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Nonconformist – llyfr newydd y darlithydd a’r awdur, Jane Parry

Mae Jane Parry, Darlithydd Celf a Dylunio yng Ngholeg Menai'n dathlu lansiad ei llyfr newydd

Ceir hanes cyndeidiau Jane yn ‘Nonconformist’ ac mae'n canolbwyntio ar yr arloeswr crefyddol Wiliam Pritchard wedi i Jane ganfod rhagor am ei hanes ar ôl iddi symud i Sir Fôn o Lydaw.

Mae'r llyfr yn tywys darllenwyr ar daith drwy dirwedd ac iaith ac yn cloi gyda'i myfyrdodau am Ynys Môn a gogledd Cymru.

Bydd hi'n trafod ei llyfr, ‘Nonconformist’, yn ystod y lansiad swyddogol yn Siop Lyfrau Palas Print, Caernarfon ar 9 Medi a hefyd ar raglen Rhys Mwyn ar Radio Cymru nos Lun, 4 Medi rhwng 7pm a 9pm.

Mae tipyn o sôn am y llyfr ffeithiol creadigol yn barod - ond dim ond trwy gyd-ddigwyddiad gwnaeth Jane ddod i wybod am ei gwreiddiau Cymreig oedd yn gwbl anhysbys iddi cyn hynny.

Wedi iddynt symud i Landrygarn ger Trefor yng nghanol Ynys Môn, cafodd Jane wybod ei bod yn byw drws nesaf i'r tŷ ble roedd ei thaid yn byw, a bod ei chyndeidiau wedi'u claddu yn y fynwent sydd ganllath o ddrws ei thŷ.

"Yn 2011, mi gymerais gyfnod sabothol a symud i fyw yn Llydaw," dywedodd Jane, sydd wedi gweithio fel darlithydd yng Ngholeg Menai ers 20 mlynedd. "Ond roedd rhaid i ni adael a dod o hyd i rywle yng ngogledd Cymru yn sydyn iawn, ac mi gyrhaeddon ni Landrygarn.

Nonconformist tells the story of Jane’s ancestors - focusing on 18th century religious pioneer Wiliam Prichard - whose history she only discovered after she and her family relocated to Anglesey from Brittany.

The book takes readers on a journey of landscape and language, arriving in the present with her reflections on contemporary Anglesey and North Wales.

Jane will be discussing Nonconformist at its official launch at Palas Print bookshop in Caernarfon on September 9, and also with presenter Rhys Mwyn on his BBC Radio Cymru show on Monday, September 4.

The work of creative non-fiction has already generated quite a buzz - but it only came about after a quirk of coincidence led to Jane uncovering deep Welsh roots she previously knew nothing about.

After moving to Llandrygarn, near Trefor in the middle of Ynys Môn, Jane discovered she was living right next door to the house where her grandfather lived, and that her ancestors were buried in the churchyard just 100 yards from her front door.

“In 2011 I took a sabbatical and went to live in Brittany,” says Jane, who has worked as a lecturer at Coleg Menai for 20 years. “But we had to move back to North Wales and find somewhere quite quickly, and we landed in Llandrygarn.

Nonconformist tells the story of Jane’s ancestors - focusing on 18th century religious pioneer Wiliam Prichard - whose history she only discovered after she and her family relocated to Anglesey from Brittany.

The book takes readers on a journey of landscape and language, arriving in the present with her reflections on contemporary Anglesey and North Wales.

Jane will be discussing Nonconformist at its official launch at Palas Print bookshop in Caernarfon on September 9, and also with presenter Rhys Mwyn on his BBC Radio Cymru show on Monday, September 4.

The work of creative non-fiction has already generated quite a buzz - but it only came about after a quirk of coincidence led to Jane uncovering deep Welsh roots she previously knew nothing about.

After moving to Llandrygarn, near Trefor in the middle of Ynys Môn, Jane discovered she was living right next door to the house where her grandfather lived, and that her ancestors were buried in the churchyard just 100 yards from her front door.

“In 2011 I took a sabbatical and went to live in Brittany,” says Jane, who has worked as a lecturer at Coleg Menai for 20 years. “But we had to move back to North Wales and find somewhere quite quickly, and we landed in Llandrygarn.

"Ar ôl tua blwyddyn o fyw yno daeth cnoc ar y drws ac mi gyflwynodd dynes ei hun fel fy hen fodryb Maxie. Roedd hi'n meddwl ein bod ni wedi dewis y tŷ oherwydd ei hanes, a hi ddywedodd bod tad fy nhad wedi byw yn y tŷ mawr y drws nesaf."

Dysgodd Jane mai Cymraeg oedd iaith gyntaf ei thaid - ac ysgogodd hynny hi i ymchwilio i weld sut collwyd yr iaith o fewn ei theulu.

Meddai: "Roedd fy nhaid yn siaradwr Cymraeg iaith gyntaf a doeddwn i ddim yn deall pam nad oedd fy nhad yn siarad yr iaith. Roedd fel pe bawn i'n darganfod hanes fy nheulu o'r newydd, felly mi wnes i ragor o ymchwil."

Daeth o hyd i restr o enwau a dyddiadau oedd yn arwain yn ôl at ei chyndeidiau ym Mhen Llŷn - a Wiliam Prichard (1702 - 1773) yn benodol, Anghydffurfiwr enwog a orfodwyd i adael Pen Llyn am Ynys Môn ar ôl sefydlu ysgolion cysylltiedig â chapeli Cymraeg.

"Roedd yn berson arbennig yn y gymuned grefyddol Cymraeg," meddai Jane. "Roedd yn arloeswr yn y mudiad Annibynnol a wnaeth gynorthwyo i sefydlu ysgolion oedd yn gysylltiedig â'r capeli. Ond roedd hynny yn groes i sefydliad Anglicanaidd yr oes honno.

