Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn Ennill 33 Medal Argraffiadol yng Nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru

Dyfarnwyd medalau o 20 categori gwahanol i 33 o fyfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn seremoni wobrwyo Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru ddoe (9 Mawrth).

Cynhaliwyd digwyddiad dathlu ‘lloeren’ ar gampws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni, lle cafodd dysgwyr eu gwobrwyo am eu llwyddiant a’u gwaith caled gan y Prif Weithredwr Dafydd Evans a chynrychiolwyr o Ysbrydoli Rhagoriaeth Sgiliau yng Nghymru, a gyflwynodd y canlyniadau drwy ddigwyddiad ar-lein.

Ymhlith yr enillwyr roedd unarddeg o enillwyr aur, mewn categorïau oedd yn cynnwys, Dylunio Graffig, Celf Gêmau 3D, Ffotograffiaeth, Ynni Adnewyddadwy, Trin Gwallt, Gofal Plant, Gwaith Brics, a Gwaith Coed.

Mae Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn cynnwys cyfres o gystadlaethau sgiliau lleol, sy'n cyd-fynd â chystadlaethau WorldSkills ac sydd yn ymateb i anghenion economi Cymru.

Dywedodd Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai,

“Rydym yn hynod falch o’n holl fyfyrwyr a gystadlodd yng Nghystadlaethau Sgiliau Cymru, a hoffwn longyfarch pob un o’n enillwyr teilwng!”


“Mae eu llwyddiant yn dyst i’w gwaith caled, ac i’r addysgu a’r gefnogaeth wych a gânt gan eu darlithwyr yn y coleg”.

Mae rhestr lawn o gyflawniadau gwych y Grŵp i’w gweld isod:

Enillwyr medal aur:

  • Timur Aisin - Celf Gêm 3D

  • Rafael Frick - Dylunio Graffig

  • Elis Jones - Ffotograffiaeth

  • David Thomas Jones - Gwaith Brics

  • Chloe Bidwell - Gwaith Saer

  • Kayleigh Elise Hampson - Trin Gwallt

  • Farrell Cawte, Elis Wyn Hughes, Deian Llwyd Williams, Alex Mohamed Solh - Ynni Adnewyddadwy

  • Molly Jones-Parry - Sgiliau Cynhwysol: Gofal Plant,

Enillwyr medal arian:

  • Alan Davies - Melino CNC

  • Iwan Tindall - Troi CNC

  • Rhys Lovell - Plastro

  • Daniel Gray - CAD Peirianneg Fecanyddol

  • Paulo Goncalves - Dylunio Graffig

  • Shannon Owen - Gofal Plant

  • Damien Slaney - Sgiliau Cynhwysol: Garddwriaeth

  • Ellie Dothwaite Robinson - Sgiliau Cynhwysol: Sgiliau Bywyd

  • Clare Sharples, Angharad Heaven, Lauren Harrap-Tyson - Cyfrifeg,

Enillwyr medal Efydd:

  • Holly Rose Whitehouse - Trin Gwallt

  • Rhian James - Gwasanaeth Bwyty

  • Harry Sutherland - Plastro

  • Osian Roberts - Troi CNC

  • Giorgio Brown - Melino CNC

  • Shane Price - Gosodiadau Trydanol

  • Callum McDonnell, Mahinur Raza - Roboteg Ddiwydiannol

  • Carwyn Littlewood, Sarah Phillips, Cameron Griffith - Cyfrifeg

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Gystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru, ewch i’r wefan:

A ‘satellite’ celebration event was held at Coleg Menai’s campus in Llangefni, where learners were rewarded for their success and hard work by Chief Executive Dafydd Evans and representatives from Inspiring Skills Excellence, who delivered the results via the online event.

Among the medalists were eleven gold winners, in categories including Graphic Design, 3D Game Art, Photography, Renewable Energy, Hairdressing, Child Care, Brickwork, and Joinery.

Skills Competition Wales, funded by the Welsh Government, consists of a series of local skills competitions, aligned to WorldSkills competitions and the needs of the Welsh economy.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“We’re extremely proud of all of our students that competed in the Skills Cymru Competitions, and I’d like to congratulate all of our worthy medalists!”

