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Y gyn-fyfyrwraig Ceri Bostock i wneud ei hymddangosiad cyntaf ar y sgrin fawr yn y ffilm Bolan's Shoes

Bydd cyn-fyfyrwraig Coleg Menai, Ceri Bostock, yn ymddangos am y tro cyntaf ar y sgrin fawr yn y ddrama roc 'Bolan's Shoes', a ddaw i'r sinemâu ym mis Medi.

Ers astudio drama yn y coleg yn 2000, mae Ceri wedi cael gyrfa lwyddiannus fel cantores, actores a chyflwynydd teledu, yn ogystal â gweithio tu ôl i’r camera.

⁠Roedd hi yn y band Pheena yn y 2000au cynnar, yn teithio gyda grwpiau fel Blue a Liberty X, mae wedi ymddangos ar Coronation Street ac Emmerdale, ac yn ddiweddar wedi bod yn gyfarwyddwr cynorthwyol cyntaf ar y gyfres sebon Pobol y Cwm.

Yr haf hwn dychwelodd i Goleg Menai i gyfarwyddo ‘The Hunger Pang Gang’, ffilm a gynhyrchwyd o dan gynllun It’s My Shout gyda myfyrwyr y cyrsiau Celfyddydau Perfformio yn serennu, a dysgwyr Cyfryngau Creadigol yn ymwneud â chynhyrchu.

Ar ôl iddi hefyd ddysgu Iaith Arwyddion Prydain yng Ngholeg Menai, mae Ceri’n gweithio fel tiwtor Makaton ochr yn ochr â’i gyrfa deledu, a bu'n cyflwyno Dwylo'r Enfys, sioe blant ar S4C a enillodd wobr BAFTA. Mae'r sioe yn defnyddio Makaton - rhaglen iaith sy'n cynnwys symbolau, arwyddion a lleferydd - i helpu plant i ddysgu cyfathrebu.

Nawr mae Ceri, o Gaernarfon, yn paratoi i ymddangos yn ei ffilm gyntaf, Bolan’s Shoes, fydd yn y sinemâu ar Fedi 15.

Wedi'i ffilmio yn Lerpwl a Chaergybi, mae'r ddrama ffuglennol wedi'i hysbrydoli gan oes roc glam y 1970au ac mae'n canolbwyntio ar gefnogwyr Marc Bolan, blaenwr chwedlonol T-Rex.

Since studying drama at the college in 2000, Ceri has had a successful career as a singer, actor and TV presenter, as well as working behind the camera.

She was in girl band Pheena in the early 2000s, touring with the likes of Blue and Liberty X, has appeared on Coronation Street and Emmerdale, and more recently has worked as first assistant director on S4C soap Pobol y Cwm.

This summer she returned to Coleg Menai to direct ‘The Hunger Pang Gang’, a film produced under the It’s My Shout scheme starring students on the Performing Arts courses, with Creative Media learners involved in production.

Having also learned British Sign Language at Coleg Menai, Ceri works as a Makaton tutor alongside her TV career, and presented BAFTA-winning S4C children’s show Dwylo’r Enfys. The show uses Makaton - a language programme involving symbols, signs and speech - to help children learn to communicate.

Now Ceri, from Caernarfon, is preparing to make her film debut in Bolan’s Shoes, which is out in cinemas on September 15.

Filmed in Liverpool and Holyhead, the fictional drama is inspired by the 1970s glam rock era and centres on fans of legendary T-Rex frontman Marc Bolan.

Since studying drama at the college in 2000, Ceri has had a successful career as a singer, actor and TV presenter, as well as working behind the camera.

She was in girl band Pheena in the early 2000s, touring with the likes of Blue and Liberty X, has appeared on Coronation Street and Emmerdale, and more recently has worked as first assistant director on S4C soap Pobol y Cwm.

This summer she returned to Coleg Menai to direct ‘The Hunger Pang Gang’, a film produced under the It’s My Shout scheme starring students on the Performing Arts courses, with Creative Media learners involved in production.

Having also learned British Sign Language at Coleg Menai, Ceri works as a Makaton tutor alongside her TV career, and presented BAFTA-winning S4C children’s show Dwylo’r Enfys. The show uses Makaton - a language programme involving symbols, signs and speech - to help children learn to communicate.

