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Gwaith Cyn-fyfyriwr mewn Gŵyl Gwneuthurwyr Ffilmiau Ifanc

Mae gwaith gwneuthurwr ffilmiau addawol wedi cael ei ddangos yn yr ŵyl 'Ffilm Ifanc' eleni.

Dilynodd Gwenno Llwyd Till, o Gricieth, y cwrs Celf Sylfaen yng Ngholeg Menai rhwng 2019 a 2020, gan gwblhau ei phrosiect terfynol gartref oherwydd Covid-19.

A hithau erbyn hyn ar ei hail flwyddyn, mae Gwenno'n astudio Ffilm a Theledu yng Ngholeg Cyfathrebu Llundain (sy'n rhan o Brifysgol Celfyddydau Llundain), yn ardal Elephant and Castle.

Dewiswyd ffilm Gwenno, sef ‘Pwy Wyt Ti?’, i fod yn rhan o'r grŵp 'Ffilm Ifanc' yn gynharach eleni. Seiliodd y ffilm arni hi ei hun ac archwilia'r math o berson yw hi.

Creodd y ffilm yn y Gymraeg, gydag isdeitlau Saesneg, er mwyn ceisio hyrwyddo'r iaith, a defnyddiodd gerddoriaeth a gyfansoddwyd gan ei ffrind, Sion Garton-Jones, cyn-fyfyriwr o adran Technoleg Cerdd Coleg Menai.

Mae 'Ffilm Ifanc', a gefnogir gan Ŵyl Ffilmiau Ryngwladol Wicked Wales a Chanolfan Ffilm Cymru, yn dathlu gwneuthurwyr ffilmiau sy'n gweithio yng Nghymru neu'n hanu o Gymru ac sydd dan 26 oed. Gobeithia'r ŵyl godi proffil ffilmiau a wnaed yng Nghymru gan gyfarwyddwyr/cynhyrchwyr/awduron ifanc, gan gynnig hyfforddiant, cyfleoedd i wella sgiliau a phrofiad gwaith i aelodau grŵp Ffilm Ifanc.

Meddai Gwenno,

"Rydw i'n hynod ddiolchgar i'r tiwtoriaid ym Mharc Menai – Owein, Iwan, Miranda, Tim, a Darren – mi ges i gymaint o hwyl ar y cwrs ac mi roddodd gyfle i mi werthfawrogi gwahanol ddulliau o weithio fel artist ac o arbrofi gyda gwahanol arddulliau. Roedd yn gyfle i mi weithio ar fy liwt fy hun a chael rhyddid, ond arweiniad penodol hefyd. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl y byddwn i lle'r ydw i rŵan heb fod wedi mynychu'r cwrs!"

"Ar ôl cwblhau fy astudiaethau, rydw i'n gobeithio gweithio yn y diwydiant ffilmiau. Mi hoffwn i ganolbwyntio ar ddogfennu'r amgylchedd a'r byd sydd o'n cwmpas. Mi fyddwn i wrth fy modd yn sefydlu fy nghwmni cynhyrchu fy hun ryw ddydd, gan gyflogi merched dawnus yn y diwydiant".

I gael gwybod rhagor am 'Ffilm Ifanc', cliciwch yma.

Gwenno Llwyd Till, from Criccieth, studied Art Foundation at Coleg Menai during 2019 - 2020, and due to COVID-19 completed her final project from home due.

Now in her second year of university, Gwenno is studying Film and Television at the London College of Communication in Elephant and Castle (part of University of the Arts London).

Gwenno’s film ‘Who Are You?’, was selected to form part of the ‘Ffilm Ifanc’ group earlier this year. The film is based on herself and explores the person that she is.

The film was created in Welsh, with English subtitles, in an attempt to promote the language, and uses music composed by Gwenno’s friend, Sion Garton-Jones, a former pupil of Coleg Menai's Music Technology department.

‘Ffilm Ifanc’, supported by Wicked Wales International Film Festival and Film Hub Wales, celebrates Welsh and Wales based filmmakers under the age of 26. The festival aims to raise the profile of films made in Wales by young directors/producers/writers whilst also offering training, upskilling and work experience to the Ffilm Ifanc group members.

Gwenno said,

“I am extremely grateful to the tutors at Parc Menai - Owein, Iwan, Miranda, Tim, and Darren - I had so much fun on the course and it gave me the opportunity to appreciate the different approaches to working as an artist and to experimenting with different styles. It was an opportunity for me to work on my own initiative and with freedom, but also specific guidance. I don't think I would be where I am now without attending the course!”

“I hope to work in the film industry following my studies. I’d like to focus on documenting the world around us and the environmental world. I would love to establish my own production company one day, with the intention of hiring talented women in the industry”.

To find out more about ‘Ffilm Ifanc’, click here.

Gwenno Llwyd Till, from Criccieth, studied Art Foundation at Coleg Menai during 2019 - 2020, and due to COVID-19 completed her final project from home due.

Now in her second year of university, Gwenno is studying Film and Television at the London College of Communication in Elephant and Castle (part of University of the Arts London).

Gwenno’s film ‘Who Are You?’, was selected to form part of the ‘Ffilm Ifanc’ group earlier this year. The film is based on herself and explores the person that she is.

The film was created in Welsh, with English subtitles, in an attempt to promote the language, and uses music composed by Gwenno’s friend, Sion Garton-Jones, a former pupil of Coleg Menai's Music Technology department.

‘Ffilm Ifanc’, supported by Wicked Wales International Film Festival and Film Hub Wales, celebrates Welsh and Wales based filmmakers under the age of 26. The festival aims to raise the profile of films made in Wales by young directors/producers/writers whilst also offering training, upskilling and work experience to the Ffilm Ifanc group members.

Gwenno said,

“I am extremely grateful to the tutors at Parc Menai - Owein, Iwan, Miranda, Tim, and Darren - I had so much fun on the course and it gave me the opportunity to appreciate the different approaches to working as an artist and to experimenting with different styles. It was an opportunity for me to work on my own initiative and with freedom, but also specific guidance. I don't think I would be where I am now without attending the course!”

“I hope to work in the film industry following my studies. I’d like to focus on documenting the world around us and the environmental world. I would love to establish my own production company one day, with the intention of hiring talented women in the industry”.

To find out more about ‘Ffilm Ifanc’, click here.