He added,

“Their success is testament to their hard work, and to the fantastic teaching and support they receive from their lecturers at college”.

The full list of the Grŵp’s fantastic achievements can be found below:

Gold medallists:

  • Timur Aisin - 3D Game Art

  • Rafael Frick - Graphic Design

  • Elis Jones - Photography

  • David Thomas Jones - Brickwork

  • Chloe Bidwell - Joinery

  • Kayleigh Elise Hampson - Hairdressing

  • Farrell Cawte, Elis Wyn Hughes, Deian Llwyd Williams, Alex Mohamed Solh - Renewable Energy

  • Molly Jones-Parry - Inclusive Skills: Child Care,

Silver medallists:

  • Alan Davies - CNC Milling

  • Iwan Tindall - CNC Turning

  • Rhys Lovell - Plastering

  • Daniel Gray - Mechanical Engineering CAD

  • Paulo Goncalves - Graphic Design

  • Shannon Owen - Childcare

  • Damien Slaney - Inclusive Skills: Horticulture

  • Ellie Dothwaite Robinson - Inclusive Skills: Life Skills

  • Clare Sharples, Angharad Heaven, Lauren Harrap-Tyson - Accountancy,

Bronze medallists:

  • Holly Rose Whitehouse - Hairdressing

  • Rhian James - Restaurant Service

  • Harry Sutherland - Plastering

  • Osian Roberts - CNC Turning

  • Giorgio Brown - CNC Milling

  • Shane Price - Electrical Installation

  • Callum McDonnell, Mahinur Raza - Industrial Robotics

  • Carwyn Littlewood, Sarah Phillips, Cameron Griffith - Accountancy

For more on Skills Competition Wales, visit the website:

A ‘satellite’ celebration event was held at Coleg Menai’s campus in Llangefni, where learners were rewarded for their success and hard work by Chief Executive Dafydd Evans and representatives from Inspiring Skills Excellence, who delivered the results via the online event.

Among the medalists were eleven gold winners, in categories including Graphic Design, 3D Game Art, Photography, Renewable Energy, Hairdressing, Child Care, Brickwork, and Joinery.

Skills Competition Wales, funded by the Welsh Government, consists of a series of local skills competitions, aligned to WorldSkills competitions and the needs of the Welsh economy.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“We’re extremely proud of all of our students that competed in the Skills Cymru Competitions, and I’d like to congratulate all of our worthy medalists!”

He added,

“Their success is testament to their hard work, and to the fantastic teaching and support they receive from their lecturers at college”.

The full list of the Grŵp’s fantastic achievements can be found below:

Gold medallists:

  • Timur Aisin - 3D Game Art

  • Rafael Frick - Graphic Design

  • Elis Jones - Photography

  • David Thomas Jones - Brickwork

  • Chloe Bidwell - Joinery

  • Kayleigh Elise Hampson - Hairdressing

  • Farrell Cawte, Elis Wyn Hughes, Deian Llwyd Williams, Alex Mohamed Solh - Renewable Energy

  • Molly Jones-Parry - Inclusive Skills: Child Care,

Silver medallists:

  • Alan Davies - CNC Milling

  • Iwan Tindall - CNC Turning

  • Rhys Lovell - Plastering

  • Daniel Gray - Mechanical Engineering CAD

  • Paulo Goncalves - Graphic Design

  • Shannon Owen - Childcare

  • Damien Slaney - Inclusive Skills: Horticulture

  • Ellie Dothwaite Robinson - Inclusive Skills: Life Skills

  • Clare Sharples, Angharad Heaven, Lauren Harrap-Tyson - Accountancy,

Bronze medallists:

  • Holly Rose Whitehouse - Hairdressing

  • Rhian James - Restaurant Service

  • Harry Sutherland - Plastering

  • Osian Roberts - CNC Turning

  • Giorgio Brown - CNC Milling

  • Shane Price - Electrical Installation

  • Callum McDonnell, Mahinur Raza - Industrial Robotics

  • Carwyn Littlewood, Sarah Phillips, Cameron Griffith - Accountancy

For more on Skills Competition Wales, visit the website: