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Grŵp yn lansio Hwb Lles ac ymgyrch Urddas Misglwyf i gryfhau'r gefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr AB

Yr wythnos hon, mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai (GLLM) yn lansio'i gynlluniau diweddaraf i gefnogi lles corfforol, emosiynol a chymdeithasol myfyrwyr.

Mae Hwb Lles GLLM yn dod â'r ystod helaeth o raglenni iechyd a lles sydd gan y Grŵp at ei gilydd, gyda'r nod o wneud gwasanaethau'n haws nag erioed i'w derbyn gartref neu yn y coleg.

Mae'r porth arlein yn ategu 4 prif gonglfaen yr Adduned Lles; sef Actif ac Iach, Cadw'n Ddiogel; Yr Amgylchedd, a Lles Cymdeithasol ac Emosiynol.

Meddai James Nelson, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Academaidd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai:

Mae gofalu am iechyd a lles yn gallu cael effaith sylweddol ar ddysgu. Mae gennym ni record gref o ran daraparu cefnogaeth wedi'i phersonoli, ac mae'r Hwb Lles yn ddatblygiad cyffrous yn y cyswllt hwn.

Mae'n Tîm Lles wedi datblygu amrywiaeth o ddulliau, adnoddau a gwasanaethau fel y gallwn sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn gallu mwynhau eu profiad o fod yn y coleg yn ogystal ag ennill cymwysterau. Mae hyn yn bwysicach fyth yng nghyd-destun pandemig y coronafeirws.

Mae Hwb Lles GLLM yn dod â'r holl elfennau hyn at ei gilydd gan olygu bod cefnogaeth yn fwy hygyrch i fyfyrwyr, boed hynny pan fônt gartref neu ar safleoedd y coleg.


Mae yna bob math o ffactorau sy'n gallu effeithio ar les meddyliol, corfforol neu emosiynol, ac mae'r math o gefnogaeth sy'n fwyaf addas i unigolion yn gallu amrywio'n fawr.

Dyna pam ein bod yn ymdrin â'r maes hwn mewn modd cwmpasog a holistig. Credwn mai dyna'r ffordd orau o helpu'n dysgwyr i oresgyn rhwystrau wrth gyflawni yn eu bywyd personol ac yn addysgiadol, a'u hannog i barhau â'u haddysg.

Mae'r Hwb newydd yn cynnig siop-un-stop ar gyfer yr holl gefnogaeth sydd ar gael - yn cynnwys sesiynau ffitrwydd arlein, cwnsela a chefnogaeth gan fentoriaid, calendr o weithgareddau lles misol, a gwybodaeth am gynlluniau fel y rhaglen Llysgenhadon Actif.

Mae hefyd yn cynnwys Arolwg Lles y Grŵp i adnabod anghenion er mwyn medru creu Cynlluniau Lles personol ar gyfer pob myfyriwr gyda thips ar sut i ofalu amdanynt eu hunain mewn modd iach, a Seren Lles fel y gallant fesur cynnydd yn nes ymlaen yn y flwyddyn.

Mae gwasanaethau lles Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, a raddiwyd yn 'ardderchog' gan Estyn, yn cyd-fynd â Strategaeth Lles Actif y sector Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru. Arweinir y Strategaeth honno gan Golegau Cymru.

Meddai Robert Baynham, Rheolwr Prosiect Lles Actif Colegau Cymru:

Mae'n ardderchog gweld sefydliadau AB fel Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn arwain y ffordd wrth hyrwyddo cymunedau iach mewn colegau ac arloesi yn y modd y ceir mynediad at gefnogaeth.

Amcan Strategaeth Lles Actif Cymru yw cefnogi colegau i wella lles emosiynol, cymdeithasol a chorfforol ar draws y sector. Mae'n cynnig cyfle i ni i gyd wneud gwahaniaeth o ran iechyd, lles a ffyniant ein myfyrwyr, cymunedau a Chymru fel cenedl.

Mae hyn yn gofyn am gydweithio a gweithredu ar lawr gwlad trwy gyfrwng prosiectau gan bartneriaid fel Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Hoffwn eu llongyfarch ar lansiad eu cynlluniau diweddaraf a'u hymdrechion parhaus i alluogi pobl ifanc i barhau i fanteisio ar gyfleoedd addysgiadol a chymdeithasol.

Ymgyrch 'Nid yw'n Rhwystr'

I gyd-fynd â lansiad Hwb Lles GLLM, bydd y Grŵp hefyd yn lansio'r ymgyrch 'Nid yw'n Rhwystr' - rhan o'i raglen Urddas Misglwyf. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys trafodaeth banel yn fyw ar Facebook ynghylch tlodi misglwyf ac agweddau eraill ar iechyd a lles ddydd Mercher, 9fed o Ragfyr.

