Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Banc Lloegr ar Ymweliad â Choleg Menai

Cynhaliwyd sesiwn rhyngweithiol yn ddiweddar rhwng myfyrwyr cyrsiau Busnes, Teithio a Thwristiaeth o Goleg Menai a chynrychiolwyr o Fanc Lloegr.

Yn dilyn llwyddiant y digwyddiad diwethaf, ac er mwyn ceisio ysbrydoli pob dysgwr i gyflawni hyd eithaf eu gallu, aeth dros 30 o fyfyrwyr i'r digwyddiad a drefnwyd ar y gan Goleg Menai a Banc Lloegr.

Economi'r DU, swyddogaeth Banc Lloegr a'r Polisi Ariannol oedd rhai o'r pynciau a drafodwyd gan Stephen Hicks, Asiant Cymru a'r Athro Silvana Tenreyro, aelod o'r Pwyllgor Polisi Ariannol yn ystod y sesiwn awr o hyd.

Penodwyd Silvana Tenreyro, Athro mewn Economeg yn 'London School of Economics', yn aelod allanol o'r Pwyllgor Polisi Ariannol yn 2017. Enillodd yr Athro Tenreyro ei gradd MA a PhD mewn Economeg ym Mhrifysgol Harvard. Cyn ymuno â'r banc roedd hi'n gyd-gyfarwyddwr ac yn aelod o Fwrdd Adolygu Astudiaethau Economaidd ac yn Gadeirydd Pwyllgor Merched Cymdeithas Frenhinol Economeg.

Mae Stephen Hicks wedi gweithio fel Asiant Cymru dros Fanc Lloegr ers 2015 ac mae hynny'n golygu ei fod yn teithio ledled Cymru yn ymweld â busnesau o bob math i gasglu gwybodaeth am yr hyn sy'n digwydd ar lawr gwlad a pha heriau mae busnesau yn eu hwynebu.

Cyn y digwyddiad a gynhaliwyd yn rhithwir cyflwynodd myfyrwyr eu cwestiynau i siaradwyr ac roedd pynciau'n cynnwys effaith COVID-19, Brexit a phrinder gweithwyr ym maes twristiaeth a'r economi ehangach.

Dewiswyd y tri chwestiwn gorau gan Stephen - a'r enillwyr oedd Jennah Williams myfyriwr ar y cwrs Teithio a Thwristiaeth Lefel 3 a Lili Sheridan a Jack Roberts. Bydd y tri yn derbyn Cerdyn Anrheg Amazon.

Dywedodd Fflur Rees Jones, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol Coleg Menai, "Roedd yn sesiwn gwych a defnyddiol iawn i'n dysgwyr. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Fanc Lloegr am eu hamser ac edrychwn ymlaen at barhau i gydweithio.

Meddai Stephen Hicks, "Roedd hi'n wych i fod yn rhan o ddigwyddiad arall bel roedd cyfle i aelod o'r Pwyllgor Polisi Ariannol siarad yn uniongyrchol â dysgwyr yng Ngogledd Cymru. Roedd yn gyfle gwych i fyfyrwyr Coleg Menai a dw i'n siŵr bod sylwadau treiddgar Silvana Tenreyro wedi bod o fudd mawr i'r myfyrwyr.

Ychwanegodd Silvana Tenreyro, "Roedd hi'n braf cael ymweld â Choleg Menai. Ces i fy mhlesio'n fawr gan gwestiynau treiddgar myfyrwyr"

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y gwahanol gyrsiau Busnes a Theithio a Thwristiaeth sydd ar gael yng Nghrŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch ar ein gwefan:

Following the success of the last event, and in a bid to inspire all learners to reach their full potential, over 30 students participated in the informative event jointly organised by Coleg Menai and the Bank of England.

Stephen Hicks, Agent for Wales, and Professor Silvana Tenreyro, Monetary Policy Committee member, discussed the UK Economy, the role of the Bank of England and the role of Monetary Policy, in the hour-long session.

Silvana Tenreyro, who is Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, was appointed as an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee in 2017. Professor Tenreyro obtained her MA and PhD in Economics from Harvard University. Before joining the Bank, she was co-Director and Board member of the Review of Economic Studies and Chair of the Women’s Committee of the Royal Economics Society.

Stephen Hicks has worked as Agent for Wales within the Bank of England since 2015, which sees him travel across Wales visiting businesses - small and large - to gather information as to what’s happening on the ground, and what challenges businesses may be facing.

Ahead of the event, which was held virtually, students also submitted their own questions to ask the speakers, with question topics ranging from the impact of COVID-19, Brexit and labour shortages on tourism and the wider British economy.

The three top questions were then selected by Stephen - Jennah Williams, Level 3 Travel and Tourism student, and Lili Sheridan and Jack Robers, both studying Business, were crowned the winners and will receive Amazon Gift Cards.

Fflur Rees Jones, Assistant Principal at Coleg Menai, said, “This was a truly fantastic and enlightening session for our learners. We are very grateful to the Bank of England for their time, and look forward to continuing to work together”

Stephen Hicks, said, “It was great to be able to be involved in another event where a Monetary Policy Committee member spoke directly to learners in North Wales. This was a fantastic opportunity for students from Coleg Menai, and I’m sure those who attended would have benefited enormously from Silvana Tenreyro’s insights.”

Silvana Tenreyro added, ““It was wonderful to visit Coleg Menai. I was most impressed by the thoughtful questions from students”

To find out more about the Business and Travel & Tourism courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, please visit our website:


Following the success of the last event, and in a bid to inspire all learners to reach their full potential, over 30 students participated in the informative event jointly organised by Coleg Menai and the Bank of England.

Stephen Hicks, Agent for Wales, and Professor Silvana Tenreyro, Monetary Policy Committee member, discussed the UK Economy, the role of the Bank of England and the role of Monetary Policy, in the hour-long session.

Silvana Tenreyro, who is Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, was appointed as an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee in 2017. Professor Tenreyro obtained her MA and PhD in Economics from Harvard University. Before joining the Bank, she was co-Director and Board member of the Review of Economic Studies and Chair of the Women’s Committee of the Royal Economics Society.

Stephen Hicks has worked as Agent for Wales within the Bank of England since 2015, which sees him travel across Wales visiting businesses - small and large - to gather information as to what’s happening on the ground, and what challenges businesses may be facing.

Ahead of the event, which was held virtually, students also submitted their own questions to ask the speakers, with question topics ranging from the impact of COVID-19, Brexit and labour shortages on tourism and the wider British economy.

The three top questions were then selected by Stephen - Jennah Williams, Level 3 Travel and Tourism student, and Lili Sheridan and Jack Robers, both studying Business, were crowned the winners and will receive Amazon Gift Cards.

Fflur Rees Jones, Assistant Principal at Coleg Menai, said, “This was a truly fantastic and enlightening session for our learners. We are very grateful to the Bank of England for their time, and look forward to continuing to work together”

Stephen Hicks, said, “It was great to be able to be involved in another event where a Monetary Policy Committee member spoke directly to learners in North Wales. This was a fantastic opportunity for students from Coleg Menai, and I’m sure those who attended would have benefited enormously from Silvana Tenreyro’s insights.”

Silvana Tenreyro added, ““It was wonderful to visit Coleg Menai. I was most impressed by the thoughtful questions from students”

To find out more about the Business and Travel & Tourism courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, please visit our website:


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