Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Datblygu sgiliau crefftwyr at ddyfodol di-garbon

Nod cynllun newydd yw uwch-sgilio busnesau bach a chanolig yn y sector adeiladu er mwyn eu paratoi ar gyfer dyfodol sero net. Trwy ddarparu hyfforddiant ar dechnoleg carbon isel mae'r rhaglen gan Busnes@LlandrilloMenai trwy’r Ganolfan Sgiliau a Thechnoleg Seilwaith (CIST) yn Llangefni hefyd yn sicrhau bod y busnesau eu hunain yn gynaliadwy wrth i'r galw am dechnoleg gwyrdd gynyddu.

Yn rhan o brosiect ehangach Sero Net Gwynedd, wedi ei arwain gan gymdeithas dai, Adra, y gobaith yn y pen draw yw lleihau allyriadau carbon stoc dai Gwynedd. Bydd y cynllun yn sicrhau bod perchnogion busnesau bach adeiladu yn gallu gosod a thrin y dechnoleg ddiweddaraf yng nghartrefi eu cwsmeriaid yn ogystal â gwneud eu busnesau eu hunain yn fwy cystadleuol.

Dywedodd Gareth Hughes, Rheolwr Canolfan CIST ac Arloesi, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai: “Rydym yn falch iawn o fod yn rhan o brosiect Sero Net Gwynedd. Mae’n rhoi cynllun pendant yn ei le i adeiladwyr, trydanwyr a phlymwyr wrth iddynt reoli’r heriau sy’n gysylltiedig â datgarboneiddio stoc dai’r sir, yn ogystal â diogelu hyfywedd eu busnesau eu hunain. Mae lleihau carbon yn flaenoriaeth i holl bartneriaid y cynllun, dyma gyfle felly i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn gweithio efo’n gilydd i wneud hyn.

“Tai sy’n gyfrifol am 29% o allyriadau carbon y DU ac mae stoc dai Cymru’n benodol yn hen ac aneffeithlon. Gall y rhai sy’n cymryd rhan yn y cyrsiau yma, ennill profiadau a meithrin sgiliau allweddol i wneud y mwyaf o dechnoleg newydd er mwyn gwella effeithlonrwydd cartrefi.”

Mae’r prosiect yn cyd fynd ag amcanion Busnes@LlandrilloMenai i weithio gyda busnesau yn lleol ac yn rhoi pwyslais ar sgiliau sy’n gysylltiedig â datgarboneiddio a thechnoleg ddigidol.

Ychwanegodd Julie Stokes-Jones, Swyddog Datblygu Prosiectau Busnes@LlandrilloMenai: “Mae’n hanfodol ein bod yn gweithio gyda’n partneriaid yn lleol i gyflawni’r cynllun yma fydd yn allweddol wrth leihau allyriadau carbon cartrefi. Mae’n ffordd hefyd o sicrhau bod busnesau yn gallu paratoi eu hunain at y dyfodol a’r datblygiadau cyson yn y maes yma - fel grŵp rydyn ni mewn sefyllfa i helpu nhw wneud hynny.”

Meddai Jonathan Williams, un o’r tiwtoriaid sy’n rhan o’r cynllun ac yn arbenigwr ynni adnewyddadwy: “Rydyn ni’n gweld y budd mae rhai o’r busnesau bach yn gael allan o’r cynllun yma yn barod, a sut mae’r sgiliau newydd yn helpu nhw ymestyn y gwasanaethau maen nhw’n eu cynnig. Mi fydd rhaid i ni gyd symud i dechnoleg fwy gwyrdd yn y pen draw - mae’r cyrsiau hyn yn sicrhau y bydd arbenigwyr allan yna fydd yn ein galluogi ni i wneud hynny.”

Bydd rhagor o gyrsiau yn cael eu datblygu ar gyfer y sector er mwyn parhau i gefnogi busnesau lleol i esblygu ac ymateb i newidiadau mewn technolegau glân ac effeithlonrwydd ynni. Mae pedwar cam i brosiect Sero Net Gwynedd, CIST sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr elfen ‘cryfhau cadwyni cyflenwi.’

Yn ogystal â CIST, Busnes@LlandrilloMenai ac Adra, mae partneriaid y cynllun yn cynnwys y Dref Werdd, Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths, YnNi Llŷn, Cyd Ynni, Deg a Grŵp Cynefin. Mae’r prosiect yn cael ei ariannu gan Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU.


Part of the wider Net Zero Gwynedd project, led by housing association, Adra, the goal is to reduce the carbon emissions of Gwynedd’s housing stock. The scheme will ensure that owners of small construction businesses are able to install and work with the latest technology in customers' homes, as well as making their own businesses more commercially viable.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s CIST Centre and Innovation Manager, Gareth Hughes said: “We are extremely pleased to be a part of the Net Zero Gwynedd project. It offers a firm plan for builders, electricians, and plumbers as they manage the challenges linked to the decarbonisation of homes, as well as protecting the viability of their own business. Reducing carbon is a priority for all scheme partners, this is an opportunity to ensure we work together to do this.

