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Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn anelu at ddyblu allbwn solar

Mae'n argoeli'n addawol y bydd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cyflawni ei nod o ddyblu allbwn ynni solar yn sgil llwyddiant cynllun paneli solar sylweddol a gwblhawyd y llynedd.

Gwireddwyd cynllun solar 100kWp ar adeilad chwaraeon y Grŵp ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos fis Awst diwethaf. Ers hynny, mae wedi cynhyrchu ymhell dros 10,000kW o drydan, sy'n gyfystyr ag arbediad o fwy na £1,500.

Mae'r Grŵp wedi gosod targedau uchelgeisiol i leihau allyriadau carbon deuocsid yn deillio o ddefnyddio trydan, fel yr amlinellir yng Nghynllun Gweithredu Amgylcheddol 2020-21. Y nod yw cyflawni arbedion o 107,780KWh a 44,410kg mewn allyriadau CO2, sy'n cyfateb ag arbediad ariannol o £17,840.

Mae pob adeilad newydd a ddatblygir gan y Grŵp yn cydymffurfio â safon 'ardderchog' BREAMS. Golyga hyn fod ynni adnewyddadwy yn ffactor ganolog wrth ddylunio'r adeiladau a gosodir paneli ffotofoltäig ar bob un ohonynt.

Yn 2019/20, cynhyrchwyd 31,954 KgCO2e gan y paneli hyn, yn cynnwys y rhai ar y Ganolfan Beirianneg arloesol yn Llangefni. Erbyn diwedd eleni, disgwylir y bydd y ffigwr hwn yn cynyddu'n sylweddol, gyda £200,000 yn ychwanegol wedi'i glustnodi i osod mwy o baneli ar gampysiau Y Rhyl a Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Meddai Kath Coughlin, Cyfarwyddwr Cyllid Corfforaethol Grŵp Llandrillo Menai:

Yng nghyd-destun yr heriau enfawr yr ydyn ni oll yn eu hwynebu yn sgil newid hinsawdd, rydyn ni'n ymroddedig i reoli a chynnal ein safleoedd mewn modd sy'n lleihau ein ôl troed carbon.

Mae'r defnydd o gelloedd ffotofoltäig yn rhan bwysig iawn o'n strategaeth i ddefnyddio ynni'n effeithlon. Mae'n galonogol iawn gweld mor sydyn y mae'r paneli ar y campws yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos wedi arwain at fudd amgylcheddol go iawn, gan ein helpu i wella perfformiad ein stâd ymhellach.

Ein bwriad yn awr yw optimeiddio'r paneli presennol ac ychwanegu nifer sylweddol ohonynt ar yr adeiladau sy'n bodoli'n barod.

Mae defnyddio ynni solar yn un o nifer o gynlluniau sydd gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai i leihau ei effaith ar yr amgylchedd.

Eglurodd Kath:

Mae yna lawer o feysydd lle'r ydyn ni'n gweithredu er mwyn mynd i'r afael â materion amgylcheddol. Er enghraifft, mae gennym raglen i osod pwyntiau gwefru ceir trydan ar draws ein campysiau, ac mae'r cyntaf o'r rhain eisoes wedi eu gosod yn Llangefni a Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Mae gennym hefyd gynllun i uwchraddio goleuadau trwy gyflwyno bylbiau LED ynni effeithlon, a phrosiectau'n ymwneud â defnyddio dŵr, deunyddiau ac ailgylchu.

Y nod sylfaenol yw gosod cynaliadwyedd, arferion amgylcheddol da a dinasyddiaeth fyd eang wrth graidd pob agwedd ar fywyd y coleg.

Ochr yn ochr â mesurau ymarferol, mae gennym ymgyrchoedd i godi ymwybyddiaeth a gwella dealltwriaeth o faterion amgylcheddol lleol a byd-eang ymhlith ein staff a'n myfyrwyr. Ac rydym yn pwysleisio ar bob cyfle y neges fod gan bawb ohonom ran i'w chwarae mewn lleihau ein heffaith ar yr amgylchedd.

A solar array of 100kWp was installed on the Sports building roof at the Grŵp's Rhos-on-Sea campus in August. Since then, it has already generated well over 10,000kW electricity, equating to a saving in excess of £1,500.

