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Cyn-fyfyriwr Cyfrifiadura o'r Coleg i dderbyn Doethuriaeth

Bydd cyn-fyfyriwr o Goleg Llandrillo a wrthododd i adael Syndrom Asperger ei rwystro rhag llwyddo, yn derbyn PhD yn fuan a chael y fraint o ddefnyddio'r teitl 'Dr'.

Llwyddodd y darpar Dr Ryan Ward i amddiffyn ei draethawd ymchwil yn llwyddiannus yn ddiweddar a bydd yn derbyn PhD mewn Peirianneg Drydanol ac Electronig o Brifysgol Lerpwl yn fuan. Bydd yn parhau i weithio yn y Brifysgol mewn rôl ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol fel peiriannydd prosiect.

Gadawodd Ryan, sy'n ei ugeiniau a'i deulu yn byw ym Mochdre, Goleg Llandrillo yn 2014 ar ôl llwyddo i ennill D*D*D* yn ei Ddiploma Estynedig Lefel 3 BTEC mewn TG. Aeth yn ei flaen i Brifysgol Bangor gan raddio yn 2018 â Gradd Anrhydedd Dosbarth Cyntaf mewn Cyfrifiadureg. Yn ystod ei gyfnod ym Mangor, enillodd Wobr Dr Jan Abas, ac roedd hefyd yn ail yng Ngwobr Dr Robert Jones am y cyflawniad academaidd cyffredinol gorau ledled y Brifysgol gyfan.

Wedi hynny, sicrhaodd leoliad PhD am bedair blynedd ym Mhrifysgol Lerpwl i ymchwilio realiti rhithwir, synaesthesia a rhyngwynebau peiriant dynol yn ei Hadran Seicoleg Wybyddol a Pheirianneg Drydanol ac Electroneg.

Yn ddiweddar amddiffynnodd ei draethawd ymchwil yn llwyddiannus mewn arholiad Viva terfynol ar gyfer PhD mewn Peirianneg Drydanol ac Electroneg, a bydd derbyn doethuriaeth yn fuan a chael teitl anrhydeddus 'Dr'.

Mae Ryan – y mae ei dad Patrick yn gweithio yn yr adran Chwaraeon ar gampws y Coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos – wedi cyflwyno cais am batent ac mae wedi cael ei gyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion academaidd amrywiol droeon o weithiau dros y pedair blynedd diwethaf, gan gynnwys y cyfnodolyn mawreddog “Nature” yn 2020 Cyflwynodd un o'i bapurau yn ddiweddar yng Nghynhadledd 2022 yr IMRF yn Ulm, yr Almaen.

Cofrestrodd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn wreiddiol ar ôl iddo dreulio blwyddyn yn chweched dosbarth ei gyn-ysgol, gan nad oedd yr amgylchedd ddysgu yn addas i'w anghenion. Ar ôl ymuno â'r coleg, darganfu'n fuan fod ganddo ddawn eithriadol at godio cyfrifiadurol ac mae'r gweddill, fel y dywedant, yn hanes.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Cyfrifiadura, cysylltwch â thîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.



The soon-to-be Dr Ryan Ward successfully defended his thesis recently and will shortly be awarded a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Liverpool University. He will continue to work at the university in a post-Doctoral research position as a project engineer.

Twenty-something Ryan - whose family home is in Mochdre - left Coleg Llandrillo in 2014 after achieving D*D*D* in his BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in IT. He then gained a place at Bangor University, graduating top of his class in 2018 with a First-Class Honours Degree in Computer Science. During his time at Bangor, he won the Dr Jan Abas Award, and was also named runner-up for the Dr John Robert Jones Award for the best overall academic achievement throughout the whole university.

He then immediately secured a four-year PhD placement at Liverpool University, researching virtual reality, synaesthesia and human-machine interfaces in its Department of Cognitive Psychology and Electrical Engineering & Electronics.

He recently successfully defended his thesis in a final Viva examination for a PhD in Electronics & Electrical Engineering, and all being well, will soon be Dr Ryan Ward.

Ryan - whose father Patrick works within the Sports department at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus - has a patent application pending and has been published in various academic journals numerous times over the last four years, including the prestigious “Nature” journal in 2020. He recently presented one of his papers at the IMRF 2022 Conference, in Ulm, Germany.

He originally enrolled at Coleg Llandrillo after spending a year in his school’s sixth form, finding that the latter’s learning environment did not suit his needs. After joining college, he soon discovered that he had an exceptional aptitude for computer coding and the rest, as they say, is history.

For more information on our courses in Computing, please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



The soon-to-be Dr Ryan Ward successfully defended his thesis recently and will shortly be awarded a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Liverpool University. He will continue to work at the university in a post-Doctoral research position as a project engineer.

Twenty-something Ryan - whose family home is in Mochdre - left Coleg Llandrillo in 2014 after achieving D*D*D* in his BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in IT. He then gained a place at Bangor University, graduating top of his class in 2018 with a First-Class Honours Degree in Computer Science. During his time at Bangor, he won the Dr Jan Abas Award, and was also named runner-up for the Dr John Robert Jones Award for the best overall academic achievement throughout the whole university.

He then immediately secured a four-year PhD placement at Liverpool University, researching virtual reality, synaesthesia and human-machine interfaces in its Department of Cognitive Psychology and Electrical Engineering & Electronics.

He recently successfully defended his thesis in a final Viva examination for a PhD in Electronics & Electrical Engineering, and all being well, will soon be Dr Ryan Ward.

Ryan - whose father Patrick works within the Sports department at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus - has a patent application pending and has been published in various academic journals numerous times over the last four years, including the prestigious “Nature” journal in 2020. He recently presented one of his papers at the IMRF 2022 Conference, in Ulm, Germany.

He originally enrolled at Coleg Llandrillo after spending a year in his school’s sixth form, finding that the latter’s learning environment did not suit his needs. After joining college, he soon discovered that he had an exceptional aptitude for computer coding and the rest, as they say, is history.

For more information on our courses in Computing, please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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