Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Ydych chi wedi gwneud cais i'r coleg eto?

Mae tri choleg Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, sef Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor a Choleg Menai, yn derbyn ceisiadau ar gyfer tymor Medi 2021 ar hyn o bryd, ac mae llawer iawn yn cofrestru i ddilyn cyrsiau yn y colegau.

Yn y tri choleg, ceir cannoedd o gyrsiau, yn gymwysterau BTEC, cymwysterau Lefel A, prentisiaethau a chyrsiau gradd – rhywbeth at ddant pawb ac i'ch helpu i gyrraedd eich potensial.

Efallai eich bod chi ym mlwyddyn 11 ac yn pendroni beth i'w wneud ar ddiwedd eich cwrs TGAU? Ydych chi'n ailfeddwl am eich cynlluniau i fynd i brifysgol ac yn ystyried dilyn cwrs gradd yn agosach i'ch cartref? Neu efallai eich bod chi wedi canfod diddordeb newydd yn ystod y cyfnod clo ac eisiau astudio pwnc yr ydych wedi gwirioni arno?

Yn 2020, er gwaetha'r pandemig, llwyddodd myfyrwyr ar ddeuddeg campws y Grŵp i gyflawni nodau personol eithriadol.

  • l Cafodd Sohaib Hassan radd A* yn ei Hanes Lefel A ar ôl astudio at y Lefel A lawn mewn dim ond 12 mis. Yn sgil hyn, cafodd le diamod ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen.
  • ⁠Roedd Lucy Sharpe, sy'n dilyn cwrs gradd yn y Cyfryngau, ar ben ei digon pan gafodd ei dewis i weithio ar raglen deledu fwyaf y flwyddyn yn y Deyrnas Unedig: 'I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here'!
  • l Enillodd y Llysgennad Myfyrwyr, Tirion Thomas, sydd newydd gwblhau cwrs Lefel 3 mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn Nolgellau, wobr "Arwr Tawel" Personoliaeth Chwaraeon y Flwyddyn BBC Cymru.

Mewn arolwg diweddar a gynhaliwyd ymhlith y myfyrwyr, dangosodd dysgwyr ledled Grŵp Llandrillo Menai eu bod yn cymeradwyo'r grŵp o golegau, gyda'r mwyafrif llethol yn dweud eu bod yn gwerthfawrogi'r hyblygrwydd a'r gefnogaeth a gawsant gan eu tiwtoriaid yn ystod pandemig Covid-19. Mae ystadegau’r arolwg yn adlewyrchu'r adborth rhagorol a gafwyd gan y dysgwyr. Pan ofynnwyd iddynt am eu barn am y coleg yn gyffredinol, dywedodd 98.2% o’r myfyrwyr ei fod yn "dda' neu'n "dda iawn".

Ydych chi'n barod i wneud cais? I'ch helpu i benderfynu, bydd y Grŵp yn cynnal digwyddiad agored rhithwir drwy gydol yr haf. O gyfforddusrwydd a diogelwch eich cartref, cewch ddysgu rhagor am ein dewis eang o gyrsiau, y profiad o astudio yn y coleg a'r gefnogaeth ragorol sydd ar gael. Yn ogystal, cewch wneud cais ar-lein a sicrhau eich lle ar gyfer Medi 2021.

Ond brysiwch – mae'r cyrsiau'n prysur lenwi! Ewch i'n gwefan heddiw ar neu anfonwch neges e-bost at

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu yn fuan iawn!

The Grŵp’s three colleges have hundreds of courses, from BTECs, to A Levels, to apprenticeships, to degrees, to suit every need and to help you fulfil your potential.

Perhaps you are in Year 11 and currently contemplating what to do when you finish your GCSEs? Or you are rethinking your plans to go away to university, and thinking of studying for your degree a little bit closer to home? Or maybe you discovered a new passion or interest during the lockdown and want to study the subject you love?

In 2020, despite the pandemic, students across the Grŵp's twelve campuses achieved remarkable personal goals and successes.

  • ● A Level student Sohaib Hassan gained an A* in History after studying for the full A-level in only 12 months, enabling him to accept an unconditional offer for Oxford University
  • ● Media degree student Lucy Sharpe, was "in dreamland" after she was chosen to work on UK television's biggest show of the year: 'I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here'!
  • ● Student Ambassador Tirion Thomas, who has just completed her Health and Social Care Level 3 studies at the Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Dolgellau campus, was announced the winner of the BBC Wales Sports Personality of the Year's 'Unsung Hero' award

In a recent Student Survey, learners across Grŵp Llandrillo Menai gave the college group a giant, virtual ‘thumbs-up’, with the vast majority of students stating that they appreciated the flexibility and support shown by their tutors throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The statistics from the survey mirror the excellent feedback provided by the learners. When asked how they would rate the college overall, 98.2% of students rated it as “good” or “very good”.

Ready to apply? To help you make your final decision, the Grŵp is running a virtual open event throughout the summer. You can find out more about the wide range of courses on offer, what it's like to study at college and the excellent support available from the comfort and safety of your own home. You'll also be able to apply online and secure your place for September 2021.

But hurry, as places are filling up fast! Visit our website today at or email

We look forward to welcoming you very soon!

The Grŵp’s three colleges have hundreds of courses, from BTECs, to A Levels, to apprenticeships, to degrees, to suit every need and to help you fulfil your potential.

Perhaps you are in Year 11 and currently contemplating what to do when you finish your GCSEs? Or you are rethinking your plans to go away to university, and thinking of studying for your degree a little bit closer to home? Or maybe you discovered a new passion or interest during the lockdown and want to study the subject you love?

In 2020, despite the pandemic, students across the Grŵp's twelve campuses achieved remarkable personal goals and successes.

  • ● A Level student Sohaib Hassan gained an A* in History after studying for the full A-level in only 12 months, enabling him to accept an unconditional offer for Oxford University
  • ● Media degree student Lucy Sharpe, was "in dreamland" after she was chosen to work on UK television's biggest show of the year: 'I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here'!
  • ● Student Ambassador Tirion Thomas, who has just completed her Health and Social Care Level 3 studies at the Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Dolgellau campus, was announced the winner of the BBC Wales Sports Personality of the Year's 'Unsung Hero' award

In a recent Student Survey, learners across Grŵp Llandrillo Menai gave the college group a giant, virtual ‘thumbs-up’, with the vast majority of students stating that they appreciated the flexibility and support shown by their tutors throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The statistics from the survey mirror the excellent feedback provided by the learners. When asked how they would rate the college overall, 98.2% of students rated it as “good” or “very good”.

Ready to apply? To help you make your final decision, the Grŵp is running a virtual open event throughout the summer. You can find out more about the wide range of courses on offer, what it's like to study at college and the excellent support available from the comfort and safety of your own home. You'll also be able to apply online and secure your place for September 2021.

But hurry, as places are filling up fast! Visit our website today at or email

We look forward to welcoming you very soon!

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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