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Enillydd gwobr o Goleg Glynllifon yn ennill lle ar gynllun cenedlaethol i ffermwyr ifanc

Mae enillydd gwobr Coleg Glynllifon, Lea Williams, wedi’i dewis ar gyfer Rhaglen Iau Academi Amaeth Cyswllt Ffermio.

Lea o Lansannan yng Nghonwy a enwyd yn brif enillydd yn niwrnod gwobrwyo diweddar Coleg Glynllifon, ar ôl cwblhau ei hastudiaethau Lefel 3 mewn Amaethyddiaeth.

Mae'r ferch 18 oed bellach wedi cael hwb i'w huchelgais gyrfa fel un o 12 o bobl ifanc o bob cwr o Gymru a ddewiswyd ar gyfer yr Academi Amaeth.

Mae'r fenter, ar gyfer darpar ffermwyr 16-19 oed, yn cynnig profiad gwaith gyda chwaraewyr allweddol yn y diwydiant, yn ogystal â chyfleoedd hyfforddi a rhwydweithio.

Yr wythnos hon, mae Lea a’r ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus eraill wedi bod yn Sioe Frenhinol Cymru. Byddant hefyd yn mynd dramor ar ymweliad astudio â'r Iseldiroedd, yn derbyn hyfforddiant ar redeg eu busnes eu hunain a thrafod y cyfryngau, ac yn cael cyfleoedd i gadeirio cyfarfodydd a lleisio eu barn.

Fel merch i rieni sydd wedi gweithio'n galed i brynu eu fferm eidion a defaid eu hunain, hoffai Lea ddilyn yn ôl eu traed a chyflawni'r un peth ei hun rhyw ddydd.

Yn ei hamser hamdden mae’n helpu ar y fferm, gan wneud popeth o fwydo’r da byw a thrin gwartheg i reoli llety gwyliau’r teulu a'u busnes gwerthu wyau a mêl.

Meddai: “Rwyf wrth fy modd yn gofalu am bawb a phopeth ac wrth gwrs gwaith ffermwyr yn y pen draw yw gofalu am eu da byw, tra hefyd yn gofalu am y boblogaeth sydd angen eu bwydo.”

Mae Lea yn drysorydd Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Llansannan, ac mae hefyd yn gantores frwd ac wedi ennill gwobrau mewn cystadlaethau gan gynnwys yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol o oedran ifanc iawn.

Lea, from Llansannan in Denbighshire was named overall winner at Coleg Glynllifon’s recent prize day, after completing her Level 3 Agriculture studies.

The 18-year-old has now received a boost to her career ambitions as one of 12 young people from across Wales selected for the Agri Academy.

The initiative, for aspiring farmers aged 16-19, offers work experience with key industry players, as well as training and networking opportunities.

This week, Lea and the other successful applicants have been at the Royal Welsh Show. They will also go on an overseas study visit to the Netherlands, receive training in running their own business and handling media, and have opportunities to chair meetings and voice their opinions.

As the daughter of parents who have worked hard to buy their own beef and sheep farm, Lea would like to follow in their footsteps and achieve the same herself one day.

In her spare time she helps out on the farm, doing everything from feeding the livestock and handling cattle to managing the family’s holiday accommodation and egg and honey sales business.

She said: “I love taking care of everyone and everything and of course the ultimate job of farmers is to look after their livestock, while also looking after the population that needs to be fed.”

Lea is treasurer of Llansannan Young Farmers Club, and is also a keen singer, having won prizes at competitions including the National Eisteddfod from a very young age.

Lea, from Llansannan in Denbighshire was named overall winner at Coleg Glynllifon’s recent prize day, after completing her Level 3 Agriculture studies.

The 18-year-old has now received a boost to her career ambitions as one of 12 young people from across Wales selected for the Agri Academy.

The initiative, for aspiring farmers aged 16-19, offers work experience with key industry players, as well as training and networking opportunities.

This week, Lea and the other successful applicants have been at the Royal Welsh Show. They will also go on an overseas study visit to the Netherlands, receive training in running their own business and handling media, and have opportunities to chair meetings and voice their opinions.

As the daughter of parents who have worked hard to buy their own beef and sheep farm, Lea would like to follow in their footsteps and achieve the same herself one day.

In her spare time she helps out on the farm, doing everything from feeding the livestock and handling cattle to managing the family’s holiday accommodation and egg and honey sales business.

She said: “I love taking care of everyone and everything and of course the ultimate job of farmers is to look after their livestock, while also looking after the population that needs to be fed.”