Yn ogystal â darparu cynnyrch misglwyf am ddim, un o brif amcanion rhaglen Urddas Misglwyf yw hyrwyddo dulliau i helpu dysgwyr i reoli symptomau'n hyderus, cael gwared â stigma a normaleiddio sgyrsiau ynghlych misglwyfau fel nad oes gan fenywod gywilydd wrth ofyn am gymorth.

Mae'r ymgyrch 'Nid yw'n Rhwystr' yn cynnwys fideos a chyfweliadau gydag ystod o athletwyr a modelau rôl benwyaidd yng Ngogledd Cymru sydd wedi rhannu eu profiadau o reoli mislifau'n llwyddiannus wrth barhau i hyfforddi.

Mae Dr Natalie Brown yn Gynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil gyda Sefydliad Gwyddor Perfformio Cymru, sy'n bartneriaeth rhwng Chwaraeon Cymru a Phrifysgolion yng Nghymru.

Yn arbenigwraig ym maes iechyd misglwyfol a lles actif, mae wedi croesawu ymdrechion proactif GLLM i daclo'r agweddau addysgiadol ar dlodi misglwyf yn cynnwys hyrwyddo gweithgareddau actif fel ffordd bwysig o reoli symptomau.

Meddai Dr Brown:

Mae'n wych gweld y sector addysg bellach yn darparu cefnogaeth i fenywod reoli eu cylch misol gan eu helpu i osgoi methu dyddiau o addysg neu gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau corfforol.

Mae ymgyrch urddas misglwyf Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cyd-fynd ag ymgyrch Llysgenhadon Ifanc Chwaraeon Cymru yn y maes hwn ac mae llysgenhadon ifanc a staff y Grŵp yn chwarae rôl flaengar yn y ddau.

Mae hyn wedi helpu gyda rhannu arferion da, gweithredu ar y cyd ag ymestyn y sgôp ar gyfer ymgysylltu gyda menywod ifant. Rwy'n falch iawn o weld agwedd mor arloesol, proactif a phositif tuag at fynd i'r afael â thlodi misglwyf.

The GLLM Lles/Wellbeing Hwb brings together the Grŵp's extensive health and wellbeing support programmes, with services now easier than ever for learners to access from home or in college.

The online Hwb portal compliments the delivery of the 4 key areas of the Wellbeing Pledge; Active and Healthy, Stay Safe, Our Environment, Social and Emotional Wellbeing.

James Nelson, Executive Director for Academic Services at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said:

Looking after health and wellbeing has a huge impact on learning. We have established a track record of providing excellent personalised support, and the Wellbeing Hwb is an exciting development in this area.

Our Welfare Team has developed a variety of tools, resources and services so that we can make sure that learners can enjoy their college experience as well as successfully gain qualifications. This is even more important in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Our brand new GLLM Lles/Wellbeing Hwb consolidates all of these elements and makes support more accessible to our learners, when they are at college or home.

He added:

There are so many factors that can affect a person's mental, physical or emotional wellbeing, and very many different types of support that suit different individuals.

That is why we believe that our comprehensive approach is effective in helping learners overcome barriers to personal and educational achievement, and encouraging them to continue to engage in their education.

The new HWB offers a one-stop-shop for all the support that is available - including online fitness sessions to encourage learners to keep healthy and active, counselling and wellbeing mentor support, a monthly wellbeing calendar of activities and information about initiatives such as the Active Ambassadors programme.

It also features the Grŵp's 'I'm OK Survey' which informs a personalised Wellbeing Plan with self-care tips on how our learners can look after themselves in a healthy way, as well as a Wellbeing Star so that they can see the progress they've made later in the year.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's support and wellbeing services, rated as 'excellent' by Estyn, have been developed in line with the Wales-wide FE Active Wellbeing Strategy led by Colegau Cymru/Colleges Wales.

Robert Baynham, Colleges Wales Active Wellbeing Project Manager said:

It's fantastic to see FE institutions such as Grŵp Llandrillo Menai lead the way in promoting healthy college communities and innovating in terms of increasing access to wellbeing support.

The Active Wellbeing Strategy for Wales aims to support colleges in improving emotional, social and physical wellbeing within the sector, and offers us all the opportunity to make a difference to the future health, wellbeing and prosperity of learners, communities and Wales as a nation.

This can only be achieved through collaborative working and on-the-ground delivery of projects by partners like Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

We congratulate them on the launch of their latest initiatives and their ongoing efforts to enable young people to continue accessing educational and social opportunities.

'It Won't Stop us' campaign

To coincide with the launch of the GLLM Lles/Welfare Hwb, the Grŵp will be formally kicking off its 'It Won't Stop Us' campaign - part of its wider Period Dignity programme. This will include a Facebook live panel discussion about period poverty and other wellbeing aspects on Wednesday, 9th December.

As well as providing free sanitary products, the Grŵp's Period Dignity programme is about promoting how learners can manage their periods with confidence, break down menstrual taboos and normalise conversations about periods so that they no longer feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help.

The 'It Won't Stop Us' campaign features videos and interviews with a range of female athletes and role models from across North Wales who have shared their experiences of managing menstruation whilst continuing to train.

