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Anrhydeddu Myfyriwr Ysbrydoledig o'r Coleg am Helpu Cymdogion yn ystod Llifogydd

Mae myfyriwr ysbrydoledig o gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl a roddodd cymorth i drigolion hŷn yn ystod llifogydd y llynedd yn Llanelwy, wedi cael ei anrhydeddu mewn seremoni wobrwyo ddiweddar.

Dyfarnwyd yr ail safle i Shelly Jones, 21 oed, sydd bellach yn byw yn y Rhyl, yng nghategori ‘Arwr Cymunedol y Flwyddyn’ yng Ngwobrau Tenantiaid Tai Sir Ddinbych 2022 yn ddiweddar.

Canmolwyd Shelly – sy’n astudio ar y cwrs Gweinyddu Busnes Lefel 2 ar gampws y coleg yn y Rhyl, ac a gafodd ei dewis yn gynrychiolydd dosbarth yn ddiweddar – am ei hymdrechion diflino yn ystod y llifogydd, a ddechreuodd wrth i ddŵr lepian yn erbyn ei gwely!

Cafodd Shelly ei gwneud yn ddigartref yn 2019. Yn 2020 symudodd i dai dros dro i bobl dros 55 oed yn Llanelwy, gan mai dyma’r unig lety oedd ar gael ar y pryd. Ym mis Chwefror 2021 - y noson cyn yr oedd hi i fod i symud i lety mwy addas - dioddefodd y dref lifogydd.

Er iddi ddeffro yng nghanol sefyllfa frawychus, y peth cyntaf ar feddwl Shelly oedd y trigolion eraill yn ei hadeilad. Llwyddodd i sicrhau digon o fagiau tywod ar unwaith i helpu i nadu'r dŵr rhag lledaenu ymhellach. Yna, yn ystod y dyddiau nesaf llwyddodd i ddod o hyd i amrywiaeth o ddodrefn newydd ar gyfer y trigolion, yn bennaf gan Crest (elusen a menter gymdeithasol).

Yn ffodus, symudodd Shelly i lety parhaol yn y Rhyl yn fuan ar ôl y llifogydd, ac mae’n dal i fod mewn cysylltiad â rhai o drigolion Llanelwy.

Meddai: “Roeddwn yn hapus dros ben i ddod yn ail yn y seremoni wobrwyo. Roedd yr enillydd yn barafeddyg gwirfoddol ac roedd ei wobr yn gwbl haeddiannol.”

A hithau bellach yn fodlon yn ei chartref newydd, ei gobaith yw cael swydd fel clerc ward ysbyty yn y dyfodol. Mae eisoes wedi cwblhau'r cymwysterau iechyd a diogelwch angenrheidiol, ac yn ei blwyddyn olaf o'i chwrs Gweinyddu Busnes ar gampwys y coleg yn y Rhyl. Mae Shelly hefyd ar fin dechrau gwirfoddoli yn swyddfa Childline ym Mhrestatyn.

Ychwanegodd Shelly: "Rwyf wir yn mwynhau fy amser yn y coleg a'r cyfleoedd gwych rwyf yn eu cael."

Cynhaliwyd noson wobrwyo Tenantiaid Tai Sir Ddinbych eleni ym Mwyty 1891 yn y Rhyl i ddathlu holl lwyddiannau tenantiaid, cymunedau a staff y sir. Roedd y categorïau yn cynnwys Tenant y Flwyddyn, Tenant Ifanc y Flwyddyn (dan 25); Cymydog Da'r Flwyddyn; Preswylwyr Tai / Grŵp Cymunedol y Flwyddyn; Gwasanaeth Cwsmer Tai Sir Ddinbych y Flwyddyn; Prosiect Cymunedol y Flwyddyn; Arwr Cymunedol, yn ogystal â thair gwobr arall yn ymwneud â gerddi.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus neu unrhyw gyrsiau eraill ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl, ffoniwch

01745 354 797.



