Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’n Arloesi Gyda Charbon Sero Net

Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai wedi ennill Gwobr Amgylcheddol Lefel 5 y Ddraig Werdd eleni eto, mewn cydnabyddiaeth o'i reolaeth amgylcheddol effeithiol.

Wedi ei archwilio yn erbyn safon uchel, Lefel 5 yw'r lefel uchaf o ardystiad gan y Ddraig Werdd y gellir ei ddyfarnu i sefydliad. Dyfernir y safon i sefydliadau a all arddangos rheolaeth amgylcheddol effeithiol ac sydd yn cymryd camau i ddeall, monitro a rheoli eu heffeithiau ar yr amgylchedd.

Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cymryd sawl mesur i leihau ei effaith ar yr amgylchedd, ac mae buddsoddiadau cyfalaf diweddar hefyd wedi bod â chynaliadwyedd ar flaen eu datblygiad - a Chanolfan Chwaraeon newydd Coleg Menai yn adeilad Sero Net cyntaf y Grŵp.

⁠Bydd canolfan hyfforddi o'r radd flaenaf- mewn partneriaeth gyda RWE - hefyd yn cael ei chartrefu o fewn Canolfan Peirianneg newydd Coleg Llandrillo a rhagwelir y bydd yn agor i ddysgwyr yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn.

Mae gan y Grŵp Colegol nifer gynyddol o gerbydau trydan a hybrid at ddefnydd busnes, ac mae paneli solar hefyd yn cael eu cyflwyno ar draws campysau.

Mae'r bylbiau fflworoleuol a halogen presennol ar draws ei tri safle ar ddeg yn cael eu newid am rai LED lle bo'n bosib, ac yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf defnyddiwyd 47.8% yn llai o bapur o'i gymharu â'r flwyddyn flaenorol wrth i'r sefydliad symud tuag at ddigideiddio.

Mae mesurau cyfeillgar i'r amgylchedd eraill o weithredwyd yn cynnwys ffynhonnau dŵr sydd i'w gweld ar bob safle, gyda staff a myfyrwyr yn cael eu hannog i ddod â photeli dwr y gellir eu hailddefnyddio i’r coleg gyda nhw.

⁠Dywedodd Sharon Bowker, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai,

"Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai wedi ymrwymo i gynaliadwyedd ac mae ein fframwaith datblygu cynaliadwyedd yn cynnwys cynlluniau uchelgeisiol i ddod yn sefydliad sero carbon. Rydym wrth ein bodd i gadw achrediad Lefel 5 y Ddraig Werdd mewn cydnabyddiaeth o'r ymrwymiad, yr ymgysylltu a'r camau a gymerwyd gan gydweithwyr, dysgwyr a phartneriaid allweddol i helpu dylanwadu ar ein blaenoriaethau amgylcheddol".

"Rydym yn hyderus y medrwn barhau i leihau ein ôl troed carbon, gan weithio o fewn ein heconomi leol, i sicrhau effaith gadarnhaol ar yr amgylchedd".

Audited against a rigorous standard, Level 5 is the highest level of Green Dragon certification that can be awarded to an organisation. The standard is awarded to organisations that can demonstrate effective environmental management and that are taking action to understand, monitor and control their impacts on the environment.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is taking several measures to reduce its impact on the environment, and recent capital investments have also had sustainability at the forefront of their development - with Coleg Menai’s new Sports Centre being the group’s first Net-Zero building.

A state-of-the-art renewable energy training centre - in partnership with RWE - will also be housed within Coleg Llandrillo’s new Engineering Centre which is anticipated to open to learners later on in the year.

The College Group has an increasing number of hybrid and electric vehicles for business use, and solar panels are also being rolled out across campuses.

Existing fluorescent and halogen internal, external and car park lighting is being replaced with LED where possible across the thirteen sites, and during the past year 47.8% less paper was used in comparison to the previous year, as the organisation moves towards digitalisation.

Other environmentally-friendly measures that have been implemented include the availability of water fountains at every site, with staff and students encouraged to bring reusable water bottles with them.

Sharon Bowker, Executive Director for Corporate Services at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is fully committed to sustainability and our sustainability development framework includes ambitious plans for becoming a zero carbon organisation. We are delighted to retain the Green Dragon Level 5 accreditation in recognition of the commitment, engagement and actions that have been taken by colleagues, learners and key partners to help influence our environmental priorities”

“We are confident that we can continue to make reductions in our carbon footprint, working within our local economy, to ensure a positive impact on the environment”.

Audited against a rigorous standard, Level 5 is the highest level of Green Dragon certification that can be awarded to an organisation. The standard is awarded to organisations that can demonstrate effective environmental management and that are taking action to understand, monitor and control their impacts on the environment.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is taking several measures to reduce its impact on the environment, and recent capital investments have also had sustainability at the forefront of their development - with Coleg Menai’s new Sports Centre being the group’s first Net-Zero building.

A state-of-the-art renewable energy training centre - in partnership with RWE - will also be housed within Coleg Llandrillo’s new Engineering Centre which is anticipated to open to learners later on in the year.

The College Group has an increasing number of hybrid and electric vehicles for business use, and solar panels are also being rolled out across campuses.

Existing fluorescent and halogen internal, external and car park lighting is being replaced with LED where possible across the thirteen sites, and during the past year 47.8% less paper was used in comparison to the previous year, as the organisation moves towards digitalisation.

Other environmentally-friendly measures that have been implemented include the availability of water fountains at every site, with staff and students encouraged to bring reusable water bottles with them.

Sharon Bowker, Executive Director for Corporate Services at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is fully committed to sustainability and our sustainability development framework includes ambitious plans for becoming a zero carbon organisation. We are delighted to retain the Green Dragon Level 5 accreditation in recognition of the commitment, engagement and actions that have been taken by colleagues, learners and key partners to help influence our environmental priorities”

“We are confident that we can continue to make reductions in our carbon footprint, working within our local economy, to ensure a positive impact on the environment”.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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