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Jacob yn dylunio cabanau peilot y dyfodol

Dr Jacob Greene, cyn-fyfyriwr o'r adran chwaraeon a'i daith o Goleg Llandrillo i'w waith dros BAE Systems.

Dilynodd Dr Jacob Green gwrs Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 BTEC mewn Chwaraeon (Perfformiad a Rhagoriaeth) yng Ngholeg Llandrillo rhwng 2011 a 2013. Enillodd dair gradd rhagoriaeth ar y cwrs. Deng mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mae'n gweithio fel Uwch Beiriannydd Awyrofod - Ffactorau Dynol, gyda BAE Systems, ac yn dylunio system caban peilot ar gyfer awyrennau jet sy'n gwneud y gorau o berfformiad dynol. Cawsom sgwrs gyda Jacob, sy'n dod o Landrillo-yn-Rhos yn wreiddiol, i ddysgu rhagor am ei daith.

Rwyt ti'n gweithio fel Uwch Beiriannydd Ffactorau Dynol ym maes Awyrofod ar hyn o bryd - beth mae hyn yn ei olygu a beth wyt ti'n ei wneud?

Rydw i'n gweithio i BAE Systems Air, cwmni awyrofod Prydeinig a chwmni sy'n gweithio ar dechnoleg ym maes amddiffyn. Mae fy ngwaith fel Uwch Beiriannydd Ffactorau Dynol ym maes Awyrofod yn golygu fy mod yn dylunio system caban peilot ar gyfer awyrennau jet y genhedlaeth nesaf, sy'n gwneud y gorau o berfformiad dynol.

Yr her rydym yn ei wynebu ydy penderfynu pa dechnoleg yn y dyfodol allai gynnig dulliau blaengar, cyfeillgar i'r defnyddiwr, i'r peilot fydd yn ei alluogi i ymdrin â'r rhyngwyneb yn y caban peilot mewn amgylchedd cymhleth a deinamig. Mae hynny'n cynnwys y paneli arddangos eu hunain, y feddalwedd a'r offer llywio.

Dr Jacob Greene studied a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Performance and Excellence) at Coleg Llandrillo from 2011-2013, achieving a triple distinction. Ten years later, he works as a Senior Aerospace Human Factors Engineer for BAE systems, designing a fast-jet cockpit system that optimises human performance. We caught up with Jacob, originally from Rhos-on-Sea, to find out about his journey.

Your current role is Senior Aerospace Human Factors Engineer - what does this mean and what do you do?

I work for BAE Systems Air, a British aerospace and technology-led defence company. My role as a Senior Human Factors Engineer is to design and develop a future cockpit system for a next-generation fast-jet aircraft, to ensure optimal human performance.

Our challenge is to determine what future technologies could provide the pilot with intuitive and user-friendly methods of interacting with the cockpit human-machine interface - including physical displays, controls and software - within a complex and dynamic environment.

Dr Jacob Greene studied a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Performance and Excellence) at Coleg Llandrillo from 2011-2013, achieving a triple distinction. Ten years later, he works as a Senior Aerospace Human Factors Engineer for BAE systems, designing a fast-jet cockpit system that optimises human performance. We caught up with Jacob, originally from Rhos-on-Sea, to find out about his journey.

Your current role is Senior Aerospace Human Factors Engineer - what does this mean and what do you do?

I work for BAE Systems Air, a British aerospace and technology-led defence company. My role as a Senior Human Factors Engineer is to design and develop a future cockpit system for a next-generation fast-jet aircraft, to ensure optimal human performance.

Our challenge is to determine what future technologies could provide the pilot with intuitive and user-friendly methods of interacting with the cockpit human-machine interface - including physical displays, controls and software - within a complex and dynamic environment.

