Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Canlyniadau Rhagorol i Fyfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Unwaith eto eleni mae dysgwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai'n dathlu wedi iddynt dderbyn canlyniadau rhagorol yn eu harholiadau Lefel A a'u cyrsiau galwedigaethol.

Enillodd 84% o'r dysgwyr raddau A* i C yn eu harholiadau Lefel A a chafodd dros draean y dysgwyr raddau A* ac A! Rydym wrth ein bodd gyda'r canlyniadau gan fod dwywaith y dysgwyr wedi cael A* eleni o gymharu â phan gafodd arholiadau eu sefyll ddiwethaf yn 2018/19.

Mae ein dysgwyr galwedigaethol wedi gwneud yn rhagorol hefyd gyda 600 ohonynt ar draws campysau'r coleg yn ennill eu cymwysterau lefel 3. Rydym yn hynod falch bod 46% o'r dysgwyr oedd yn cwblhau cymwysterau'r Ddiploma Estynedig wedi ennill y graddau uchaf posibl sef Rhagoriaeth neu Ragoriaeth*.

Mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn dangos llwyddiant academaidd a chyflawniad personol rhagorol a byddant yn galluogi ein dysgwyr i symud ymlaen i Brifysgol, Cwrs Prentisiaeth neu Gyflogaeth.

Wrth bwyso a mesur y canlyniadau a gafwyd eleni, dywedodd Prif Weithredwr y Grŵp, Dafydd Evans: "Llongyfarchiadau i'r holl ddysgwyr a dderbyniodd eu canlyniadau heddiw. Maen nhw wedi dangos penderfyniad a gwytnwch eithriadol drwy sicrhau canlyniadau rhagorol yn yr arholiadau a'r asesiadau ffurfiol cyntaf i gael eu cynnal ers tair blynedd. Rydym yn hynod falch o'n dysgwyr a dymunwn bob llwyddiant iddynt i gyd yn y dyfodol."

Proffiliau 2022

Cafodd Derwen Fay o Gonwy A* mewn Cymdeithaseg, Hanes a'r Gyfraith. Bydd yn awr yn mynd ymlaen i'r Royal Holloway, Prifysgol Llundain i astudio Gwleidyddiaeth a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol.

Roedd Derwen ar ben ei digon ac meddai: "Rydw i wedi gwirioni'n lân. Fedra i ddim coelio 'mod i wedi cael cystal graddau. Oherwydd y pandemig, dyma fy mhrofiad cyntaf o sefyll arholiadau ac roedd cael 100% yn fy arholiad Cyfraith yn rhyfeddol. Mae'r tiwtoriaid wedi bod yn ardderchog, ac wedi fy helpu i gael canlyniadau gwych."

"Mae fy holl gyfnod yn y coleg wedi bod yn arbennig – dw i wedi bod yn Llywydd Undeb y Myfyrwyr mewn blwyddyn pan enillon ni wobr Undeb Myfyrwyr y Flwyddyn yr NUS; enillais wobr 'Myfyriwr Lefel A y Flwyddyn' a rŵan dw i wedi cael y canlyniadau yma. Dw i'n mynd i golli'r coleg yn fawr iawn."

Cafodd Leah Jones o'r Rhyl ganlyniadau eithriadol o dda: Ffiseg (A), Cemeg (A), Bioleg (A), ac A* mewn Mathemateg i goroni'r cyfan. Bwriad Leah yw cymryd blwyddyn gap er mwyn cael profiad o waith milfeddygol drwy weithio gydag anifeiliaid ar ffermydd.

Yna bydd yn mynd i'r brifysgol i ddilyn cwrs milfeddygaeth gan ei bod "wedi gwirioni efo anifeiliaid ers pan o'n i'n ddim o beth".

Meddai Leah, "Rydw i wrth fy modd gyda'r canlyniadau. Yn bendant, mae Chweched y Rhyl wedi gwneud i mi fwynhau dysgu. Yn yr ysgol uwchradd, ro'n i'n gweithio am fod rhaid i mi ond yn Chweched y Rhyl ro'n i'n gweithio am 'mod i eisiau dysgu."

Astudio Chwaraeon yng Ngholeg Llandrillo oedd Alexander Marshall-Wilson a llwyddodd i gael graddau Rhagoriaeth ym mhob elfen o'r cwrs Lefel 3. Yn ogystal, mae wedi cynrychioli Cymru a Phrydain mewn Pêl-fasged Cadair Olwyn ac wedi ennill pencampwriaeth Prydain dair gwaith. Bydd yn awr ym mynd i Brifysgol Loughborough i astudio Seicoleg Chwaraeon.

Mae Alex Dundee o Fangor, a enillodd wobr Dysgwr y Flwyddyn yn Seremoni Wobrwyo Addysg Bellach Coleg Menai'n ddiweddar, yn dathlu ar ôl cael A* mewn Mathemateg, Seicoleg a Ffiseg a B ym Magloriaeth Cymru. Bydd Alex yn awr yn mynd ymlaen i astudio Ffiseg Ddamcaniaethol ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield.

Meddai Alex: "Mi wnes i wirioneddol fwynhau fy amser yn y coleg ac rydw i'n teimlo 'mod wedi cael fy ngwthio i gyflawni fy mhotensial. Mae dod i'r coleg yn gam rhagorol i'w gymryd rhwng ysgol a phrifysgol, ac rydw i'n teimlo'n barod rŵan i fynd i'r brifysgol."

Cafodd y darpar astroffisgegwr, Daniel Rowe o Fachynlleth A* mewn Mathemateg, Mathemateg Bellach a Ffiseg.

Dywedodd Daniel: “Rydw i wrth fy modd gyda'r canlyniadau ac mi fydda i'n mynd ymlaen rŵan i astudio Astroffiseg ym Mhrifysgol Lancaster."

Mae dau fyfyriwr o gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ym Mhwllheli yn dathlu ar ôl cael A* yn eu holl bynciau! Cafodd Ffion Wood o Abersoch A* mewn Bioleg, Cemeg a Mathemateg a bydd yn awr yn mynd i astudio Meddygaeth ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen, a chafodd Kit Moore-Lambe o Gaernarfon A* mewn Bioleg, Saesneg, Daearyddiaeth a Hanes.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i'n gwefan ar neu cysylltwch â’n llinellau cyngor ar 01492 546 666 yn achos Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 yn achos Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, a 01248 383 333 yn achos Coleg Menai.

Our overall A Level pass rate is excellent, with 84% of learners achieving A* to C grades and over a third of our learners achieving the coveted A* and A grades. The college is delighted with the results as twice the number of learners have achieved an A* this year compared to 2018/19, when exams were last sat.

Our vocational learners have also excelled with over 600 learners achieving their level 3 qualifications across all college campuses. We are delighted that 46% of our learners completing their Extended Diploma qualifications have achieved the highest Distinction or Distinction* grade.

These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement and will enable our learners to take their next step to University, Apprenticeships or Employment.

Reflecting on this year’s results, the Grŵp’s Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, said: “Congratulations to all of our learners receiving their results today. They have shown great resilience and determination in achieving exceptional results with the return of the first series of summer exams and formal assessments in three years. We are extremely proud of the success of our learners and wish them all continued success for the future.”

Class of 2022 Profiles

Derwen Fay from Conwy gained straight A*s in Sociology, History, and Law. Derwen will now be going on to study Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway, University of London.

A delighted Derwen said: "I feel ecstatic, I can’t believe how well that I’ve done. It’s my first experience with sitting exams due to the pandemic and so it was amazing to achieve 100% in my law exam. The tutors have been phenomenal, helping me to achieve my outstanding results”

“The whole college experience has been amazing - I’ve been Student Union President, in the course of which we won the NUS Student Union of the Year award; I was awarded the A Level ‘Student of the Year’ award and have now achieved these results. I’m really going to miss the college.”

Leah Jones, 18 from Rhyl gained an impressive haul: Physics (A), Chemistry (A), Biology (A), and last but not least, Maths (A*). Leah is planning on taking a gap year, to undertake work experience with animals, working with vets and on farms.

She then plans to go to university the following year to study veterinary science as she has “always had a passion for animals”.

Leah said “I am delighted with my results. Rhyl Sixth has definitely made me love learning. In high school I did the work because I had to, at Rhyl Sixth I did it because I wanted to learn.”

Studying on the Level 3 Sports course at Coleg Llandrillo, Alexander Marshall-Wilson, excelled in his studies achieving straight distinctions. He also showed his sporting potential - a three-time British champion in wheelchair basketball, he has represented both Wales and Great Britain and is now going on to study Sport Psychology at Loughborough University.

