Taith gerdded o Bwllheli i Lanbedrog yn codi £600 i Blant mewn Angen
Mae myfyrwyr ar ein cwrs Gofal Plant ym Mhwllheli wedi cwblhau taith gerdded noddedig o’r Coleg i Lanbedrog er mwyn codi arian i Blant mewn Angen.
Mae’r myfyrwyr wedi llwyddo casglu £600 tuag at yr elusen. Apêl elusennol flynyddol Prydeinig ydy Plant Mewn Angen ac fe'i trefnir gan y BBC. Pob blwyddyn ers 1980, mae'r BBC wedi neilltuo un noson o raglenni ar ei brif sianel, BBC 1, ar gyfer dangos digwyddiadau wedi'u hanelu at godi arian.
Dywedodd Jane Sharp, darlithydd ar y cwrs Gofal Plant ar gampws Pwllheli.
“Mae’r adran Gofal Plant yma ym Mhwllheli yn falch iawn o ymdrech ein myfyrwyr. Mae dod o hyd i amser yng nghanol eu hastudiaethau i gwblhau sialens fel hyn yn anodd, ond yn dangos ymroddiad y myfyrwyr i achos hynod o bwysig.”
Students have successfully raised £600 for the charity. Children in Need is an annual British charity appeal organized by the BBC. Each year since 1980, the BBC has devoted one evening of programs on its main channel, BBC 1, to showcasing events aimed at fundraising.
Jane Sharp, a lecturer on the Childcare course at the Pwllheli campus, said.
“The Childcare department here in Pwllheli is very proud of the effort of our students. Finding time in the middle of their studies to complete a challenge like this is difficult, but it shows the students' dedication to a very important cause. ”