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Ffilm Cyn-fyfyriwr yn Rhan o Ŵyl Ffilm Ryngwladol

Bydd un o fyfyrwyr blaenorol Parc Menai yn dangos ei ffilm broffesiynol gyntaf am y tro cyntaf yng Ngŵyl Ffilm Ryngwladol Caerdydd.

Dewiswyd ffilm Osian Roberts, 'Tryweryn', i ffurfio rhan o gategori 'Ffilmiau Cymru' yr ŵyl.

Bu Osian, o Lannerchymedd, yn astudio cwrs Celf Sylfaen yng Ngholeg Menai yn 2017-18. Yna aeth ymlaen i astudio BA Animeiddio ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Manceinion, cyn mynd i Brifysgol Caerdydd i gwblhau ei radd Meistr mewn Animeiddio.

Mae 'Tryweryn' yn edrych ar hanes Capel Celyn, y pentref bychan yng ngogledd Cymru a foddwyd i greu cronfa ddŵr i ddarparu dŵr i ddinas Lerpwl.

Sefydlwyd Gŵyl Ffilm Ryngwladol Caerdydd yn 2016, sy'n ddigwyddiad rhyngwladol a gefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caerdydd.

Mae'r Ŵyl yn gwahodd ceisiadau ac yn denu gwneuthurwyr ffilmiau o bob cwr o'r byd.

Mae noddwyr yr Ŵyl yn cynnwys yr actorion Hollywood Michael Sheen a Matthew Rhys, Marc Zicree sy'n ysgrifennwr a chynhyrchydd a'r actorion Bollywood Emraan Hashmi a Jaqueline Fernandez.

Dywedodd Osian,

"Rwy'n falch iawn ac yn llawn cyffro fod fy ffilm i wedi'i dewis ar gyfer yr ŵyl ffilm. Mae'r ffilm yn bwysig iawn i mi ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn taflu goleuni ar y digwyddiadau yng Nghapel Celyn yr holl flynyddoedd yn ôl."

"Mae'r rhan fwyaf o bobl wedi clywed y slogan 'Cofiwch Dryweryn' ond ddim yn hollol siŵr beth ddigwyddodd. Felly, wrth greu'r ffilm roeddwn i'n gobeithio cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth am Gapel Celyn a'i hanes."

Cynhelir yr Ŵyl Ffilm ar-lein eleni, oherwydd COVID-19.

Cewch ragor o wybodaeth am Ŵyl Ffilm Ryngwladol Caerdydd yma.

Osian Roberts’ film ‘Tryweryn’ has been selected to form part of the ‘Welsh Film’ category of the festival.

Osian, from Llannerch-y-Medd, studied Art Foundation at Coleg Menai during 2017-2018. He then went on to study BA Animation at Manchester Metropolitan University, before heading to Cardiff University to complete his Master’s Degree in Animation.

‘Tryweryn’ looks at the history of Capel Celyn, the small village in North Wales that was flooded to create a reservoir to supply water to the city of Liverpool.

Cardiff International Film Festival was established in 2016, which is an international event supported by both the Welsh Assembly and Cardiff Council. The Festival attracts filmmakers and invites submissions from across the Globe.

The Festival patrons include Hollywood Actors Michael Sheen and Matthew Rhys, Marc Zicree who is a Writer and Producer, and Bollywood actors Emraan Hashmi and Jaqueline Fernandez.

Osian said,

“I’m really proud and excited to have my film selected for the film festival. The film is really important to me and I hope it shines a light on the events at Capel Celyn all those years ago”

“Most people have heard the slogan ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn' but are not quite sure what happened. So, in making the film, I was hoping to raise awareness of Capel Celyn and its history.”

Due to COVID-19, the Film Festival will be held online at the end of October.

You can find out more about Cardiff International Film Festival here.

Osian Roberts’ film ‘Tryweryn’ has been selected to form part of the ‘Welsh Film’ category of the festival.

Osian, from Llannerch-y-Medd, studied Art Foundation at Coleg Menai during 2017-2018. He then went on to study BA Animation at Manchester Metropolitan University, before heading to Cardiff University to complete his Master’s Degree in Animation.

‘Tryweryn’ looks at the history of Capel Celyn, the small village in North Wales that was flooded to create a reservoir to supply water to the city of Liverpool.

Cardiff International Film Festival was established in 2016, which is an international event supported by both the Welsh Assembly and Cardiff Council. The Festival attracts filmmakers and invites submissions from across the Globe.

The Festival patrons include Hollywood Actors Michael Sheen and Matthew Rhys, Marc Zicree who is a Writer and Producer, and Bollywood actors Emraan Hashmi and Jaqueline Fernandez.

Osian said,

“I’m really proud and excited to have my film selected for the film festival. The film is really important to me and I hope it shines a light on the events at Capel Celyn all those years ago”

“Most people have heard the slogan ‘Cofiwch Dryweryn' but are not quite sure what happened. So, in making the film, I was hoping to raise awareness of Capel Celyn and its history.”

Due to COVID-19, the Film Festival will be held online at the end of October.

You can find out more about Cardiff International Film Festival here.