Dilynodd Dr Jacob Green gwrs Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 BTEC mewn Chwaraeon (Perfformiad a Rhagoriaeth) yng Ngholeg Llandrillo rhwng 2011 a 2013. Enillodd dair gradd rhagoriaeth ar y cwrs. Deng mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mae'n gweithio fel Uwch Beiriannydd Awyrofod - Ffactorau Dynol, gyda BAE Systems, ac yn dylunio system caban peilot ar gyfer awyrennau jet sy'n gwneud y gorau o berfformiad dynol. Cawsom sgwrs gyda Jacob, sy'n dod o Landrillo-yn-Rhos yn wreiddiol, i ddysgu rhagor am ei daith.

Rwyt ti'n gweithio fel Uwch Beiriannydd Ffactorau Dynol ym maes Awyrofod ar hyn o bryd - beth mae hyn yn ei olygu a beth wyt ti'n ei wneud?

Rydw i'n gweithio i BAE Systems Air, cwmni awyrofod Prydeinig a chwmni sy'n gweithio ar dechnoleg ym maes amddiffyn. Mae fy ngwaith fel Uwch Beiriannydd Ffactorau Dynol ym maes Awyrofod yn golygu fy mod yn dylunio system caban peilot ar gyfer awyrennau jet y genhedlaeth nesaf, sy'n gwneud y gorau o berfformiad dynol.

Yr her rydym yn ei wynebu ydy penderfynu pa dechnoleg yn y dyfodol allai gynnig dulliau blaengar, cyfeillgar i'r defnyddiwr, i'r peilot fydd yn ei alluogi i ymdrin â'r rhyngwyneb yn y caban peilot mewn amgylchedd cymhleth a deinamig. Mae hynny'n cynnwys y paneli arddangos eu hunain, y feddalwedd a'r offer llywio.

My specialism within the team is psychophysiological monitoring. This area of research explores how wearable technologies could be used to monitor pilot performance, by capturing physiological signals including brain wave activity, eye tracking, and cardiovascular measures.

We can then use this data to help improve cockpit design, enhance pilot training, and even to measure behaviours such as mental overload or fatigue during challenging and stressful situations during flight.

How did you get into this field of work, and what do you enjoy about the job?

Prior to joining BAE Systems, I completed my PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University. The aim of my research was to develop a novel wearable electromagnetic sensor to measure physiological markers in athletes. As part of my PhD, I had the opportunity to work alongside professional athletes, including players from Liverpool Football Club, which was always a childhood dream and aspiration of mine.

My specialism within the team is psychophysiological monitoring. This area of research explores how wearable technologies could be used to monitor pilot performance, by capturing physiological signals including brain wave activity, eye tracking, and cardiovascular measures.

We can then use this data to help improve cockpit design, enhance pilot training, and even to measure behaviours such as mental overload or fatigue during challenging and stressful situations during flight.

How did you get into this field of work, and what do you enjoy about the job?

Prior to joining BAE Systems, I completed my PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University. The aim of my research was to develop a novel wearable electromagnetic sensor to measure physiological markers in athletes. As part of my PhD, I had the opportunity to work alongside professional athletes, including players from Liverpool Football Club, which was always a childhood dream and aspiration of mine.

Mae monitro peilotiaid yn rhywbeth nad yw'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar hyn o bryd ar beilotiaid awyrennau jet cyflym. Mae defnyddio fy nghefndir a datblygu technoleg o'r radd flaenaf fydd yn bwydo i blatfform y genhedlaeth nesaf yn rhywbeth cyffrous iawn. Fel rhan o fy ngwaith presennol rydw i'n ddigon ffodus i gydweithio ag arbenigwyr blaenllaw o nifer o ddisgyblaethau peirianneg gwahanol, yn cynnwys peilotiaid profi, er mwyn asesu technoleg mewn amgylchedd caban peilot. Rydw i hefyd yn cael cyfle i deithio i gynadleddau a rhyngweithio â phartneriaid a chwsmeriaid rhyngwladol.