Now Ceri, from Caernarfon, is preparing to make her film debut in Bolan’s Shoes, which is out in cinemas on September 15.

Filmed in Liverpool and Holyhead, the fictional drama is inspired by the 1970s glam rock era and centres on fans of legendary T-Rex frontman Marc Bolan.

Ian Puleston-Davies, y cyn-actor Coronation Street o Sir y Fflint, sy'n cyfarwyddo, ac mae Timothy Spall yn ogystal â seren Gangs of London, Mark Lewis Jones, a anwyd yn Wrecsam yn serennu, tra bod mab Bolan, Rolan, yn gynhyrchydd cyswllt.

Dywedodd Ceri, sy'n chwarae rhan Dilys yn y ffilm: “Mae wedi bod yn uchafbwynt yn fy ngyrfa. Dyma fy ffilm gyntaf felly roedd yn brofiad eithaf anhygoel. Oherwydd fy mod i wedi gweithio llawer y tu ôl i'r camera yn ogystal ag o'i flaen, mae'n hynod ddiddorol gallu gweld y ddwy ochr."

Astudiodd Ceri ddiploma BTEC mewn Drama yng Ngholeg Menai, ac mae ganddi atgofion melys o gerdded ar lwyfan yr hen Theatr Gwynedd.

Meddai: "Mi wnes i wirioneddol fwynhau'r cwrs Celfyddydau Perfformio yng Ngholeg Menai. Cael bod o gwmpas pobl o’r un anian a chael y cyfle i wneud y pethau nad oeddwn i wedi gallu eu gwneud yn yr ysgol.

“Yr uchafbwyntiau i mi oedd y perfformiadau wnaethon ni yn yr hen Theatr Gwynedd – yn enwedig Sweet Charity, sef fy hoff gyfnod ar y cwrs. Roedd yn rhaid i ni gael clyweliad am y rhannau a chefais un o'r prif rannau, a oedd yn anhygoel. Lisa Jones oedd fy nhiwtor ac roedd hi'n hyfryd mynd nôl a'i gweld hi efo It's My Shout."

Cyngor Ceri i unrhyw un sy’n astudio’r celfyddydau perfformio neu’n ystyried gwneud cais ydy: “Po fwyaf o brofiad y gallwch chi ei gael, y mwyaf y gallwch chi ei ddysgu, gorau oll. Mae actio fel cyhyr, mae'n rhaid i chi barhau i'w ymarfer a dydych chi byth yn rhoi'r gorau i ddysgu.

It is directed by former Coronation Street actor Ian Puleston-Davies, from Flintshire, and stars Timothy Spall as well as Wrexham-born Gangs of London star Mark Lewis Jones, while Bolan’s son Rolan is an associate producer.

Ceri, who plays Dilys in the film, said: “It’s been a highlight of my career. It’s my first feature film so it was a pretty awesome experience. Because I’ve worked a lot behind the camera as well as in front of it, it’s fascinating to be able to see both sides of it.”

Ceri studied a BTEC diploma in Drama at Coleg Menai, and has fond memories of treading the boards at the old Theatr Gwynedd.

She said: “I really enjoyed the performing arts course at Coleg Menai. Just being around like-minded people and getting the opportunity to do the things I hadn’t been able to do in school.

“The highlights for me were the performances we did at the old Theatr Gwynedd - especially Sweet Charity, which was my favourite time of the course. We had to audition for the parts and I got one of the lead roles, which was amazing. Lisa Jones was my tutor and it was lovely to go back and see her with It’s My Shout.”

Ceri had this advice for anyone studying performing arts or thinking of applying: “The more experience you can get, the more you can learn, the better. Acting is like a muscle, you’ve got to keep doing it and you never stop learning.

It is directed by former Coronation Street actor Ian Puleston-Davies, from Flintshire, and stars Timothy Spall as well as Wrexham-born Gangs of London star Mark Lewis Jones, while Bolan’s son Rolan is an associate producer.

Ceri, who plays Dilys in the film, said: “It’s been a highlight of my career. It’s my first feature film so it was a pretty awesome experience. Because I’ve worked a lot behind the camera as well as in front of it, it’s fascinating to be able to see both sides of it.”

Ceri studied a BTEC diploma in Drama at Coleg Menai, and has fond memories of treading the boards at the old Theatr Gwynedd.

