Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Llwyddiant Ysgubol i Fyfyrwyr Lletygarwch mewn Cystadleuaeth Goginio Genedlaethol

⁠Wythnos diwethaf, enillodd myfyrwyr Arlwyo a Lletygarwch Coleg Llandrillo dros 20 o fedalau ym Mhencampwriaethau Coginio Rhyngwladol Cymru a gynhaliwyd ar gampws y Coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Roedd cogyddion o bob rhan o Gymru yn cystadlu mewn amrywiaeth o gystadlaethau yn y Pencampwriaethau a noddwyd gan sefydliadau megis ‘Bwyd a Diod Cymru’ Llywodraeth Cymru, a busnesau lleol fel Castell Howell a Chwmni Hyfforddiant Cambrian.

Cipiodd myfyrwyr Coleg Llandrillo 7 medal aur mewn cystadlaethau yn amrywio o Sgiliau Cyllyll i wneud Cawl.

Dyfarnwyd 13 o fedalau arian hefyd i ddysgwyr o’r Coleg mewn cystadlaethau gan gynnwys Sgiliau Bwyty, Coginio Pwdin Flambe, Pwdin Modern, a Chreu, Paratoi a Choginio Cyw Iâr ar gyfer Saute.

Llwyddodd y dysgwyr o gampws Llandrillo-yn-rhos hefyd i ennill gwobrau efydd a theilyngdod mewn Creu Pryd Cregynbysgod a Bwyd Môr, yn ogystal â Thorri Ffrwythau.

Cafodd Yuliia Batrak, sy'n ffoadur o Wcráin, sgôr perffaith o 100% mewn dwy gystadleuaeth sgiliau, a phenderfynwyd mai hi oedd y ‘Gorau yn y Dosbarth’ am dorri llysiau a ffrwythau yn y gystadleuaeth ‘Sgiliau Cyllell’.

Roedd Bryn Jones ac Ameria Milner hefyd y ‘Gorau yn y Dosbarth’ am ‘Baratoi a Choginio Cyw Iâr ar gyfer Saute’, yn ogystal â Ceinwen Lloyd a wobrwywyd am ei Phwdin Oer godidog.

Cynhaliwyd Cinio’r Gwobrau yng Ngwesty’r Imperial, Llandudno, lle bu cydnabyddiaeth bellach i'r cystadleuwyr gan y beirniaid a Llywydd Cymdeithas Goginio Cymru, Arwyn Watkins OBE.

⁠Enillodd Jay Rees, myfyriwr FdA Celfyddydau Coginio, wobr 'Cogydd Iau Gorau' yng Ngwobr Cogydd Cenedlaethol ac Iau Cymru, a dyfarnwyd gwobr fawreddog y ‘Coleg Gorau’ i Goleg Llandrillo.

Cafodd myfyrwyr Coleg Llandrillo hefyd eu cydnabod am safon hylendid drwy gydol y cystadlaethau, gan ennill gwobr ‘Hylendid Cyffredinol Gorau’ Ecolab.

⁠Dywedodd Glenydd Hughes, Tiwtor Lletygarwch yng Ngholeg Llandrillo:

“Roedd y myfyrwyr a gymerodd ran yn y Pencampwriaethau Coginio yn wych ac roeddent wedi gweithio’n galed iawn i baratoi – rydyn ni'n falch iawn ohonynt! Mae’r gystadleuaeth yn rhoi profiad gwych i’r dysgwyr, ac yn rhoi cyfle iddynt i fagu hyder ac i fireinio eu sgiliau yn y gegin a’r bwyty”.

The Championships, sponsored by organisations such as Welsh Government’s ‘Food and Drink Wales’, and local businesses such as Castell Howell and Cambrian Training Company, saw Chefs from across Wales compete in a variety of contests.

The Coleg Llandrillo students accumulated 7 gold medals between them, in competitions ranging from Knife Skills to Soup making.

An impressive 13 silver medals were also awarded to Coleg Llandrillo learners for competitions including Restaurant Skills, Cooking a Dessert Flambe, Modern Dessert, and Creating, Preparing and Cooking Chicken for Saute.

Bronze and merit awards were also awarded to the Rhos-on-Sea based learners in Creating a Shellfish and Seafood Dish, as well as Fruit Cutting.

Yuliia Batrak, a Ukrainian refugee achieved a perfect 100% score in two skills competitions, and won the ‘Best in Class’ in ‘Knife Skills’ in vegetable and fruit cutting.

Other ‘Best in Class’ recognitions were awarded to Bryn Jones and Ameria Milner, for their ‘Preparation and Cooking of Chicken for Saute’, as well as Ceinwen Lloyd who was awarded for her magnificent Cold Dessert.

An Awards Dinner was also hosted at The Imperial Hotel, Llandudno, where further recognitions were presented to competitors by the judges, and President of the Culinary Association of Wales, Arwyn Watkins OBE.

Jay Rees, an FdA Culinary Arts student, won the ‘Best Commis in the National and Junior Chef of Wales’ Award, whilst Coleg Llandrillo was awarded with the prestigious ‘Best College’ Award.

Coleg Llandrillo’s students were also recognised for their hygiene performance throughout the competitions, and won Ecolab’s ‘Best Hygiene Overall’ Award, too.

Glenydd Hughes, Hospitality Tutor at Coleg Llandrillo, said,

“The students who took part in the Culinary Championships were fantastic and worked very hard to prepare - we are very proud of them! The competition provides great experience for the learners, and provides an opportunity to gain confidence and to fine tune their skills in the kitchen and restaurant”.

The Championships, sponsored by organisations such as Welsh Government’s ‘Food and Drink Wales’, and local businesses such as Castell Howell and Cambrian Training Company, saw Chefs from across Wales compete in a variety of contests.

The Coleg Llandrillo students accumulated 7 gold medals between them, in competitions ranging from Knife Skills to Soup making.

An impressive 13 silver medals were also awarded to Coleg Llandrillo learners for competitions including Restaurant Skills, Cooking a Dessert Flambe, Modern Dessert, and Creating, Preparing and Cooking Chicken for Saute.

Bronze and merit awards were also awarded to the Rhos-on-Sea based learners in Creating a Shellfish and Seafood Dish, as well as Fruit Cutting.

Yuliia Batrak, a Ukrainian refugee achieved a perfect 100% score in two skills competitions, and won the ‘Best in Class’ in ‘Knife Skills’ in vegetable and fruit cutting.

Other ‘Best in Class’ recognitions were awarded to Bryn Jones and Ameria Milner, for their ‘Preparation and Cooking of Chicken for Saute’, as well as Ceinwen Lloyd who was awarded for her magnificent Cold Dessert.

An Awards Dinner was also hosted at The Imperial Hotel, Llandudno, where further recognitions were presented to competitors by the judges, and President of the Culinary Association of Wales, Arwyn Watkins OBE.

Jay Rees, an FdA Culinary Arts student, won the ‘Best Commis in the National and Junior Chef of Wales’ Award, whilst Coleg Llandrillo was awarded with the prestigious ‘Best College’ Award.

Coleg Llandrillo’s students were also recognised for their hygiene performance throughout the competitions, and won Ecolab’s ‘Best Hygiene Overall’ Award, too.

Glenydd Hughes, Hospitality Tutor at Coleg Llandrillo, said,

“The students who took part in the Culinary Championships were fantastic and worked very hard to prepare - we are very proud of them! The competition provides great experience for the learners, and provides an opportunity to gain confidence and to fine tune their skills in the kitchen and restaurant”.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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