⁠Ai dyma'r llwybr gyrfa oedd gennych mewn golwg pan oeddech chi'n astudio yng Ngholeg Llandrillo?

Mae chwaraeon wedi bod yn ganolog i fy hobïau a diddordebau. Yn ystod fy nghyfnod yn y coleg mi wnes i chwarae pêl-droed a chymryd rhan mewn athletau. Rydw i wastad wedi bod â diddordeb mewn gweld sut gallai gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg wella perfformiad dynol. Roeddwn i'n gwybod, dw i'n meddwl, yn o fuan fy mod i eisiau dilyn cwrs gwyddor chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff yn y brifysgol, ac roedd y coleg yn gam cyntaf perffaith ar y daith honno.

Mae dilyn pwnc sydd o ddiddordeb i mi wedi bod yn bwysig iawn i mi'n bersonol. Mi wnes i sylweddoli’n fuan iawn wrth barhau â'm haddysg bod ymchwil wyddonol a datblygu technoleg yn faes oedd o ddiddordeb mawr i mi, ac mi fues i'n ddigon ffodus i fod mewn sefyllfa i fanteisio ar gyfleoedd ar yr adeg iawn.

Mae gwyddor chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff yn cyflwyno gwybodaeth am amrywiaeth o feysydd fel ffisioleg ymarfer corff, seicoleg a biomecaneg, ac yn cynnig cyfle i weld sut defnyddir dulliau ymchwil gwyddonol. Mae pob un o'r meysydd hyn yn berthnasol i nifer o ddisgyblaethau y tu allan i fyd chwaraeon, yn cynnwys maes gofal iechyd, gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg a pheirianneg.

Yn ystod dy gwrs yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, beth wnest ti ei fwynhau?

Roedd 'na dîm arbennig o ddarlithwyr yn y coleg pan oeddwn i yno, ac roedden nhw'n barod iawn i rannu eu gwybodaeth eang â'u profiad â ni.

Mi fuon ni'n ffodus iawn i gael Rhodri Davies fel goruchwyliwr ac uwch ddarlithydd, ac mae o'n parhau i chwarae rhan allweddol yng ngwaith yr adran chwaraeon. Rhaid i mi ddiolch i Rhodri'n bersonol am ei gefnogaeth a'i help i gael lle yn y brifysgol ynghyd â gweddill yr adran am eu gwaith, roedd yn brofiad gwych, bythgofiadwy.

Yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw roedd Benjamin Owen, perchennog FAST Way to Fitness yn cyflwyno darlithoedd yn rheolaidd. Roedd profiad blaenorol Ben a'i gefndir yn cynnig cipolwg ar faes ymchwil gwyddor chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff, ac yn ychwanegu haen arall o wybodaeth i gwrs diddorol iawn.

Sut brofiad oedd bod yn hyfforddwr gyda Tornio FC?

Yn ystod blwyddyn olaf fy nghwrs, cafodd tîm pêl-droed y coleg eu dewis ar gyfer taith i Turin yn yr Eidal i gwblhau pythefnos o brofiad gwaith. Roedd y trip hwn yn cynnig cyfle unigryw i weithio dramor gyda chlybiau pêl-droed proffesiynol yn cynnwys Tornio FC, a hyfforddi eu timau ieuenctid yn ogystal â gwylio eu tîm cyntaf. Trefnodd y coleg wersi Eidaleg i ni cyn y daith a sesiynau ar hyfforddi. Mi chwaraeon ni gemau yn erbyn timau lleol ac mi gawson ni gyfle i ymweld â chyfleusterau hyfforddi Juventus a gwylio AC Milan yn chwarae yn Stadiwm San Siro. Roedd y trip hwn yn anhygoel ac mi wnaeth gadarnhau ein penderfyniad i barhau i weithio yn y diwydiant.