The Grŵp has set ambitious targets to minimise its carbon dioxide emissions from electricity usage, as detailed in the 2020-21 Environmental Action Plan. The aim is to achieve total savings of 107,780KWh and 44,410kg in CO2 emissions, which corresponds to a financial saving of £17,840.

All new buildings developed by the Grŵp are compliant with the BREAMS 'excellent' classification. This means that renewable energy is incorporated at the design stage and photovoltaic cells are installed on all new buildings.

In 2019/20, these generated a carbon gain of 31,954 KgCO2e, including the new, state-of-the art Engineering Centre at Llangefni. By the end of this year, it is anticipated that this figure will increase significantly, with a further £200,000 allocated to install additional solar arrays at the Rhyl and Rhos-on-Sea campuses.

Kath Coughlin, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's Executive Director Corporate Finance said:

Given the huge challenges that we're all facing due to climate change, we take very seriously our responsibility to manage and maintain our facilities in a way that minimises our carbon footprint.

The use of photovoltaic cells is an important part of our strategy to become more energy efficient. It's very encouraging to see how quickly the installation at our Rhos campus has translated into real environmental benefits, helping us to further improve the performance of our estate.

Our plan now is to optimise these solar arrays and create additional large scale arrays on existing buildings.

The use of solar voltaic energy is one of many initiatives rolled out by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai to minimise its environmental impact.

Kath explained:

There are many areas where we are taking action to address environmental issues. For example, we've launched a phased programme to install electric car charging points across our campuses, with the first ones recently installed at Llangefni and Rhos-on-Sea.

We also have initiatives to upgrade lighting through the introduction of energy efficient LED bulbs, as well as projects relating to water usage, materials consumption and recycling.

We're committed to making sustainability, environmental best practice and global citizenship part of every aspect of College life.

Alongside these practical measures, a key part of our efforts is to raise awareness and understanding among all our staff and students of environmental and sustainability issues, both local and global. And, most importantly, to constantly reinforce the message that we all have a role to play in reducing our impact on the environment.

A solar array of 100kWp was installed on the Sports building roof at the Grŵp's Rhos-on-Sea campus in August. Since then, it has already generated well over 10,000kW electricity, equating to a saving in excess of £1,500.

The Grŵp has set ambitious targets to minimise its carbon dioxide emissions from electricity usage, as detailed in the 2020-21 Environmental Action Plan. The aim is to achieve total savings of 107,780KWh and 44,410kg in CO2 emissions, which corresponds to a financial saving of £17,840.

All new buildings developed by the Grŵp are compliant with the BREAMS 'excellent' classification. This means that renewable energy is incorporated at the design stage and photovoltaic cells are installed on all new buildings.

In 2019/20, these generated a carbon gain of 31,954 KgCO2e, including the new, state-of-the art Engineering Centre at Llangefni. By the end of this year, it is anticipated that this figure will increase significantly, with a further £200,000 allocated to install additional solar arrays at the Rhyl and Rhos-on-Sea campuses.

Kath Coughlin, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's Executive Director Corporate Finance said:

Given the huge challenges that we're all facing due to climate change, we take very seriously our responsibility to manage and maintain our facilities in a way that minimises our carbon footprint.

The use of photovoltaic cells is an important part of our strategy to become more energy efficient. It's very encouraging to see how quickly the installation at our Rhos campus has translated into real environmental benefits, helping us to further improve the performance of our estate.

Our plan now is to optimise these solar arrays and create additional large scale arrays on existing buildings.

The use of solar voltaic energy is one of many initiatives rolled out by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai to minimise its environmental impact.

Kath explained:

There are many areas where we are taking action to address environmental issues. For example, we've launched a phased programme to install electric car charging points across our campuses, with the first ones recently installed at Llangefni and Rhos-on-Sea.

We also have initiatives to upgrade lighting through the introduction of energy efficient LED bulbs, as well as projects relating to water usage, materials consumption and recycling.

We're committed to making sustainability, environmental best practice and global citizenship part of every aspect of College life.

Alongside these practical measures, a key part of our efforts is to raise awareness and understanding among all our staff and students of environmental and sustainability issues, both local and global. And, most importantly, to constantly reinforce the message that we all have a role to play in reducing our impact on the environment.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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