Coleg Menai’s Learner of the Year, crowned at the college’s recent Further Education Awards’ ceremony, Alex Dundee from Bangor, is celebrating with 3 A*s in Mathematics, Psychology and Physics and a B in the Welsh Baccalaureate. Alex is now going on to study Theoretical Physics at the University of Sheffield.

Alex said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my time at college and felt I got pushed to fully achieve my potential. It is an excellent halfway point between school and university, that will also fully prepare me for university.”

Budding astrophysicist Daniel Rowe, from Machynlleth gained A*s across the board in Maths, Further Maths and Physics.

Daniel said: I am delighted with the results and I am now off to study Astrophysics at Lancaster University.”

Two students from the Coleg Meirion Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus are celebrating after they both gained A*s in all subjects! Ffion Wood from Abersoch gained straight A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and is now going on to study Medicine and Oxford University, and Kit Moore-Lambe from Caernarfon gained straight A*s in Biology, English Language & Literature, Geography and History.

If you need more information, please visit our website at or contact our advice lines on 01492 546 666 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

Our overall A Level pass rate is excellent, with 84% of learners achieving A* to C grades and over a third of our learners achieving the coveted A* and A grades. The college is delighted with the results as twice the number of learners have achieved an A* this year compared to 2018/19, when exams were last sat.

Our vocational learners have also excelled with over 600 learners achieving their level 3 qualifications across all college campuses. We are delighted that 46% of our learners completing their Extended Diploma qualifications have achieved the highest Distinction or Distinction* grade.

These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement and will enable our learners to take their next step to University, Apprenticeships or Employment.

Reflecting on this year’s results, the Grŵp’s Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, said: “Congratulations to all of our learners receiving their results today. They have shown great resilience and determination in achieving exceptional results with the return of the first series of summer exams and formal assessments in three years. We are extremely proud of the success of our learners and wish them all continued success for the future.”

Class of 2022 Profiles

Derwen Fay from Conwy gained straight A*s in Sociology, History, and Law. Derwen will now be going on to study Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway, University of London.

A delighted Derwen said: "I feel ecstatic, I can’t believe how well that I’ve done. It’s my first experience with sitting exams due to the pandemic and so it was amazing to achieve 100% in my law exam. The tutors have been phenomenal, helping me to achieve my outstanding results”

“The whole college experience has been amazing - I’ve been Student Union President, in the course of which we won the NUS Student Union of the Year award; I was awarded the A Level ‘Student of the Year’ award and have now achieved these results. I’m really going to miss the college.”

Leah Jones, 18 from Rhyl gained an impressive haul: Physics (A), Chemistry (A), Biology (A), and last but not least, Maths (A*). Leah is planning on taking a gap year, to undertake work experience with animals, working with vets and on farms.

She then plans to go to university the following year to study veterinary science as she has “always had a passion for animals”.

Leah said “I am delighted with my results. Rhyl Sixth has definitely made me love learning. In high school I did the work because I had to, at Rhyl Sixth I did it because I wanted to learn.”

Studying on the Level 3 Sports course at Coleg Llandrillo, Alexander Marshall-Wilson, excelled in his studies achieving straight distinctions. He also showed his sporting potential - a three-time British champion in wheelchair basketball, he has represented both Wales and Great Britain and is now going on to study Sport Psychology at Loughborough University.

Coleg Menai’s Learner of the Year, crowned at the college’s recent Further Education Awards’ ceremony, Alex Dundee from Bangor, is celebrating with 3 A*s in Mathematics, Psychology and Physics and a B in the Welsh Baccalaureate. Alex is now going on to study Theoretical Physics at the University of Sheffield.

Alex said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my time at college and felt I got pushed to fully achieve my potential. It is an excellent halfway point between school and university, that will also fully prepare me for university.”

Budding astrophysicist Daniel Rowe, from Machynlleth gained A*s across the board in Maths, Further Maths and Physics.

Daniel said: I am delighted with the results and I am now off to study Astrophysics at Lancaster University.”

Two students from the Coleg Meirion Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus are celebrating after they both gained A*s in all subjects! Ffion Wood from Abersoch gained straight A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and is now going on to study Medicine and Oxford University, and Kit Moore-Lambe from Caernarfon gained straight A*s in Biology, English Language & Literature, Geography and History.

If you need more information, please visit our website at or contact our advice lines on 01492 546 666 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

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