She said: “I really enjoyed the performing arts course at Coleg Menai. Just being around like-minded people and getting the opportunity to do the things I hadn’t been able to do in school.

“The highlights for me were the performances we did at the old Theatr Gwynedd - especially Sweet Charity, which was my favourite time of the course. We had to audition for the parts and I got one of the lead roles, which was amazing. Lisa Jones was my tutor and it was lovely to go back and see her with It’s My Shout.”

Ceri had this advice for anyone studying performing arts or thinking of applying: “The more experience you can get, the more you can learn, the better. Acting is like a muscle, you’ve got to keep doing it and you never stop learning.

"Mae'n ddiwydiant anodd i fynd i mewn iddo, yn enwedig i actorion. Mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn agored i feddu ar sgiliau eraill yn ychwanegol i actio, all arwain at swydd yn y diwydiant."

Mae Ceri yn sicr yn fedrus mewn aml i faes, gan iddi hyfforddi fel tiwtor Makaton ar ôl ennill BAFTA gyda Dwylo’r Enfys. Dechreuodd ei thaith i gyflwyno'r sioe sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr pan ddysgodd Iaith Arwyddion Prydain Lefel 2 yng Ngholeg Menai yn 2008.

“Roeddwn i wastad wedi bod yn chwilfrydig, ac mi roeddwn i wrth fy modd gyda'r cwrs!” meddai hi. "Rhyfedd sut mae'r rhod yn troi, ac y gallwn drosglwyddo'r sgiliau hynny i gyflwyno Dwylo'r Enfys.

“Mae arwyddion Makaton yn dod o BSL ond maen nhw’n cael eu defnyddio’n wahanol. Mae BSL yn iaith a ddefnyddir yn y gymuned fyddar ac mae Makaton yn defnyddio arwyddion a symbolau lleferydd ac mae'n cael ei defnyddio ar gyfer pob math o anawsterau cyfathrebu gan bobl o bob oedran.

“Ar ôl cyflwyno’r gyfres fe wnes i gario ‘mlaen i hyfforddi fel tiwtor Makaton a nawr rydw i’n dysgu Makaton ac yn cyfuno hynny â fy sgiliau creadigol.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Celfyddydau Perfformio gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma. I gael gwybodaeth am yr amrywiaeth o gyrsiau Iaith Arwyddion Prydain sydd ar gael drwy Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ewch i ⁠a chwilio am 'BSL'.

“It’s a difficult industry to crack, especially for actors. You’ve got to be open to having other skills that can complement acting and lead to a job in the industry.”

Ceri is certainly multi-skilled, having trained as a Makaton tutor after winning a BAFTA with Dwylo’r Enfys. Her journey to presenting the award-winning show started when she learned Level 2 British Sign Language at Coleg Menai in 2008.

“I had always been curious and I loved the course so much!” she said. “Weird how life goes and that I could transfer those skills to then present Dwylo’r Enfys.

“Makaton signs come from BSL but they are used differently. BSL is a language used in the deaf community and Makaton uses speech signs and symbols and is used for all communication difficulties at any age.

“After presenting the series I carried on to train as a Makaton tutor and now I teach Makaton and combine it with my creative skills.”

For more information about Performing Arts courses at Grŵp Llandrillo, click here. For information on the range of British Sign Language courses available through Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, visit and search ‘BSL’.

“It’s a difficult industry to crack, especially for actors. You’ve got to be open to having other skills that can complement acting and lead to a job in the industry.”

Ceri is certainly multi-skilled, having trained as a Makaton tutor after winning a BAFTA with Dwylo’r Enfys. Her journey to presenting the award-winning show started when she learned Level 2 British Sign Language at Coleg Menai in 2008.

“I had always been curious and I loved the course so much!” she said. “Weird how life goes and that I could transfer those skills to then present Dwylo’r Enfys.

“Makaton signs come from BSL but they are used differently. BSL is a language used in the deaf community and Makaton uses speech signs and symbols and is used for all communication difficulties at any age.

“After presenting the series I carried on to train as a Makaton tutor and now I teach Makaton and combine it with my creative skills.”

For more information about Performing Arts courses at Grŵp Llandrillo, click here. For information on the range of British Sign Language courses available through Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, visit and search ‘BSL’.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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