Dr Natalie Brown is a Research Assistant for the Welsh Institute of Performance Science, which is a collaboration between Sport Wales and Welsh Universities being led by Swansea University.

A specialist in the field of menstrual health and active wellbeing, she has welcomed GLLM's proactive and holistic approach to tackling the educational aspects of period poverty and promoting the importance of maintaining physical activity as a way to relieve the symptoms of menstruation.

Dr Brown said:

It is absolutely amazing to see the further education sector promoting and providing support to females to manage the menstrual cycle to help reduce missed days of learning or involvement in physical activity.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's period dignity campaign links with the Sport Wales Young Ambassador campaign 'We're on it.Period' and GLLM young ambassadors and staff are involved in both.

This has helped with the sharing of good practice, ensuring a joined-up approach and enabling a wider scope and engagement with young females. As the lead of 'We're on it.' I'm delighted to see such an innovative, proactive and positive approach to period poverty.

The GLLM Lles/Wellbeing Hwb brings together the Grŵp's extensive health and wellbeing support programmes, with services now easier than ever for learners to access from home or in college.

The online Hwb portal compliments the delivery of the 4 key areas of the Wellbeing Pledge; Active and Healthy, Stay Safe, Our Environment, Social and Emotional Wellbeing.

James Nelson, Executive Director for Academic Services at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said:

Looking after health and wellbeing has a huge impact on learning. We have established a track record of providing excellent personalised support, and the Wellbeing Hwb is an exciting development in this area.

Our Welfare Team has developed a variety of tools, resources and services so that we can make sure that learners can enjoy their college experience as well as successfully gain qualifications. This is even more important in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Our brand new GLLM Lles/Wellbeing Hwb consolidates all of these elements and makes support more accessible to our learners, when they are at college or home.

He added:

There are so many factors that can affect a person's mental, physical or emotional wellbeing, and very many different types of support that suit different individuals.

That is why we believe that our comprehensive approach is effective in helping learners overcome barriers to personal and educational achievement, and encouraging them to continue to engage in their education.

The new HWB offers a one-stop-shop for all the support that is available - including online fitness sessions to encourage learners to keep healthy and active, counselling and wellbeing mentor support, a monthly wellbeing calendar of activities and information about initiatives such as the Active Ambassadors programme.

It also features the Grŵp's 'I'm OK Survey' which informs a personalised Wellbeing Plan with self-care tips on how our learners can look after themselves in a healthy way, as well as a Wellbeing Star so that they can see the progress they've made later in the year.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's support and wellbeing services, rated as 'excellent' by Estyn, have been developed in line with the Wales-wide FE Active Wellbeing Strategy led by Colegau Cymru/Colleges Wales.

Robert Baynham, Colleges Wales Active Wellbeing Project Manager said:

It's fantastic to see FE institutions such as Grŵp Llandrillo Menai lead the way in promoting healthy college communities and innovating in terms of increasing access to wellbeing support.

The Active Wellbeing Strategy for Wales aims to support colleges in improving emotional, social and physical wellbeing within the sector, and offers us all the opportunity to make a difference to the future health, wellbeing and prosperity of learners, communities and Wales as a nation.

This can only be achieved through collaborative working and on-the-ground delivery of projects by partners like Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

We congratulate them on the launch of their latest initiatives and their ongoing efforts to enable young people to continue accessing educational and social opportunities.

'It Won't Stop us' campaign

To coincide with the launch of the GLLM Lles/Welfare Hwb, the Grŵp will be formally kicking off its 'It Won't Stop Us' campaign - part of its wider Period Dignity programme. This will include a Facebook live panel discussion about period poverty and other wellbeing aspects on Wednesday, 9th December.

As well as providing free sanitary products, the Grŵp's Period Dignity programme is about promoting how learners can manage their periods with confidence, break down menstrual taboos and normalise conversations about periods so that they no longer feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help.

The 'It Won't Stop Us' campaign features videos and interviews with a range of female athletes and role models from across North Wales who have shared their experiences of managing menstruation whilst continuing to train.

Dr Natalie Brown is a Research Assistant for the Welsh Institute of Performance Science, which is a collaboration between Sport Wales and Welsh Universities being led by Swansea University.

A specialist in the field of menstrual health and active wellbeing, she has welcomed GLLM's proactive and holistic approach to tackling the educational aspects of period poverty and promoting the importance of maintaining physical activity as a way to relieve the symptoms of menstruation.

Dr Brown said:

It is absolutely amazing to see the further education sector promoting and providing support to females to manage the menstrual cycle to help reduce missed days of learning or involvement in physical activity.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's period dignity campaign links with the Sport Wales Young Ambassador campaign 'We're on it.Period' and GLLM young ambassadors and staff are involved in both.

This has helped with the sharing of good practice, ensuring a joined-up approach and enabling a wider scope and engagement with young females. As the lead of 'We're on it.' I'm delighted to see such an innovative, proactive and positive approach to period poverty.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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