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Cyflwyno Citiau Peirianneg i Fyfyrwyr am Lwyddo i Gwblhau eu Cyrsiau'n Llwyddiannus er Gwaethaf Heriau'r Pandemig

Er gwaethaf heriau'r pandemig, cafodd dros ugain o fyfyrwyr peirianneg mwyaf talentog Coleg Llandrillo gitiau'r diwydiant a thystysgrif yn seremoni wobrwyo'r dysgwyr wedi iddynt gwblhau dyfarniad Lefel 2 neu 3 ar y Rhaglen Peirianneg Uwch ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Bwriad y Rhaglen Peirianneg Uwch yw darparu'r sgiliau a'r wybodaeth gyffredinol am beirianneg sydd eu hangen ar y dysgwyr i'w galluogi i fynd ymlaen yn uniongyrchol i yrfa ym maes cynnal a chadw, gweithrediadau, dylunio, peirianneg cynhyrchu neu wasanaethau technegol, neu i ddychwelyd i'r coleg i arbenigo mewn peirianneg drydanol, fecanyddol neu forol. Mae'r cwrs hefyd yn galluogi'r dysgwyr i ddilyn cyrsiau lefel uwch mewn gweithgynhyrchu, peirianneg fecanyddol neu beirianneg cynhyrchu.

Dywedodd Nigel Birch, Darlithydd a Chydlynydd Cwricwlwm Peirianneg Coleg Llandrillo: “Yn ddi-os, mae hon wedi bod yn flwyddyn wirioneddol anodd. Mae ein dysgwyr llawn amser wedi meithrin gwytnwch a thrwy gydol y cyfnodau clo maen nhw wedi gorfod addasu i weithio mewn sesiynau ar-lein oedd yn cael eu cynnal o bell. Mae'r tiwtoriaid wedi gweithio'n eithriadol o galed i addasu ar gyfer rhoi gwersi o bell ac i ddatblygu eu sgiliau digidol er mwyn gallu bodloni anghenion ein dysgwyr.

"Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf mae'r dysgwyr hyn wedi cwblhau cyfuniad o sesiynau theori a sesiynau ymarferol, ac mae myfyrwyr yr ail flwyddyn wedi cwblhau prosiectau peirianneg a seiliwyd ar sefyllfaoedd gwaith realistig. Felly, yn rhan o'r Rhaglen Peirianneg Uwch, cafodd ein holl ddysgwyr BTEC Lefel 2 a 3 gitiau peirianneg i helpu i'w paratoi ar gyfer cyflogaeth ym maes peirianneg neu gyrsiau lefel uwch.

"Cawsom griw arbennig iawn o fyfyrwyr yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Roedd pob un ohonynt wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i'r gwaith ac yn weithgar dros ben. Mae dyfodol disglair iawn o'u blaenau yn y sector peirianneg."

Yn ogystal, cynhaliodd yr adran Beirianneg gystadleuaeth ffotograffiaeth: 'Peirianneg ar Waith'. Bwriad y gystadleuaeth oedd helpu'r dysgwyr i sylweddoli pa mor bwysig yw peirianneg i'r gymdeithas fodern. Roedd yn gyfle i'r dysgwyr amlygu eu gwybodaeth a'u hangerdd dros beirianneg drwy dynnu llun oedd yn dangos peirianneg ar waith mewn bywyd bob dydd. Yn ystod y seremoni i gyflwyno'r Citiau Peirianneg, cafodd enillydd y gystadleuaeth ffotograffiaeth, Rhiah-Jade Lee, 18 oed o'r Rhyl, daleb Amazon gwerth £50.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cyrsiau Peirianneg sy'n dechrau yng Ngholeg Llandrillo fis Medi, cysylltwch â thîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.



The Enhanced Engineering Programme is designed to provide learners with the necessary skills and knowledge in general engineering to be able to progress directly into careers in maintenance, operations, design, production engineering or technical services, or to return to college to specialise in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or marine engineering. The programme also allows learners to study higher level courses in manufacturing, mechanical or production engineering.

Nigel Birch, lecturer and curriculum coordinator for Engineering at Coleg Llandrillo said: “Without question it has been a really tough year. Our full-time learners have learned to be resilient and have had to adapt to work in remote online teaching sessions throughout the lockdown periods. The tutors have also worked incredibly hard to adapt their teaching for remote sessions and to develop their digital media skills to care for our learners’ needs.

“Over the past year these learners have completed a combination of theoretical and practical work-related sessions, and our second year learners have successfully completed engineering projects which are based on realistic workplace situations. So as part of the Enhanced Engineering Programme, all of our Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC learners were awarded engineering toolkits which will help to prepare them for employment in the engineering workplace or higher level study.

“We have had an exceptional cohort of students during the last year. All of them were thoroughly engaged and they worked extremely hard throughout. I predict bright futures for them within the engineering sector.”

In addition, this year the Engineering department ran a photography competition: 'Engineering in Action'. This competition was designed to help the learners to recognise the importance that engineering plays in our society today. It was a chance for the learners to demonstrate their knowledge and passion for engineering by composing a photograph that highlights engineering in action in everyday life. During the Toolkit presentation ceremony the winner of the competition, Rhiah-Jade Lee, 18 from Rhyl, was awarded a £50 Amazon gift voucher.

For more information on the range of Engineering courses starting in September at Coleg Llandrillo, please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



The Enhanced Engineering Programme is designed to provide learners with the necessary skills and knowledge in general engineering to be able to progress directly into careers in maintenance, operations, design, production engineering or technical services, or to return to college to specialise in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or marine engineering. The programme also allows learners to study higher level courses in manufacturing, mechanical or production engineering.

Nigel Birch, lecturer and curriculum coordinator for Engineering at Coleg Llandrillo said: “Without question it has been a really tough year. Our full-time learners have learned to be resilient and have had to adapt to work in remote online teaching sessions throughout the lockdown periods. The tutors have also worked incredibly hard to adapt their teaching for remote sessions and to develop their digital media skills to care for our learners’ needs.

“Over the past year these learners have completed a combination of theoretical and practical work-related sessions, and our second year learners have successfully completed engineering projects which are based on realistic workplace situations. So as part of the Enhanced Engineering Programme, all of our Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC learners were awarded engineering toolkits which will help to prepare them for employment in the engineering workplace or higher level study.

“We have had an exceptional cohort of students during the last year. All of them were thoroughly engaged and they worked extremely hard throughout. I predict bright futures for them within the engineering sector.”

In addition, this year the Engineering department ran a photography competition: 'Engineering in Action'. This competition was designed to help the learners to recognise the importance that engineering plays in our society today. It was a chance for the learners to demonstrate their knowledge and passion for engineering by composing a photograph that highlights engineering in action in everyday life. During the Toolkit presentation ceremony the winner of the competition, Rhiah-Jade Lee, 18 from Rhyl, was awarded a £50 Amazon gift voucher.

For more information on the range of Engineering courses starting in September at Coleg Llandrillo, please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



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