Lea is treasurer of Llansannan Young Farmers Club, and is also a keen singer, having won prizes at competitions including the National Eisteddfod from a very young age.

Wrth iddi edrych ymlaen at ei gyrfa yn y dyfodol, a allai gynnwys rhedeg ei busnes ei hun, mae Lea yn gyffrous i adeiladu ar ei gwybodaeth yn ystod Rhaglen Iau'r Academi Amaeth.

Dywedodd: "Bydd hefyd yn dda cyfarfod â phobl ifanc eraill sydd â diddordebau tebyg i mi, i rannu syniadau ac i ddysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd."

Bydd Lea ac ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus eraill yr Academi Amaeth yn mynd ar ymweliadau fferm a chadwynau cyflenwi yn Llŷn fis nesaf a Cheredigion yn yr hydref, ynghyd â thaith i’r Iseldiroedd ddiwedd mis Awst.

Byddant hefyd yn derbyn sesiynau hyfforddi ar ymdrin â’r cyfryngau, mentergarwch ac adnabod y diwydiant, cyn seremoni yn Ffair Aeaf Frenhinol Cymru ym mis Tachwedd, gyda sesiwn gloi i ddilyn yn Y Bala fis Chwefror nesaf.

Dywedodd Lea ei bod wedi cael y paratoad delfrydol ar gyfer ei gyrfa ym myd ffermio diolch i'r cwrs Amaethyddiaeth yng Ngholeg Glynllifon.

Yn dilyn ei llwyddiant ar ddiwrnod gwobrau coleg addysg diwydiannau’r tir fis diwethaf, dywedodd Lea: "Astudio amaethyddiaeth yng Nglynllifon oedd y penderfyniad gorau i mi ar gyfer fy addysg ôl-16.

"Rydw i wedi cael profiad gwaith, wedi mynd ar dripiau, wedi gwneud gwaith ymarferol, wedi cael yr addysg orau bosibl ac wedi byw oddi cartref. Byddwn yn sicr yn argymell y cwrs hwn i eraill."

Cyflwynwyd ei gwobr gan y coleg i Lea gan Lesley Griffiths, Gweinidog Materion Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Amaethyddiaeth yng Ngholeg Glynllifon, cliciwch yma.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Raglen Iau Academi Amaeth Cyswllt Ffermio, cliciwch yma.

As she looks ahead to her future career, which may include running her own business, Lea is excited to build on her knowledge during the Agri Academy Junior Programme.

She said: “It will also be good to meet other young people who have similar interests to mine, to share ideas and to learn from each other.’’

Lea and the other successful Agri Academy candidates will go on farm and supply chain visits in Llŷn next month and Ceredigion in the autumn, plus a trip to the Netherlands at the end of August.

They will also receive training sessions in dealing with the media, entrepreneurship and knowing the industry, before a ceremony at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in November, followed by a closing session in Bala next February.

Lea said she has had the ideal preparation for her career in farming thanks to the Agriculture course at Coleg Glynllifon.

Following her success at the land-based education college prize day last month, Lea said: “Studying agriculture at Glynllifon has been the best decision for me for my post-16 education.

“I have had work experience, trips, practical work, the best education and lived away from home. I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone.”

Lea was presented with her award from the college by Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government Minister for Rural Affairs.

For more information on Agriculture courses at Coleg Glynllifon, click here.

For more information on the Farming Connect Agri Academy Junior Programme, click here.

As she looks ahead to her future career, which may include running her own business, Lea is excited to build on her knowledge during the Agri Academy Junior Programme.

She said: “It will also be good to meet other young people who have similar interests to mine, to share ideas and to learn from each other.’’

Lea and the other successful Agri Academy candidates will go on farm and supply chain visits in Llŷn next month and Ceredigion in the autumn, plus a trip to the Netherlands at the end of August.

They will also receive training sessions in dealing with the media, entrepreneurship and knowing the industry, before a ceremony at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in November, followed by a closing session in Bala next February.

Lea said she has had the ideal preparation for her career in farming thanks to the Agriculture course at Coleg Glynllifon.

Following her success at the land-based education college prize day last month, Lea said: “Studying agriculture at Glynllifon has been the best decision for me for my post-16 education.

“I have had work experience, trips, practical work, the best education and lived away from home. I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone.”

Lea was presented with her award from the college by Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government Minister for Rural Affairs.

For more information on Agriculture courses at Coleg Glynllifon, click here.

For more information on the Farming Connect Agri Academy Junior Programme, click here.

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