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Llwyddiant cenedlaethol i fyfyrwyr Dolgellau yng nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.

Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod dau o fyfyrwyr ein cwrs Sgiliau Bywyd a Gwaith yn Nolgellau, sef Kamar ElHoziel a Damien Slaney yn ddiweddar wedi ennill gwobrau aur ac arian yng nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.

Nod Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru yw codi proffil sgiliau yng Nghymru a chynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr a phrentisiaid herio, meincnodi a datblygu eu sgiliau trwy gymryd rhan mewn cystadlaethau ar draws ystod o sectorau.

Wedi’u hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru a’u rhedeg gan rwydwaith o golegau a darparwyr, mae'n cynnwys cyfres o gystadlaethau lleol sy’n cydredeg â chystadlaethau WorldSkills ac anghenion economi Cymru.

Dyfarnwyd y wobr Aur i Kamar ElHoziel o Borthmadog yn y categori Sgiliau Cynhwysol, Arlwyo, sef y brif wobr genedlaethol.

Dyfarnwyd y wobr arian i Damien Slaney o Drawsfynydd yn y categori Sgiliau Cynhwysol, Gwasanaethau Bwyty.

Dywedodd Aled Jones-Griffith, Pennaeth Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

“Mae ein hadrannau Sgiliau Byw’n Annibynnol yn rhan greiddiol o'n darpariaeth ac rydym yn gwneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau cyfleoedd i'n dysgwyr ar bob lefel. Mae'r cystadlaethau hyn yn ffordd wych o ddatblygu sgiliau ac rydym yn gwerthfawrogi'r cyfle i gymryd rhan yn Sgiliau Cymru.

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Kamar a Damien ar eu llwyddiant a diolch o galon i'r holl staff a fu'n eu hyfforddi.”

Dywedodd Morfudd Pughe Richards, darlithydd ar y cwrs Sgiliau Bywyd a Gwaith.

“Rydym yn wirioneddol ymfalchïo yn llwyddiant Kamar a Damien. Mae’r ddau wedi gweithio’n eithriadol o galed er mwyn cyrraedd y pwynt hwn. Mae Kamar yn fywiog a

egni, ac mae hi hefyd yn berson creadigol iawn gyda nifer o ddiddordebau gwahanol. Mae hi wastad yn gweithio’n galed, ac mae ei hymroddiad wedi talu ar ei ganfed. Diolch i ti Kamar am ddangos ein coleg ar ei orau. Rwyt ti’n llysgennad gwirioneddol wych i bopeth sy’n dda am ein coleg ni.”

Ychwanegodd Morfudd –

“Mae Damein wastad yn gweithio’n galed, ac yn gwneud ei orau bob amser. Roedd ei frwdfrydedd at y gystadleuaeth hon yn wych, ac roedd ei waith paratoi yn fanwl iawn. Mae Damien hefyd wedi dangos beth y gallwn ni i gyd ei gyflawni drwy waith caled ac ymroddiad. Diolch i ti Damien, ti wirioneddol yn seren ac mae holl staff a myfyrwyr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn falch iawn o dy lwyddiant."

Skills Competition Wales aims to raise the profile of skills in Wales and offers students, trainees and apprentices in Wales a chance to challenge, benchmark and raise their skills by taking part in competitions across a range of sectors.

Funded by the Welsh Government and run by a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations, it consists of a series of local skills competitions, aligned to WorldSkills and the needs of the Welsh economy.

Kamar ElHoziel from Porthmadog was awarded the Gold award in the Inclusive Skills, Catering category: the top national award.

Damien Slaney from Trawsfynydd was awarded the Silver award in the Inclusive Skills, Restaurant Services category.

Aled Jones-Griffiths, Principal of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said.

“Our Independent Living Skills departments are an integral part of our provision and we make every effort to ensure opportunities for our learners at all levels. These competitions are a great way to develop skills and we value the opportunity to take part in Skills Competition Wales.

Congratulations to Kamar and Damien on their success and a big thank you to all the staff who trained them.”

Morfudd Pughe Richards, lecturer on the Skills for Life and Work course, said.

“We are truly proud of Kamar and Damien's success. Both have worked extremely hard to get to this point. Kamar is a lively, energetic and creative person with many different interests. She always works hard and her dedication has paid dividends. Thank you Kamar for showing our college at its best; you are truly a great ambassador for all that is good about our college.”

Morfudd added -

“Damien always works hard and always does his best. His enthusiasm for the competition was great, and his preparation was very detailed. Damien has also shown what we can all achieve through hard work and dedication. Thank you Damien, you are truly a star and all the staff and students of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor are very proud of your success.

Skills Competition Wales aims to raise the profile of skills in Wales and offers students, trainees and apprentices in Wales a chance to challenge, benchmark and raise their skills by taking part in competitions across a range of sectors.

Funded by the Welsh Government and run by a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations, it consists of a series of local skills competitions, aligned to WorldSkills and the needs of the Welsh economy.

Kamar ElHoziel from Porthmadog was awarded the Gold award in the Inclusive Skills, Catering category: the top national award.

Damien Slaney from Trawsfynydd was awarded the Silver award in the Inclusive Skills, Restaurant Services category.

Aled Jones-Griffiths, Principal of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said.

“Our Independent Living Skills departments are an integral part of our provision and we make every effort to ensure opportunities for our learners at all levels. These competitions are a great way to develop skills and we value the opportunity to take part in Skills Competition Wales.

Congratulations to Kamar and Damien on their success and a big thank you to all the staff who trained them.”

Morfudd Pughe Richards, lecturer on the Skills for Life and Work course, said.

“We are truly proud of Kamar and Damien's success. Both have worked extremely hard to get to this point. Kamar is a lively, energetic and creative person with many different interests. She always works hard and her dedication has paid dividends. Thank you Kamar for showing our college at its best; you are truly a great ambassador for all that is good about our college.”

Morfudd added -

“Damien always works hard and always does his best. His enthusiasm for the competition was great, and his preparation was very detailed. Damien has also shown what we can all achieve through hard work and dedication. Thank you Damien, you are truly a star and all the staff and students of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor are very proud of your success.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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