Pilot monitoring is something that is currently not used on today’s generation of fast-jet aircraft. Being able to apply my background, developing cutting-edge technology that will feed into a next-generation platform is incredibly exciting. As part of my current role, I’m fortunate enough to collaborate with world-leading experts across a vast range of engineering disciplines, including working closely with test pilots to assess technology within the cockpit environment, as well as travelling to attend conferences and engage with our international partners and customers.

Was this the career path you envisaged when you were studying at Coleg Llandrillo?

My hobbies and interests have always centred around sport. During my time in college I played football and was involved in athletics. I have always been fascinated by how you could improve human performance by using science and technology. I think I knew early on that I wanted to study sports and exercise science at university, and college provided me with the perfect gateway to achieving that goal.

I’ve personally always found it important to study a topic that I was genuinely interested in. As my education progressed, I quickly realised that scientific research and technology development was an area that I was passionate about, and I was fortunate enough to have the right opportunities and doors open at the right time.

I believe sports and exercise science provides a varied and in-depth insight into topic areas such as exercise physiology, psychology and biomechanics, and provides insight into how to use scientific research methods. All of these areas have many applications across multiple disciplines outside of just the world of sport, including healthcare, science and technology, and engineering.

What did you enjoy about your course at Coleg Llandrillo?

During my time at college, there was an amazing team of lecturers who shared their wealth of knowledge and experience.

As the supervisor and senior lecturer for our year we were fortunate enough to have Rhodri Davies, who I know remains a key figure within the sport department. I have to thank Rhodri personally for his support and playing such a vital role in helping me secure a place at university, and the rest of the department for providing such an all-round brilliant and memorable experience.

At the time, Benjamin Owen, owner of FAST Way to Fitness, provided regular lectures to our group. Ben’s prior background and experience really shed light on the world of applied sports and exercise research at the time, adding to a really informative course.

What was your work experience as a coach at Torino FC like?

In my final year of my course, the college football team was selected for an all-inclusive trip to Turin, Italy, to complete two weeks of work experience. This trip provided the unique opportunity to work abroad with professional football clubs including Torino FC, to coach their youth teams and watch their first team. Prior to the trip, the college organised Italian lessons for us all and provided coaching sessions to get us up to speed. We also played regular football against local teams, and had the opportunity to visit Juventus training facilities, and watch AC Millan play at the San Siro Stadium. This trip was unbelievable and reinforced all of our motivations to remain within the industry.

Pilot monitoring is something that is currently not used on today’s generation of fast-jet aircraft. Being able to apply my background, developing cutting-edge technology that will feed into a next-generation platform is incredibly exciting. As part of my current role, I’m fortunate enough to collaborate with world-leading experts across a vast range of engineering disciplines, including working closely with test pilots to assess technology within the cockpit environment, as well as travelling to attend conferences and engage with our international partners and customers.

Was this the career path you envisaged when you were studying at Coleg Llandrillo?

My hobbies and interests have always centred around sport. During my time in college I played football and was involved in athletics. I have always been fascinated by how you could improve human performance by using science and technology. I think I knew early on that I wanted to study sports and exercise science at university, and college provided me with the perfect gateway to achieving that goal.

I’ve personally always found it important to study a topic that I was genuinely interested in. As my education progressed, I quickly realised that scientific research and technology development was an area that I was passionate about, and I was fortunate enough to have the right opportunities and doors open at the right time.

I believe sports and exercise science provides a varied and in-depth insight into topic areas such as exercise physiology, psychology and biomechanics, and provides insight into how to use scientific research methods. All of these areas have many applications across multiple disciplines outside of just the world of sport, including healthcare, science and technology, and engineering.

What did you enjoy about your course at Coleg Llandrillo?

During my time at college, there was an amazing team of lecturers who shared their wealth of knowledge and experience.

As the supervisor and senior lecturer for our year we were fortunate enough to have Rhodri Davies, who I know remains a key figure within the sport department. I have to thank Rhodri personally for his support and playing such a vital role in helping me secure a place at university, and the rest of the department for providing such an all-round brilliant and memorable experience.