“Housing is responsible for 29% of UK carbon emissions and Welsh housing stock is particularly old and inefficient. Those taking part in these courses through the scheme will be able to gain experiences and build key skills to make the most of new technology to improve the efficiency of homes.”

The project reflects Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s objectives to work with businesses locally with an emphasis on skills linked to the decarbonisation of the economy and digital technology.

Business@LlandrilloMenai’s Projects Development Officer Julie Stokes-Jones added: “It is essential that we work locally with our partners to carry out this scheme which will be key to reducing carbon emissions in homes. It is also a way of ensuring that businesses can prepare for the future – as a group we are in a situation to help them do that.”

Jonathan Williams, one of the tutors on the scheme and a renewable energy specialist said: “We are already seeing the benefit that some of the small businesses are getting out of the training, and how the new skills are helping them to extend the services they offer. We will all have to move to greener technology at some point – these courses ensures that there will be professional trades on hand to help make this shift happen.”

More courses will be developed to support local businesses to evolve and respond to changes in clean technologies and energy efficiency. There are four stages to the Net Zero Gwynedd Project, CIST will focus on delivering ‘strengthening supply chains’ aspect.

As well as CIST, Busnes@LlandrilloMenai and Adra, project partners include Y Dref Werdd, Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths, YnNi Llŷn, Cyd Ynni, Deg and Grŵp Cynefin. The project is funded by the UK Government Community Renewal Fund.



For more information, please contact

Llinos Iorwerth on or 07970 997124

Notes to editors:

  1. Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is the business arm of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, delivering professional, specialist and work-based training.
  2. The CIST is based at the Llangefni campus and focuses on working in partnership to deliver high-quality skills training. The Centre is a platform for the industry to engage with innovative solutions and products.
  3. The Zero Net Gwynedd project is led by Adra in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s ‘Centre for Infrastructure Skills and Technology’ (CIST); innovative social enterprises - Y Dref Werdd, Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths, YnNi Llyn and other organisations including Cyd Ynni, Deg and Grŵp Cynefin.

Part of the wider Net Zero Gwynedd project, led by housing association, Adra, the goal is to reduce the carbon emissions of Gwynedd’s housing stock. The scheme will ensure that owners of small construction businesses are able to install and work with the latest technology in customers' homes, as well as making their own businesses more commercially viable.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s CIST Centre and Innovation Manager, Gareth Hughes said: “We are extremely pleased to be a part of the Net Zero Gwynedd project. It offers a firm plan for builders, electricians, and plumbers as they manage the challenges linked to the decarbonisation of homes, as well as protecting the viability of their own business. Reducing carbon is a priority for all scheme partners, this is an opportunity to ensure we work together to do this.

“Housing is responsible for 29% of UK carbon emissions and Welsh housing stock is particularly old and inefficient. Those taking part in these courses through the scheme will be able to gain experiences and build key skills to make the most of new technology to improve the efficiency of homes.”

The project reflects Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s objectives to work with businesses locally with an emphasis on skills linked to the decarbonisation of the economy and digital technology.

Business@LlandrilloMenai’s Projects Development Officer Julie Stokes-Jones added: “It is essential that we work locally with our partners to carry out this scheme which will be key to reducing carbon emissions in homes. It is also a way of ensuring that businesses can prepare for the future – as a group we are in a situation to help them do that.”

Jonathan Williams, one of the tutors on the scheme and a renewable energy specialist said: “We are already seeing the benefit that some of the small businesses are getting out of the training, and how the new skills are helping them to extend the services they offer. We will all have to move to greener technology at some point – these courses ensures that there will be professional trades on hand to help make this shift happen.”

More courses will be developed to support local businesses to evolve and respond to changes in clean technologies and energy efficiency. There are four stages to the Net Zero Gwynedd Project, CIST will focus on delivering ‘strengthening supply chains’ aspect.

As well as CIST, Busnes@LlandrilloMenai and Adra, project partners include Y Dref Werdd, Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths, YnNi Llŷn, Cyd Ynni, Deg and Grŵp Cynefin. The project is funded by the UK Government Community Renewal Fund.



For more information, please contact

Llinos Iorwerth on or 07970 997124

Notes to editors:

  1. Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is the business arm of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, delivering professional, specialist and work-based training.
  2. The CIST is based at the Llangefni campus and focuses on working in partnership to deliver high-quality skills training. The Centre is a platform for the industry to engage with innovative solutions and products.
  3. The Zero Net Gwynedd project is led by Adra in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s ‘Centre for Infrastructure Skills and Technology’ (CIST); innovative social enterprises - Y Dref Werdd, Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths, YnNi Llyn and other organisations including Cyd Ynni, Deg and Grŵp Cynefin.
Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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