Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Campws Llangefni'n Paratoi ar gyfer Digwyddiad Cymunedol Enfawr

Mae campws Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn Llangefni'n paratoi i groesawu cannoedd o bobl leol i'w Ddigwyddiad Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned ddydd Sadwrn 11 Mehefin.

Bydd yn ddiwrnod gwych i'r teulu cyfan ac fe gynhelir llu o weithdai a gweithgareddau dysgu cyffrous ym maes uwch dechnoleg. Yn sicr, bydd yna rywbeth at ddant pawb... o weithdai drôns i lysnafedd XPLORE a monster trucks! Ar ben hynny, bydd pawb yn cael bag o roddion am ddim a chyfle i ennill pâr o Beats Studio Earbuds!

Cynhelir y digwyddiad llawn hwyl rhwng 10am a 2pm a'r bwriad yw dod â phobl Llangefni a'r cyffiniau at ei gilydd, gan roi cyfle iddynt ddod i wybod rhagor am y cynlluniau cyffrous sydd ar droed ar gyfer y campws.

Yn ogystal â'r diwrnod cymunedol, cynhelir digwyddiad gyrfaoedd a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i chi siarad â chynrychiolwyr o sefydliadau amrywiol fel y Gwasanaeth Tân, y Fyddin ac ati ynghyd â llawer o gwmnïau lleol.

Mae'r digwyddiad yn rhad ac am ddim, yn agored i bawb, ac wedi'i anelu at:

  • Ddisgyblion ysgol o ardal Llangefni sy'n ystyried eu dewisiadau ar gyfer mis Medi
  • Rhieni sydd am ymweld â'r campws i weld y cyfleusterau a siarad â'r staff
  • Trigolion lleol sydd â diddordeb mewn gweld beth sydd gan y campws i'w gynnig
  • Pobl sydd â diddordeb mewn cael gwaith neu ddechrau gyrfa newydd
  • Ac yn olaf... teuluoedd sydd am gael diwrnod i'r brenin!

Ar y diwrnod, cewch roi cynnig ar lu o brofiadau cyffrous a chael eich temtio gan bob math o wahanol fwydydd blasus.

Gallwch weld y cyfleusterau, siarad â'r staff am y cyrsiau fydd yn dechrau fis Medi, a chymryd rhan hefyd mewn gweithgareddau STEM (Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg, Peirianneg a Mathemateg) amrywiol, gan gynnwys codio, roboteg a pheirianneg.

Ymhlith yr uchafbwyntiau bydd: Hufen Iâ; Cestyll Bownsio; Swigod Dr Zigs; F1 mewn Ysgolion; Gweithdy Drôns; Chwaraeon gyda Môn Actif; Adeiladu Bocsys i Adar; Gweithgareddau Realiti Rhithwir a'r Gwasanaethau Brys – yr Heddlu a'r Gwasanaeth Tân!

Felly, ewch draw i gampws Coleg Llangefni ar Ffordd Penmynydd ar 11 Mehefin – chewch chi ddim o'ch siomi!


It will be a fantastic day out for all the family with a host of exciting, high-tech learning experiences and workshops going on to suit all tastes…from drone workshops to XPLORE slime and monster trucks! What’s more, everyone will get a free goody bag and be in with a chance of winning a pair of Beats Studio earbuds!

The fun-filled event – which takes place from 10am – 2pm - will aim to bring together the people of Llangefni and the surrounding area and give them the opportunity to find out more about the exciting plans for the campus.

As well as the community event, there will also be a careers event, which will provide you with the opportunity to speak to, and get careers advice from, representatives from a range of organisations.

The event is free, open to everyone, and is aimed at:

● School pupils in the Llangefni area looking at their options for September

● Parents who want to visit the campus to view the facilities and speak to staff

● Local residents who are interested in what the campus has to offer

● People who are interested in getting a job or starting a new career

● And finally…families who just want a fun day out!

On the day, you can try out a whole host of exciting activities, whilst tantalising your taste buds with a wide range of delicious food options.

You can tour the facilities, speak to staff about courses for September, and you’ll also be able to take part in a range of STEM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) activities including coding, robotics and engineering.

Some of the many highlights include: Ice Cream; Bouncy Castles; Dr Zigs Bubbles; F1 in Schools; Drone Workshop; Sports with Mon Actif; Building a Bird Box; Virtual Reality Activities and the Emergency Services - Fire and Police!

So, head along to the Llangefni campus on Penmynydd Road on Saturday 11 June – you won’t be disappointed!


It will be a fantastic day out for all the family with a host of exciting, high-tech learning experiences and workshops going on to suit all tastes…from drone workshops to XPLORE slime and monster trucks! What’s more, everyone will get a free goody bag and be in with a chance of winning a pair of Beats Studio earbuds!

The fun-filled event – which takes place from 10am – 2pm - will aim to bring together the people of Llangefni and the surrounding area and give them the opportunity to find out more about the exciting plans for the campus.

As well as the community event, there will also be a careers event, which will provide you with the opportunity to speak to, and get careers advice from, representatives from a range of organisations.

The event is free, open to everyone, and is aimed at:

● School pupils in the Llangefni area looking at their options for September

● Parents who want to visit the campus to view the facilities and speak to staff

● Local residents who are interested in what the campus has to offer

● People who are interested in getting a job or starting a new career

● And finally…families who just want a fun day out!

On the day, you can try out a whole host of exciting activities, whilst tantalising your taste buds with a wide range of delicious food options.

You can tour the facilities, speak to staff about courses for September, and you’ll also be able to take part in a range of STEM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) activities including coding, robotics and engineering.

Some of the many highlights include: Ice Cream; Bouncy Castles; Dr Zigs Bubbles; F1 in Schools; Drone Workshop; Sports with Mon Actif; Building a Bird Box; Virtual Reality Activities and the Emergency Services - Fire and Police!

So, head along to the Llangefni campus on Penmynydd Road on Saturday 11 June – you won’t be disappointed!


Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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