"Roedd ei fywyd yn llawn drama - cafodd ei erlyn o'i gynefin, Llangybi ym Mhen Llŷn, oherwydd y ddadlau ynghylch ei ddaliadau crefyddol.

"Mae rhan helaeth o'r llyfr yn trafod ei fywyd a sut cafodd ei erlid gan offeiriaid Anglicanaidd, ond mae hefyd yn mynd â ni o'r gorffennol i'r presennol, ac yn myfyrio ar ecoleg fodern Ynys Môn a'r iaith Gymraeg."

Mae Jane yn addysgu ar y cwrs gradd sylfaen mewn Celf a Dylunio yng Ngholeg Menai yn dilyn cyfnod o ddylunio llyfrau i'r BBC. ‘Nonconformist’ ydy ail lyfr Jane, cyhoeddwyd ei llyfr cyntaf 'Lessons in Impermanence' gan Parthian yn 2014.

I weld rhagor o wybodaeth am lansiad Nonconformist a sut i brynu copi, ewch i neu anfonwch neges e-bost at Palas Print ar

Bydd hi'n trafod ei llyfr, Nonconformist, gyda Nici Beech yn ystod y lansiad swyddogol yn Siop Lyfrau Palas Print, Caernarfon, dydd Sadwrn 9 Medi am 3pm. Mi fydd hi hefyd yn cael ei chyfweld am y llyfr ar raglen Rhys Mwyn ar Radio Cymru nos Lun, 4 Medi rhwng 7pm a 9pm.

  • Dydy hi ddim yn rhy hwyr i wneud cais i'r coleg ar gyfer 2023/24. I wybod rhagor am y cyrsiau celf a dylunio yng Ngholeg Menai a Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

“After we’d lived there for about a year, we had a knock on the door from a lady who introduced herself as my great auntie Maxie. She thought we’d rented the house because of its history, and told me my dad’s dad had lived in the big house next door.”

Jane learned that her grandad was a first-language Welsh-speaker - spurring her to investigate how the language had been lost from her family.

She said: “My grandad was first-language Welsh, and I couldn’t work out how my dad couldn’t speak the language. It was like discovering this whole family history I never knew about, so I started researching it.”

She uncovered a strata of names and dates, taking her back to her ancestors in Pen Llŷn - and notably Wiliam Prichard (1702 - 1773), a celebrated Nonconformist who had to leave Pen Llŷn for Anglesey after setting up schools linked to Welsh chapels.

“He was a big deal in Welsh religious society,” says Jane. “He was a pioneer of the Independent movement and helped set up schools related to the chapels. But he was in conflict with the Anglican establishment of the time.

“He had quite a dramatic life - he was kicked out of where he came from, Llangybi in Pen Llŷn, because there was controversy over his religious views.

“A lot of the book is about his life and how he was persecuted by the Anglican clergy, but it also goes from the past to the present, and it’s about the ecology of contemporary Anglesey and the Welsh language.”

Jane teaches the foundation degree in art and design at Coleg Menai, having previously worked as a book designer for the BBC. Nonconformist is her second book, after her debut, Lessons In Impermanence, was published by Parthian in 2014.

For more information about the book launch and details on how to buy Nonconformist, visit or contact Palas Print at

Jane will be talking about Nonconformist with host Nici Beech at the official launch at Palas Print bookshop in Caernarfon on Saturday, September 9 at 3pm. She will also be discussing the book with presenter Rhys Mwyn on BBC Radio Cymru, on Monday, September 4 (7-9pm).

  • It's not too late to apply for a place at college for 2023/24. For more information on art and design courses at Coleg Menai and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

“After we’d lived there for about a year, we had a knock on the door from a lady who introduced herself as my great auntie Maxie. She thought we’d rented the house because of its history, and told me my dad’s dad had lived in the big house next door.”

Jane learned that her grandad was a first-language Welsh-speaker - spurring her to investigate how the language had been lost from her family.

She said: “My grandad was first-language Welsh, and I couldn’t work out how my dad couldn’t speak the language. It was like discovering this whole family history I never knew about, so I started researching it.”

She uncovered a strata of names and dates, taking her back to her ancestors in Pen Llŷn - and notably Wiliam Prichard (1702 - 1773), a celebrated Nonconformist who had to leave Pen Llŷn for Anglesey after setting up schools linked to Welsh chapels.

“He was a big deal in Welsh religious society,” says Jane. “He was a pioneer of the Independent movement and helped set up schools related to the chapels. But he was in conflict with the Anglican establishment of the time.

“He had quite a dramatic life - he was kicked out of where he came from, Llangybi in Pen Llŷn, because there was controversy over his religious views.

“A lot of the book is about his life and how he was persecuted by the Anglican clergy, but it also goes from the past to the present, and it’s about the ecology of contemporary Anglesey and the Welsh language.”

Jane teaches the foundation degree in art and design at Coleg Menai, having previously worked as a book designer for the BBC. Nonconformist is her second book, after her debut, Lessons In Impermanence, was published by Parthian in 2014.

For more information about the book launch and details on how to buy Nonconformist, visit or contact Palas Print at

Jane will be talking about Nonconformist with host Nici Beech at the official launch at Palas Print bookshop in Caernarfon on Saturday, September 9 at 3pm. She will also be discussing the book with presenter Rhys Mwyn on BBC Radio Cymru, on Monday, September 4 (7-9pm).

  • It's not too late to apply for a place at college for 2023/24. For more information on art and design courses at Coleg Menai and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.
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