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Hari Roberts yn cael ei ddewis ar gyfer Rhaglen Busnes ac Arloesi Cyswllt Ffermio.

Mae Hari Roberts, o Lannefydd yng Nghonwy, sydd newydd orffen Prentisiaeth Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Glynllifon wedi cael ei dewis ar gyfer y Rhaglen Busnes ac Arloesi gyda Chyswllt Ffermio.

Nod y rhaglen sy'n cael ei hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru yw - Cefnogi datblygiad personol trwy weithdai a seminarau, cynnig cyfle i gwrdd ag arbenigwyr ac arweinwyr busnes yn y diwydiant, creu amgylchedd i wella sgiliau rheoli busnes ac i hybu rhwydweithio effeithiol ymysg y busnesau amaethyddol mwyaf blaengar yng Nghymru.

Meddai Hari Roberts -

“Rwy’n gobeithio ehangu fy ngwybodaeth o’r sector amaethyddol a chyfarfod â busnesau sydd ar y blaen ac yn arwain ffyrdd newydd o ffermio, megis ymgorffori arferion amgylcheddol cynaliadwy i mewn i arferion a strategaeth busnes. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at gael siarad â phobl o’r un anian sy’n rhannu’r un awydd i wella eu busnes ac sydd ddim yn ofni cymryd risgiau. Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd hyn yn gymorth i mi fynd â’n busnes i’r cam nesaf.”

Mae gan Hari yr uchelgais ehangu’r busnes ffermio tu hwnt i’w ffrydiau incwm presennol trwy archwilio dulliau newydd ac mae’n ystyried defnyddio’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau a ddatblygodd yn y sector llaeth i fagu heffrod llaeth. Yn ymwybodol o’r cyfleoedd a all godi o ganlyniad i newid, mae Hari yn benderfynol o wneud y mwyaf o botensial y busnes.

Dywedodd Charlotte Roberts, Asesydd prentisiaethau amaethyddol yng Nglynllifon -

“Yn 19 oed, mae Harry wedi gwneud yn dda iawn i fynd ar y rhaglen Busnes ac Arloesi, yn hytrach na’r rhaglen iau. Roeddem bob amser yn gwybod bod gan Hari ddyfodol disglair iawn yn y diwydiant amaeth. Rydym yn falch iawn ohono. "

Pob lwc Hari a da iawn ti.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau ewch i : : 01286 830 261

19-year-old Hari Roberts from Llannefydd, Conwy - who has just finished a Level 3 Apprenticeship at Coleg Glynllifon - has been selected for the prestigious Business and Innovation programme. The initiative is a funded partnership between the government and Farming Connect.

The programme aims to: support personal development through workshops and seminars; offer opportunities to meet industry experts and business leaders; create an environment to improve business management skills, and promote effective networking among the most forward-looking, agri-business people in Wales.

Hari Roberts said: “I hope to broaden my knowledge of the agriculture sector and be exposed to businesses which are ahead of the game, as well as leading new ways of farming, such as incorporating environmentally sustainable practices into business strategies. I’m looking forward to talking with like-minded people who share a desire to improve their business and are not afraid to take risks. Hopefully, this will help me take our business to the next step.”

Hari has strong ambitions to expand the current farming business beyond its current income streams by exploring other avenues and is considering applying the knowledge and skills he has developed in the dairy sector into practice through rearing dairy heifers. Not fazed by the opportunities that can flourish from change, Hari is determined to maximise the businesses potential.

Charlotte Roberts, assessor for agricultural apprenticeships at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Coleg Glynllifon site, said: “At 19-years-of-age Harry has done really well to get on to the Business and Innovation programme rather than the junior programme. We always knew that Hari had a really bright future in the agriculture industry. We are very proud of him and this major achievement.”

For more details on any courses starting at Coleg Glynllifon, visit: telephone: 01286 830 261 or email:

19-year-old Hari Roberts from Llannefydd, Conwy - who has just finished a Level 3 Apprenticeship at Coleg Glynllifon - has been selected for the prestigious Business and Innovation programme. The initiative is a funded partnership between the government and Farming Connect.

The programme aims to: support personal development through workshops and seminars; offer opportunities to meet industry experts and business leaders; create an environment to improve business management skills, and promote effective networking among the most forward-looking, agri-business people in Wales.

Hari Roberts said: “I hope to broaden my knowledge of the agriculture sector and be exposed to businesses which are ahead of the game, as well as leading new ways of farming, such as incorporating environmentally sustainable practices into business strategies. I’m looking forward to talking with like-minded people who share a desire to improve their business and are not afraid to take risks. Hopefully, this will help me take our business to the next step.”

Hari has strong ambitions to expand the current farming business beyond its current income streams by exploring other avenues and is considering applying the knowledge and skills he has developed in the dairy sector into practice through rearing dairy heifers. Not fazed by the opportunities that can flourish from change, Hari is determined to maximise the businesses potential.

Charlotte Roberts, assessor for agricultural apprenticeships at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Coleg Glynllifon site, said: “At 19-years-of-age Harry has done really well to get on to the Business and Innovation programme rather than the junior programme. We always knew that Hari had a really bright future in the agriculture industry. We are very proud of him and this major achievement.”

For more details on any courses starting at Coleg Glynllifon, visit: telephone: 01286 830 261 or email:

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