21-year-old Shelly Jones, who is now living in Rhyl, was awarded second place in the ‘Community Hero of the Year’ category at the recent Denbighshire County Council’s Housing Tenant Awards 2022.

Shelly - who is studying on the Business Administration Level 2 course at the college’s Rhyl campus, and was recently voted her class representative - was commended for her tireless efforts during the flooding, which all began with water lapping up against her bed!

Shelly was made homeless in 2019. In 2020 she moved into over 55s’ temporary housing in St Asaph, as this was the only accommodation available at the time. In February 2021 - the night before she was due to move into more suitable accommodation - the floods arrived in the town.

Despite the alarming wake-up call, the first thing on Shelly’s mind was the other residents in her building. She immediately secured enough sandbags to help them battle back the water. Then, as days went by, she managed to source a range of replacement furniture for them, mainly from Crest (a charity and social enterprise).

Happily, Shelly eventually moved into permanent accommodation in Rhyl soon after the flooding, and is still in contact with some of the residents from St Asaph.

She said: “I was really happy to come second at the awards ceremony. The winner was a volunteer paramedic and his award was fully-deserved.”

Now thoroughly settled, she is aiming for a job as a hospital ward clerk. She has already completed the necessary health and care qualifications, and is now in the final year of her business administration course at Rhyl College. Shelly is also about to start volunteering for Childline at its office in Prestatyn.

Shelly added: “I am loving my time at college and the fantastic opportunities it is giving me.”

This year's Denbighshire Housing Tenant awards evening took place at the 1891 Restaurant in Rhyl to celebrate all the achievements of the county's tenants, communities and staff. The categories were Tenant of the Year, Young Tenant of the Year (under 25); Good Neighbour of the Year; Housing Resident / Community Group of the Year; Customer Services Award for Denbighshire Housing; Community Projects of the Year; Community Hero and Lockdown Hero, as well as three other gardens-related awards.

For more information on Public Services’ courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo, Rhyl, telephone

01745 354 797.


21-year-old Shelly Jones, who is now living in Rhyl, was awarded second place in the ‘Community Hero of the Year’ category at the recent Denbighshire County Council’s Housing Tenant Awards 2022.

Shelly - who is studying on the Business Administration Level 2 course at the college’s Rhyl campus, and was recently voted her class representative - was commended for her tireless efforts during the flooding, which all began with water lapping up against her bed!

Shelly was made homeless in 2019. In 2020 she moved into over 55s’ temporary housing in St Asaph, as this was the only accommodation available at the time. In February 2021 - the night before she was due to move into more suitable accommodation - the floods arrived in the town.

Despite the alarming wake-up call, the first thing on Shelly’s mind was the other residents in her building. She immediately secured enough sandbags to help them battle back the water. Then, as days went by, she managed to source a range of replacement furniture for them, mainly from Crest (a charity and social enterprise).

Happily, Shelly eventually moved into permanent accommodation in Rhyl soon after the flooding, and is still in contact with some of the residents from St Asaph.

She said: “I was really happy to come second at the awards ceremony. The winner was a volunteer paramedic and his award was fully-deserved.”

Now thoroughly settled, she is aiming for a job as a hospital ward clerk. She has already completed the necessary health and care qualifications, and is now in the final year of her business administration course at Rhyl College. Shelly is also about to start volunteering for Childline at its office in Prestatyn.

Shelly added: “I am loving my time at college and the fantastic opportunities it is giving me.”

This year's Denbighshire Housing Tenant awards evening took place at the 1891 Restaurant in Rhyl to celebrate all the achievements of the county's tenants, communities and staff. The categories were Tenant of the Year, Young Tenant of the Year (under 25); Good Neighbour of the Year; Housing Resident / Community Group of the Year; Customer Services Award for Denbighshire Housing; Community Projects of the Year; Community Hero and Lockdown Hero, as well as three other gardens-related awards.

For more information on Public Services’ courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo, Rhyl, telephone

01745 354 797.


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