At the time, Benjamin Owen, owner of FAST Way to Fitness, provided regular lectures to our group. Ben’s prior background and experience really shed light on the world of applied sports and exercise research at the time, adding to a really informative course.

What was your work experience as a coach at Torino FC like?

In my final year of my course, the college football team was selected for an all-inclusive trip to Turin, Italy, to complete two weeks of work experience. This trip provided the unique opportunity to work abroad with professional football clubs including Torino FC, to coach their youth teams and watch their first team. Prior to the trip, the college organised Italian lessons for us all and provided coaching sessions to get us up to speed. We also played regular football against local teams, and had the opportunity to visit Juventus training facilities, and watch AC Millan play at the San Siro Stadium. This trip was unbelievable and reinforced all of our motivations to remain within the industry.

Yn ogystal â chwaraeon, mi gawson ni gyfle i gwblhau cymhwyster Achub Bywyd gyda'r RNLI. Mi wnes i gwblhau hwnnw ac yn ystod fy nghyfnod yn y coleg a'r brifysgol roeddwn i'n gweithio fel achubwr bywyd. Diolch i'r cymhwyster hwn mi ges i gyfle i deithio i America a gweithio fel achubwr bywyd mewn gwersyll haf. Mi ges i brofiadau drwy'r coleg i wneud pethau y tu allan i'r hyn byddech chi'n ei ddisgwyl ac mae hyn wedi bod o fantais i mi ar sawl achlysur.

⁠Pa gyngor fyddet ti'n ei gynnig i unrhyw un sy'n ystyried astudio yng Ngholeg Llandrillo?

Gall y coleg gynnig mynediad at nifer o wahanol lwybrau gyrfa. O fy mhrofiad i, os ydych chi'n mwynhau eich gwaith a'r diwydiant rydych chi'n gweithio ynddo, mi fyddwch chi'n barod i ymroi amser ac ymdrech i'r gwaith hwnnw. Hefyd os byddwch chi'n dal ati i ymroi ac yn parhau i ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth a'ch arbenigedd, mi ddaw'r cyfleoedd sy'n gweddu i chi.

Mae cyfle o hyd i ddilyn cwrs ym maes Chwaraeon ac Addysg Awyr Agored gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. ⁠I gael rhagor o wybodaeth a gwybodaeth am sut i wneud cais, cliciwch yma.

Away from sport, the course offered the opportunity to complete the RNLI Lifeguard qualification. This is something I went for at the time, and I became a lifeguard throughout my time at college and university. This qualification also enabled me to travel and work in America as a lifeguard at summer camp. College provided many opportunities away from what you may typically expect, and this has proved beneficial on numerous occasions.

What advice do you have for anyone thinking of studying at Coleg Llandrillo?

College can provide a brilliant gateway for many different career paths. I’ve often found the more you enjoy your work and the industry you’re in, the more dedicated time and effort you’re prepared to put into it. Consequently, if you keep putting yourself out there, and continue to build upon your own knowledge and experiences, then often the right opportunities present themselves.

There are still places available on Sport and Outdoor Education courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. For more information including how to apply, click here.

Away from sport, the course offered the opportunity to complete the RNLI Lifeguard qualification. This is something I went for at the time, and I became a lifeguard throughout my time at college and university. This qualification also enabled me to travel and work in America as a lifeguard at summer camp. College provided many opportunities away from what you may typically expect, and this has proved beneficial on numerous occasions.

What advice do you have for anyone thinking of studying at Coleg Llandrillo?

College can provide a brilliant gateway for many different career paths. I’ve often found the more you enjoy your work and the industry you’re in, the more dedicated time and effort you’re prepared to put into it. Consequently, if you keep putting yourself out there, and continue to build upon your own knowledge and experiences, then often the right opportunities present themselves.

There are still places available on Sport and Outdoor Education courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. For more information including how to apply, click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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