.

Figures published by the Partnership in 2019 suggested that 14.7% more qualified people are needed for professional occupations in the digital sector to replace demand up to 2024, alongside a 12.9% increase in those skilled for associate professional and technical occupations.

The Partnership's latest Covid-19 'Insight to North Wales Labour Market' report (July-August 2020) indicates that the digital sector's demand for skills will continue to grow significantly despite the coronavirus pandemic.

The Regional Skills Partnership is a voluntary partnership and dedicated workstream of the North Wales Ambition Board. Its role is to engage with growth sectors and industries in the region to identify the current and future skills needs of North Wales.

David Roberts, Chair of the Regional Skills Partnership, said:

What our research shows is that the demand for digital skills has in fact gone up due to the pandemic - not only among digital industries, but across the board.

Businesses and employers in all sectors have had to adapt their ways of working and taking their products or services to market. As such, we've seen an increase in the use of online technologies, with people working remotely through digital platforms. So skills like software development, social marketing and e-commerce are in huge demand, even more so than before.

We cannot emphasise enough, despite the challenges of the 'new normal', that there are exciting options for today's young people and that employers are still crying out for talented, qualified recruits. There are also fantastic opportunities for businesses who can provide digital services.

Neil Thomas runs digital agency Brandified, based at M-Sparc on Anglesey. He is also part of a creative collective, Het Greadigol, which brings together a multi-disciplinary team of designers, web developers, and content producers - with digital delivery at the core of their offering.

Neil gained a BTec National Diploma in Interactive Media at Coleg Menai over ten years ago, and says that qualifications and skills in digital subjects can open many doors - especially post-Covid.

He said:

Digital businesses like mine are perfectly positioned to adapt to the current circumstances given that a lot of the work can be carried out remotely in line with coronavirus restrictions.

We've definitely seen a big increase in demand for our services as businesses have had to take a lot of their trading, marketing and day-to-day operations online. Being able to provide the digital skills to help them do so gives us a massive competitive edge.

The digital sector offers brilliant opportunities to live and work in rural areas, such as many parts of North Wales. With world-class learning facilities and courses on offer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, as well as excellent creative centres like M-SParc, there's everything we need to succeed.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is one of many members who sit on the Regional Skills Partnership. Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive said:

Our driving aim is to support the economy of North Wales by equipping local people with the skills and qualifications they need, and working with others to ensure the competitiveness and success of the region.

This is now more important than ever as we face the economic challenges presented by the Covid-19 crisis, which will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the local workforce, and young people in particular.

Dafydd added:

We are in regular contact with local employers to get their feedback and to monitor what exactly industry is looking for. The one message they convey to us loud and clear is that there is a big demand for skills in many of our region's growth sectors, especially digital skills.

Our challenge now is to respond positively to this opportunity by attracting as many candidates as we can for key vocational courses. We will also continue to invest in our facilities to support skills development, and during 2020 we will have spent around £2m on IT infrastructure, including Virtual Reality suites.

The digital sector is one of the key growth areas identified by the North Wales Regional Skills Partnership, where employer demand exceeds supply.

Figures published by the Partnership in 2019 suggested that 14.7% more qualified people are needed for professional occupations in the digital sector to replace demand up to 2024, alongside a 12.9% increase in those skilled for associate professional and technical occupations.

The Partnership's latest Covid-19 'Insight to North Wales Labour Market' report (July-August 2020) indicates that the digital sector's demand for skills will continue to grow significantly despite the coronavirus pandemic.

The Regional Skills Partnership is a voluntary partnership and dedicated workstream of the North Wales Ambition Board. Its role is to engage with growth sectors and industries in the region to identify the current and future skills needs of North Wales.

David Roberts, Chair of the Regional Skills Partnership, said:

What our research shows is that the demand for digital skills has in fact gone up due to the pandemic - not only among digital industries, but across the board.

Businesses and employers in all sectors have had to adapt their ways of working and taking their products or services to market. As such, we've seen an increase in the use of online technologies, with people working remotely through digital platforms. So skills like software development, social marketing and e-commerce are in huge demand, even more so than before.

We cannot emphasise enough, despite the challenges of the 'new normal', that there are exciting options for today's young people and that employers are still crying out for talented, qualified recruits. There are also fantastic opportunities for businesses who can provide digital services.

Neil Thomas runs digital agency Brandified, based at M-Sparc on Anglesey. He is also part of a creative collective, Het Greadigol, which brings together a multi-disciplinary team of designers, web developers, and content producers - with digital delivery at the core of their offering.

Neil gained a BTec National Diploma in Interactive Media at Coleg Menai over ten years ago, and says that qualifications and skills in digital subjects can open many doors - especially post-Covid.

He said:

Digital businesses like mine are perfectly positioned to adapt to the current circumstances given that a lot of the work can be carried out remotely in line with coronavirus restrictions.

We've definitely seen a big increase in demand for our services as businesses have had to take a lot of their trading, marketing and day-to-day operations online. Being able to provide the digital skills to help them do so gives us a massive competitive edge.

The digital sector offers brilliant opportunities to live and work in rural areas, such as many parts of North Wales. With world-class learning facilities and courses on offer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, as well as excellent creative centres like M-SParc, there's everything we need to succeed.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is one of many members who sit on the Regional Skills Partnership. Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive said:

Our driving aim is to support the economy of North Wales by equipping local people with the skills and qualifications they need, and working with others to ensure the competitiveness and success of the region.

This is now more important than ever as we face the economic challenges presented by the Covid-19 crisis, which will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the local workforce, and young people in particular.

Dafydd added:

We are in regular contact with local employers to get their feedback and to monitor what exactly industry is looking for. The one message they convey to us loud and clear is that there is a big demand for skills in many of our region's growth sectors, especially digital skills.

Our challenge now is to respond positively to this opportunity by attracting as many candidates as we can for key vocational courses. We will also continue to invest in our facilities to support skills development, and during 2020 we will have spent around £2m on IT infrastructure, including Virtual Reality suites.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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